So the teleporter functions the same way it does now, but an extra teleporter appears in spawn. This means Symmetra can taxi a teammate back to the fight without having to leave the TP at spawn or disengage from the fight.
so when you use tp, it spawns 3 teleporters?
sounds interesting
Yup! The only problem I can see with this is Symmetra using a flanking TP and then a teammate uses it in spawn, only for said teammate to suddenly be in the enemy backlines.
So this would require communication. Teleporter currently requires a lot of communication to be used efficiently, so I think this would just amplify the coordination requirement.
interesting concept overall, but I really think tp at least for our dps Symmetra is a pretty off ability…
It doesn’t really go with her original play style and just feels awkward to use defensively…
It’s kind of ironic her beam should charge up levels only for you to run away and leave the levels behind after a second of use…
But if I need to think about tp as a support ability…
Can work as an ultimate but for a normal ability might be op concidering that it’s basically rez with longer cool down but can bring infinite players.
AND it’s easier to activate without risking your life.
Not to mantion it’s ALSO a normal tp which adds a bit of utility on top.
So overall can be a good ultimate but not on a normal ability cool down and the fact it can tp infinite players might be problematic as well…
I can see it working if it went tp 1 (teleporter in spawn) to tp 2 (where symmetra is standing) and tp 3 (where symmetra is aiming) and it went from 1, to 2, to 3, and if you teleported from 3 it would go back to 2, then 1. I would also say it needs a cooldown between tps (maybe 5 or so seconds) so that you can’t just spam it to go back to spawn, heal, and come back
alternative way to do this would be to make it impossible to tp back to the spawn room, so after a teammate tps from spawn, they wouldn’t be able to tp back into spawn, same with anyone outside of spawn
I like her current TP, I just hate that it’s infinite.
The devs said they tested infinite TP with cooldown start upon deployment and said it felt like Sym could just always use TP and it was frustrating.
But I honestly think we should at least be able to test this change once, cuz I don’t thing it will feel too opressive. I believe that Devs have just been too hard on her regarding this change.
It would pretty much just feel like old 10s TP. Not to mention Sym’s TP is her only mobility in the first place and should therefore be accessible more often.
Im familiar with 3 ways
I have an even better idea.
When you press the TP Button, you can either press left click for her Flank TP, or Right click which will spawn a TP in front of you and a TP at spawn.
The Spawn TP only has 1 charge, meaning only 1 Teammate can use it at a time. After being used, it’ll destroy itself. You can’t use it to teleport yourself to spawn.
I actually love this idea a lot !
Would the base TP have limit of how many times it can be used like old ult?
I’m not. How do you prevent the first (teleporter) from interacting (only) with the third, rather than the central one you had intended?
Tani is wholesome and innocent
It could work but not all 3 at once, it’d be too much.
Rather if you pressed the keybind again, it would swap the TP type. Secondary TP would be used for a 2 charge use from spawn, but have double the cd.
Tp 1 = 10 second cd.
Tp 2 = 20 second cd.
There’s a reason the teleporter was placed in parenthesis.
Now go read again.
Oh ye of excessive faith.
It’s coded in.
When Sym places the TP, one appears at her location and one at spawn.
Both lead to the one she placed.
I know I deserved this, but it still stings.
I was actually thinking of this, and my solution would be to:
color code the teleports something like Blue, Green, Yellow. So like Yellow leads to Green, Green to Blue, Blue to Yellow again.
Allow Sym to manually change to which exist does the entrance lead by using her mouse wheel. The tps change color in accordance
Well i have seen plenty if videos where they claim they are innocent but in reality THEY ARE GETTING THE HARDES ok i will stop now