I fear there is going to be a Sym civil war

So Sym might get reworked again with healing. While I like her as a DPS, I am also open to her having healing. However some believe she should stay a DPS while others believe she has to be a support.

Thus I fear there is going to be a big civil war between Sym players who like her as a DPS and those that like her as a support.

I got too much stuff to say so I just made this to summarize what I fear:

Personally I think both have their pros and cons, but I am more on the DPS side. Its how I like to play Sym honestly.

I really hope my fellow Sym mains don’t rip each other apart. However I probably know how ugly this will get.

Please don’t hurt each other :frowning_face:


This was always going to happen. They should have classified her as defense with the 2.0 rework and this wouldn’t even be a thing.


I see it as going beyond roles at this point.

They tried shield support sym, iterated on her twice, didn’t take.

They switched it up with 3.0 as a DPS, still didn’t take.

Why not let them try the one thing they never did, support sym with actual healing? It’s not like she’s in a great spot as is.


I’m quite excited for Symmetra 4.0 (finally with healing ability). She would become more than taxi in OWL. Also it would balance hero pool between tanks and supports (8 tanks + 8 supports with Sym)


Dps sym does not work. In owl she is still used for her tele - her support ability. To be a good dps she would need another hard rework removing whats left of her identity.

She belongs in support. She is a shield support who just needed some heal ability in any form to warrant being there


Honestly I am not sure why they did not do this to begin with. She was always the black sheep of support.

Blizzard really screwed themselves when they made it out as all support had to heal. They’d have been better off at launch to say “here are the supports, Mercy heals, lucio speeds up, zen increases damage taken, pick two”, versus “they all heal, then do other stuff”. I like the idea of a Sym support, but I don’t see any way for her to heal, and still be Sym.


I think the only “bad” way to give her healing/sustain is to do it through the turrets. That’s not engaging at all.

Personally I think the reason shield support Sym didn’t work was because of the nature of shields–they only get restored out of combat. The biggest thing healing offers is sustain during combat even while you are taking damage, but that doesn’t necessarily need to be provided through HP.

I’d give Sym her old auto lock beam on M2, removing her charged orbs, and let her “overheal” targets with shields with that beam. Essentially she would always be applying extra shield health which would act very similar to “healing” during combat. And if you give the extra shield health a small decay rate, she could juggle team members with it.

This is how you let sym “heal” without giving up on her identity as a shield hero.


Personally I don’t think they should focus on turrets either.

Her old 1.0 Photon Shields would be good but make it start as shield that slowly converts to white health. Or make it convert half their health into regenerative health.

Hardlight health packs.
Hardlight health pack spawn point that can be hacked by a friendly Sombra.
Soldiers healing spring.

I think people focus on the turrets because she already has them and they said they failed but I remember when she was being reworked into 3.0. The healing turret test came before the throwable turrets test.

There are a ton of things they can do that would stay true to Sym’s design.


that’s kind of the thing, sym was the outlier despite being a launch hero. Probably they originally thought she’d be a support thanks to her permanent overheal (and when she had it at 50 she was mandatory alongside mercy)
At this point they could reiterate on the shield support, since echo wasn’t the support we all hoped she’d be


Any long-term Sym player who prefers 3.0 is a whole :peach: weirdo.

If anyone played her from the very beginning, they would recognise her as a Support hero. Was she a healer? No, but she was still a Support in a sense that Sombra could have been one.

No one wanted her to switch roles. No one wanted her to be a damage dealer of all things. If they have to give her heals to put her back in the role she belongs in, then let it be. Because current Sym is unrecognisable as an OG Sym player.

Give me my lock on beam back (and maybe my shield gen) and I will be GM support.

Sym only

It does feel a bit like managers in different departments at work trying to offload an employee.

No no she doesnt work well on this team. Move her to your team…,

Months later: Take her back!

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I really want for her to stay as a DPS, as what Arcadium has said, ‘they should have classified her as defence with the 2.0 rework’.

I just get annoyed at the fact that so many people who don’t play Sym are literally screaming at her ‘useless kit’.


Er excuse me? Im a sym main since day 1. She is an awful dps. I play her still now - she is still one of the worst picked heros. This sums up my argument

sadly they give it to brig without even trying it to symm.

they nerfed symm shield giving on beta from 75 to 25 shield due to the fact that its making some heroes OP yet when brig was released she was doing the exact same thing plus with healing and an even more HP thru rally 150 armor. yet they never nerfed brig giving armor to 25 like they did to symm.


Wouldn’t be the first.

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Nor the last, unfortunately.

If they keep as a DPS, s can they take out sentry turrets and trace them with something else. I actually just get sad whenever I see a summon the enemy team because it’s gonna mean I’m not going to be able to contest her and the rest of her team on piont without taking 70 dmg. Mabye put something on that makes her better at dueling like an ability that overcharges her gun to lvl 3 (or makes another lvl 4 in if your already on lvl 3) for a few seconds.
Im with support on this one tho simply because we need more supports and if the make her support they remove sentry turrets and that will make the game dinner for me

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Sorry I can’t tell if you’re referring to me but either way I’m not even trying to reference you, I’m talking about other people I’ve seen on the forums, if I was talking about you I would probably have linked my post and just :eyes:

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