Alterac Valley in Classic

We don’t need all such fancy things. All we need is a small buff to NPCs and a bunch of landmines.

Blizzard can do it!


This is my thinking as well. This is not blizz’s first rodeo. If anyone in the world can rebuild 1.5 AV. It’s blizz.

I as well. A weekend taste or even bi-monthly 1.5 AV is better than just not having it at all.
100% with you on the #pancakes as well.

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1.12 as is, #nochange

Features present through 1.1 - 1.12 are not a change.


Aaaah, yur so cute!

If it’s not in the state it was in 1.12 it’s a change.

I don’t care which version of AV is used so long as it falls in the 1.x.x timeline. Having said that, I do enjoy needling those who feel the Classic as a whole is doomed because they’re not getting their favorite version of AV.

Also, while pancakes are great, I’m team french toast. Actually, I’m team melted butter and syrup. It’s just that french toast is the best delivery vehicle for them.

That too. What patch did DRs appear in?

Honestly, I think they were always in but I could be wrong.

What I DO know though, is that 1.12 made the DRs less harsh

  • Honorable Kills now diminish at a rate 10% per kill rather than 25% per kill.

Whenever someone posts “AV 1.5”, my brain now translates it as “early AV content”. All of the content that existed prior to 1.8. Specifying “1.5” is not doing our side of the debate any favors. It merely opens up the counter of how long the specific patch existed, which is meaningless on it’s own.

Existed beyond 1.5:

  • minefields
  • shredders
  • syndicate
  • korrak, and his quest
  • full strength npcs
  • complete number of npcs
  • larger map
  • stuff I will remember after I have my coffee…

Good point BW. Early AV content it is. It’s not the patch that we care about its the content that was removed.


Seriously, I don’t even care what they call the released version, as long as it includes all of those elements they stripped out and the rest that was neutered returned to the full strength stats. Those things existed for (if my calculations are correct) 126 days (June 6 through October 10) in live prior to removals and nerfs.


No it’s not, the same like time gating raids and loot.

BTW thanks for the last comment, it’s clear you have an agenda and your opinion can be safely ignored.


honestly as an alliance player I would appreciate horde turtleling and making the fight last forever. Then it would be like old AV lmao

I’m really curious why the idea of “no changes” is very difficult.


Well technically, 1.12 is in Vanilla’s timeline so it is no change … I think Blizzard’s thought process behind this is that 1.5 to 1.8 were not hugely popular back in the day. Participation was low. But there was not many complains about it, just not many people would play the battleground compared to Warsong. They changed AV anyway…

But as usual, Blizzard doesn’t seem to understand the concept of fun. For them, the more people see the content the better it is: LFG, LFR, multiple difficulties for raids; it is all the same idea. All the community has to be able to easily access everything. The more people has access, the better it is they think.

But it is completely wrong. Popularity is different to enjoyment. I thought they understood that for Classic. They said “Even if a handful of players enjoy Classic, we will do it”. But clearly not.


That’s based on your assumption that noone enjoyed 1.11 AV and on.

Oh I don’t say that noone enjoyed 1.11 AV and on. But most people did not enjoy 1.11 AV and on.

Have a look at the forum with web archive in 2005,2006,2007 until patch 2.3 and you can see many posts saying AV is just a boring zerg fest.

It was even worse in TBC when you needed the marks to buy gear; you had to play AV. So in order to have it done quick, the horde would let alliance win by AFKing in the cave. Patch 2.2 introduced a feature to counter the AFKing in the caves. So people would do something (or jump in the cave). Then 2.3 was introduced, horde having the advantaged for once. But the Alliance QQ on the forums, and the boycott made Blizzard changed it again in patch 2.4.

So yeah, the big majority never really enjoyed AV after 1.11 you were just required to play it.


/shrug and I recall a lot of complaining prior to 1.11 that AV was boring because it was too pve centric and slow paced. Believe it or not a lot of people did not enjoy sitting in a BG for hours and accomplishing nothing.

I was there from the beginning and do not recall seeing complaints about early AV. Nor did I see anyone complaining about it being “pve centric”. Making up stuff whole cloth to bolster a trolly agenda 15 years later seems like rotted sour grapes from the usual suspects.

We completed objectives, PVPed, and in doing so gained healthy amounts of rep and honor. Anyone who tries to say that they could not accomplish anything in early AV is a liar, or ignorant to how the BG was played and what was rewarded.