"WOW SUCKS! Also i want WoW to suceed!"

Oh joy, another one of my posts flagged. Does honestly anybody really believes that if they flag me, this will change my mind? Especially since… oh, i have twitter and can save this to the wayback machine?.. :roll_eyes:

That’s not the issue and i’ve detailed this in my Op and separated what makes constructive feedback and what isn’t.

The “I want WoW to succeed” phrase is always made to excuse or justify the cognitive dissonance in the words and actions they partake that show that not being the case. Or simply put, always said after questioned on why their subbed to a game they think it sucks. Never once, i’ve seen this phrase used in good faith.

These are the same people, btw, that go on a rant, proclaiming doom and gloom for the game, essentially saying it sucks while offering not much criticism, while being antagonistic to those who disagree and categorizing them or mischaracterizing them as thinking the game is perfect (As in no flaw’s problems or anything). While still being subbed to the game they claim to hate, claim to want to succeed, and claim anybody who disagrees as shills or whatever label their feeling like that day.

While ALSO, SOMEHOW, for some BIZZARO reason, are the same guys who THEN turn around to say to me that… “All feedback is valid” when their trying to defend their unconstructive feedback. … After they dismissed me by accusing me of fanboy behavior or… “Thinking the game’s perfect”…

…Do i even need to say anything else to them at this point? I think my OPEN post history speaks for itself for the numerous of examples of this. :point_down: