Here’s the tea about sym orbs:
- if meant to be aimed, why do they travel 25m/s which is so easily dodged in many ranges irrespective of how well one aims or predicts?
- like even at 15m it gives enemies 0.6s to reactively dodge them. most heroes can travel 3.3m > than orb splash radius i.e. can completely dodge or easily just guarantee only taking splash damage even at 15m away
- if meant to be spammed, why is there 1.25s between fully charged orbs (1s charge up, 0.25s wind down) preventing decent area coverage and simply being bad spam esp when comparing to junkrat or pharah who have like double the fire rate for similar damage per shot and same, if not faster, projectile speed?
If blizz is going ahead with the 140 damage to 120 damage orb nerf on sym, the hero that has been underperforming for a long time now, can we at least look towards compensating that with an orb projectile speed buff (even if that means reducing projectile or splash size depending on how fast you make it) to actually make it effective in midrange?
It’d be healthy for her and the game in that rewards aim with consistency and longer effective range. And such a condition for this reward is skill based i.e. not impacting lower ranks as much, and all those skill elitists, if they’re actually about skill, have no reason to not support this direction.
Also while I have your attention (hopefully), her tp NEEDS to go back to its old 3.0 finite tp cast frequency.
- Revert it please or try out Arcadium’s “tp 12s cd starts on deployment, pauses cd timer when 6s left until destruction”.
- try even lowering placement range to 20m (current 30m, old 3.0 finite tp was 25m) if team tp’s are a large concern for the above revert or suggestion for tp. tho tbh, objective past data for >1yr suggests this compensation nerf for the above is unlikely needed.
Her tp enables her burst combo enabling tool, as well as being her engagement tool AND disengagement tool. If we’re trying to make her “consistent with other heroes”, please keep your word in doing this to make her more up to standard for a hero with objectively low effective range and low sustain.