Alterac Valley in Classic

You seem to have emphasized what proves my point… given

Except you seem not to… you have no clue how to play AV in 1.11 and no clue what the actual impact of reinforcements was. For example you seem to have no clue that if both sides zerg but one side plays just a little D and messes up the other side’s zerg that team wins but in reinforcement world that’s not the case.

Now in 1.11 that means both sides need to try to break up the others zerg, as whatever side zergs but leaves a few behind beats the side that just zerg. But in post reinforcement world that’s not the case.

In post reinforcement world horde can simply play 100% D and have an almost 100% win. You clearly were not playing when reinforcements were added if you don’t understand that.

I do, and I’ve always been in favor of blizzard offering both version of AV.