AV Cave Rez situation

Well you see one of these things was a minor issue for horde the other one is a major issue for alliance.

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“haven’t ever been good at PvP”

Sure thing bud. Already told you why my ratings are bad on this account. Lost interest after TBC when I lost all of my progression from my brother getting the account and I had to get my own.

I didn’t feel like taking it seriously after that, so I just helped others here and there. But you do you bud…

We have all heard it before bud.

We know, I’m sure you were a gladiator on your “other” account.

Not a 1500 rated player like the others on your side.

Yep, and that’s why I’m gonna keep this thread high up hopefully. Enough changes have been made to AV that it makes sense to apply the cave change now instead of waiting until BC.

There is no logical explanation for any team to be rezzing in the cave until all their faction GYs are gone.

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This is BiS

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One of my all time favorites:

Please lay more of your AV wisdom on us.

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Alliance can win av just like a hobo can win the lottery.

You are truly an idiot if you think the current version of AV is anything close to fair. It takes an NBA level alliance team vs a highschool level horde team to win.

Man, you just really really don’t understand how effective IBGY is for horde. Which is of course how we know you’re terrible at pvp.

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That was your takeaway from the sampling of your hypocrisy?

I never claimed ibgy was not effective for the horde. But please continue to espouse your wisdom about AV.

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Still waiting for your brilliant strat.

You seem to fail to grasp horde were not using this strat in vanilla as it didn’t become popular until BC. When it had the same result and blizzard actually made changes to fix it. And while your brilliant strats might work in the vanilla horde strat they don’t currently.


What you and your ilk want is a guaranteed 100% success strat that allows for the large portion of your team to not have to cease AFKing, honor leeching, leveling in the harpy cave, and rep farming.

I and others have explained what disrupts the horde forces, separating them and forcing them to deal with multiple targets, but you lot just handwave it away and continue with your proven bad strategy of standing around IBGY right next to where horde spawn in the cave, and then cry about it.

This strat is nothing like the strat used in BC, because as you were fond of bringing up before classic AV release (do you need me to cite it again?) the difference is reinforcements and the new win mechanic. That BC strat was rushing to kill balinda, and then camping en masse at IB.

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Oh he grasps it all right. He’s a troll.

No we want you to propose any strat that gets a reasonable win rate against the current horde strat. You have singularly failed to do so, although you have proposed many things that don’t work.

Right you’re proposing strats that might have been okay in vanilla when horde were not using the current meta.

It’s actually exactly the same, wipe alliance at IBGY and clear any who made it south, only instead of a hard win because of reinforcements it becomes a soft win for horde when they summon the ice guy. And that’s only in the worst case scenario where alliance end up full turtling at SHGY.

You don’t understand this because, gasp, bad grasp of how AV actually plays out.

I’d really love an explanation. It’s obvious Blizzard knows the win rate for Horde is close to 100%, so why haven’t they made this MINOR change? I would like to also hear why they removed Alliance’s only shred of hope for winning while leaving this in?

What is their thinking process? Or is this just another transparent example of their bias? Are they getting all their Horde alts to exalted before making the change? Are they never going to consider it? If not, why? If so, why wait for months?

Seriously is anyone at Blizzard at the wheel of this ship?

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I understand how effective IBGY/cave is.

I also understand how effective the bridge is, which alliance are not even remotely using properly.

Good so you don’t understand how a choke point that prevents any actual offense is not the same as a choke point where the game is effectively over by the time it comes into play.


This is my real issue, any game company that gave any amount of f’s would address an obvious imbalance regardless of root cause.

Do you understand those rams though?


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No horde cave spawn until after FWGY is hard capped. No alliance cave spawn until DB is taken. No getting sent from SFGY to DB when SHGY is ally controlled. AV can be fixed with a series of “if/then” codes.

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Cherry picking posts from '19? I view it as a positive that people can change their opinions when presented with new information.