Let me start by saying that the gameplay is still fun. No issues there except for some unbalanced characters, but that is nothing new for blizzard.
I’m talking about the monetary greed it has.
Lootboxes are gone, so most items are best obtained by spending real money.
End cards, medals and leveling are gone, so the only sense of accomplishment are from seeing that battle pass meter fill.
New heroes are locked behind battle pass. Play a lot hours or spend real money to play them, or hope they are at least counterable.
I can’t help but think the game might become a chore because of this. And if they only intend to do balancing with every new battle pass season am i afraid it will be very repetitive as well.
How can this game survive like this?
Maybe I’m too old, but is this how modern games are nowadays?
I think we both know that this will most likely not be the case.
It was already bad the add the the only new support character behind a battle pass despite it already being the smallest roster and it being in dire need of new support players to bring the queue times down.
Blizzard clearly has a different goal. One that is driven by corporate greed.
Yeah, but now we have lost things from OW1, and what we get new is a pain to unlock unless you are willing to pay for it.
You are optimistic and hopeful. You have faith in the devs and this company.
I’m pessimistic and cynical. I have no faith in the devs and this company.
I do admit that I have seen them do things right, but i have also see them mess up big time. Things that could’ve been easily avoided by simply using common sense.
I consider this battle pass system a massive downgrade of the lootbox system and mistake that will backfire big time. That’s why I’m wondering if this game can survive that long.
It’s free, so people can play it whenever, and they make money from the people who are willing to pay for cosmetics and the battle pass. It’s clearly a more profitable method as proven by other large games for the multiplayer format.
Posted a guideline for an OWL OW2 earlier PVP edition During the 2 weeks between the Metro Leak, and when the OWL OW2 earlier PVP edition was announced. Notabely, I skipped pretty much all the Support reworks, except for Brig, down in the comments. Because it would cut the workload down by a lot.
after the 30 days days and hype die the game will start to bleed players
s02 will be 20% of the players existed at launch
the game gives nothing
so players will leave .
I have no idea. I don’t play them as they don’t really appeal to me (particularly the BR format, aesthetics, characters, and gameplay, etc.) but clearly they’re popular so they must be doing something right. I see some uproar against the payment methods in Fortnite, particularly with children getting involved with purchasing products irresponsibly, but it seems to make no difference in changing pricing.
I’m almost finished with the battle pass. At this point I’ve given up on trying to accomplish weekly challenges as the reward is a mere cents rather than dollar bill value.
I think after I finish the battle pass I’m done playing Overwatch 2 until next BP.
The actual game is fun but the map pool is small. It doesn’t feel rewarding to play. Halloween event is monetized, so I won’t be logging in.
I don’t understand how blizzard ent put the okay on this half attempt at a game.
They didn’t “Redefine A Sequel”
They destroyed Overwatch.
I’ve waited years for this game only for it to become stale after weeks. See you next season I guess.
to this moment i dont know how the same mother company ( activation blizzard king )
have a good game pass and gives lots of stuff can create such abomination f2p business model
what appears to me that they used the same team of team diablo immortal abomination monetization system on OW2 And this is the results
Because large publishers had dollar signs in their eyes when they seen the Asian market models, so kept pushing the model over and over until everyone got desensitized to it becoming common place. The model doesn’t even require majority acceptance, as it follows Pareto principle, vast majority of the income comes from a vary small group of addicts.
Hell even southpark called out this BS like seven years ago.