[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8H Recruiting ALL for 11.1

Raid Times: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm EST

Moted is an AOTC guild focused on clearing AOTC each tier. We are a chill group of players, some of who were world top 100, but we’re looking for something more relaxed. We have a lot of fun during raid and encourage each other during the harder fights. We do not tolerate toxicity or negativity. Wiping is frustrating as is and we do not need negative attitudes bringing down team morale.

First and foremost, have fun!
We provide all major needs for our raiders. This includes cauldrons, feasts, etc. We also provide raid guild repairs for all raiders. That being said, we do still expect all raiders zone in with personals.

What we need for raid;




Open to any other classes as well!

All exceptional players welcome to apply!

If we look like a good fit for what you’re looking for, let’s chat!

(Preferred) Discord: Jaystir#1204, Bnet: Jaystir#1960
(Preferred) Discord: Aidy7495, Bnet: Aidy#11206

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Any Priest/Shaman healers looking?

Looking for more! Especially a lock :smiley:

You posted in my “LFG” thread a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been looking through everything and deciding if I was willing to go Horde and thinking, and thinking some more…lol.

I was wondering if you’re still looking for a healer and if you let “casual, non-raiding” players in and if you’d be willing to let my Horde alt raid one night so I can just see if we mesh before spending the money.

Anyway, this is me to refresh your memory…

Let me know. :slight_smile:

Looking for more ranged!

Still in the market for RDPS(clothies) and a flex healer!

Yay nature hikes!

Fun run with fun guaranteed!

Any Paly’s out there? Need a Ret and Holy, or one to do both!

Still looking for more :smiley:

Lets get those mages! <3

Mage, Ret, hello?! :wink:

Need a rogue, a ret, and a mage!

mages! where are the mages!

Still need Range DPS(emphasis on mage/lock/ele shaman)
Could also use a rogue!

Starjun – Rogue 419 Sin/Outlaw

I couldn’t find you guys on Discord, and I also have logs ready

BTag – GrizzlyBear#1335

Discord – RazzyFresh#7076

Looking for some more!

Hit us up!

Still could take on a few. Ret paly, Warlock, Shadow, Rogue…

Raid tonight!