I would quite literally rather have symm as a unique and fun new hitscan/ Maybe sniper than a healer. Quite. Literally. I would rather have no beam. No ally aspect. No Barriers/ shields than healer symm.
And I’m an OG 1.0 stan. I’m in the boat of actually not favoring 2.0 because I thought 2.0 was essentially giving up on 1.0. I Like SYMM. I don’t need her to be in a role for her to be her. 2.0 could be a DPS. 2.0 Could be a tank. 1,0 could be either. What made symm is no where near a label. She is a kit. So I find it much worse to take away her one unique aspect to make her a knock off of someone else.
And I REEAAAALLLLY don’t understand why anyone who thinks 3.0 ruined her identity thinks healing wouldn’t be… idk. HERESY. You’re a symm heretic. It’s blasphemy. To the one hero who stood out in her role because of her unique way of adding value, you want to make her more like someone else? It’s heretical. Destructive. That is to kill her even more.
And so if I’m going to dumpster symm, if I’m going to flat quit on her- and DELETE her whole kit code, never to see the light of day… Well… I’d rather her be her own strong, independent hero, than a zenyatta Lite. Or Mercy 0.5.
Genuine appeal blizzard: Make symm popular. Because Popularity seems to be all that matters. You didn’t even give 1.0 a shot so there’s that. 2.0 got what… a solitary number tweak? Righteous. Symm 3.0 has been worked on more than 1.0 and 2.0 COMBINED. And you still are workshopping her?
GIVE. UP. And here’s the thing: that’s actually fine. Because at least you’ve committed to a choice and can start fresh. Don’t fenagle with something not working to what you actually want.
So say, “Sorry Hoshi, Lumi, N7ethot- We know you liked this thing, but it’s actually being discontinued. Turns out, no one likes mint ice cream with no chocolate and you’re freaks who eat basically frozen toothpaste. So we will be making more ChocoChip from now on”
That’s a thing. I can accept that. Make her for your Kephriis and your Samito? Whatever. Shoot for popularity. If symm is just a model to you, at least make her a strong, popular hero, instead of a cheap, sad, unoriginal knock off.