I don't want a healer Symmetra. Periot

I am not afriad to say it at all and nobody cannot silence me.

I think its a stupid idea to turn her into a healer.
Especially if her turrets heal.

I enjoy being strategic with her and placing turrets in surprise locations to get kills. Its much more satisfying than being a healer.

If you want her back to a support role, fine, but make her bring a ton of utility like Sym 2.0 had.

Sym 2.0 was a great support and honestly all she needed was some extra range and to be able to place turrets from far away.

Turning her into a healer will strip away her identity and you guys would cry once again about her not being Symmetra.

It makes no sense lore vise either.


Yup I think symmetra should just be the only Beam DPS to counter heroes like genji, sigma, dva. Oh and double shield


I like her as a DPS too. They just need to revert some of the older nerfs and actually buff her. More useful tp, fix her hitbox, maybe some more hp?


Well, I would totally enjoy a support Sym. Bring her on!

Turrets that heal? Why not?

Maybe bring back her shield generator?

Or something to debuff effects?


Nope just replace her TP for a personal shield, TP is what is keeping her from being good


I think sym should be the utility based support, rather than pure healing.

I do believe sym 3.0 is a great success, but some of the nerfs had killed her recently.

She doesn’t really need a dramatic rework, rather she needs number adjustments in her current kit.


I do. Periot


“Sym only uses force if necessary” “uses her photon Projector to save someone”

Yea totally not a Support mindset
3.0 could have been a success but they sorta killed her off.

Im up for anything


Are you just intentionally misspelling Period, or what?

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I actually think her turrets are what’s keeping her back. TP is her thing and I think it would be the equivalent of removing rez for mercy. No go for me…

oh chile


She will stay irrelevant garbage forever then, I suppose. Periodt.

y’all are the reason sym mains can’t have nice things


She was just fine before the recent nerfs.


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Not that I don’t mind a nice chile pepper now and again nor have I been to South America lately, spelling is important. Otherwise its hard for people to take you seriously.

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pls, everyone would adapt and steamroll her because she has zero defensive options and fat hitboxes. unless they fix that, she will be irrelevant garbage forever.

this tea is delicious

I know spelling is important but LGBT culture is also important.

What the hell does that have to do with your spelling?


Oh honey…


LGBTs have their own slang basically. Idk where it comes from, but its basically like a new language.

I miss-spelled it simply because english is not my native language.

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K good luck competing for a spot vs Genji, Ashe, Tracer or widow. Maybe in overwatch 3 sym will be meta…