Should projectile heroes do more damage?

I thought they already did increased damage. Like if you always hit directs with Pharah the target will die EXTREMELY fast. Same with Echo, if you land your entire right click onto a squishy, they vaporize.


Not really, Splash Damage is a thing.

I think a Critical Hit multiplier for Air Shots would be cool though.


Hitscan heroes have faster times because of headshot potential

Projectile heroes do more damage because it is in fact harder to land the shots, but they also don’t all need to be picky about how the shots land. Anywhere on the body is good enough.

Hitscan heroes typically kill slower on bodyshots, but faster on headshots

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that would be a greatly accepted feature from me, maybe like a higher pitched headshot noise for every direct hit you land as pharah or something

Honestly what they have now is fine, I’d just like a straight 25% boost for hitting air shots.

Uploading custom cross hairs and sounds should be a thing tho.

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they’re often not that balanced out tho.


and then meanwhile we have hitscans like mccree that can kill more quickly or as quick as a lot of projectiles due to their firerates + also decent if not same burst all the while being more reliable because they’re undodgeable.

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To be fair, McCree has tons of flaws

Low ammo count, huge hitbox, average health type(though above average health now), abilities don’t help at range, ultimate has limited flexibility


Most projectiles can headshot, too.

Of the sixteen heroes with a projectile weapon, only four of them can’t headshot (Ana, Junkrat, Symmetra, Pharah).

The rest can.


as can be said about quite a fair few projectile heroes.

but the main point is that quite often the splash radius or projectile size doesn’t make up for the lower consistency from projectile speed or projectile arc as most may think.

like if echo’s 75m/s primary with 3 combined projectiles (i.e. decent coverage per shot) feels comfortable/aimable at like 25m-ish (and below) range to land, how do you think it’d be like trying to land direct shots (what’s important here) with like 25m/s~35m/s projectiles and how far/close they’ll need to be for it feel comfortable/aimable?

and another reference point would be the pseudo hitscans (orisa, hanzo, mei, ana) who have projectiles that are >100m/s (tho albeit small projectile size).

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symmetra would LOVEEE this. too bad they reverted the damage buff back down to 130 from 140.
I feel like it should have the splash radius and splash damage increased at least.

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I mean, projectiles shouldn’t do more damage, but hitscan should do less, yes.

Hitscan is just kind of OP in this game.


Projectiles don’t have damage falloff so that’s their plus side.

Projectiles are also easier to dodge the further the distance they travel.


Both wiki and ow gamepedia say that Symm’s orb deal 120.



I would need to think of who exactly can headshot and what benefits they have that justifies the projectile attack.

As for the ones that can’t, I assumed this post was reffering to them, as was I

Sigma too, and Zarya since you’re counting alt fires like Sym’s.
Also worth pointing out that Rein, Winston, Brig, and Moira (and Zarya/Sym primary) can’t headshot even though they’re not projectile.

There are a few projectiles with hs too (arrow, shuriken, icicle, Lucio things, Torb, Hand cannon, etc). I’m not arguing one way or another, just pointing it out.

Hmmmm I dunno about straight damage :grimacing: seeing as how spammy and hard hitting a lot of projectiles are this sounds like a nightmare for dealing with any chokes in the game. Though I guess it depends how you define air shots (ie 10 metres above ground or just not touching the ground). How about increased ult charge gain?


No, more ult isn’t going to get them picked more.

And airborne would be when you’re in the air due to a projectile knocking you up, or an ability that propels you into the air. So spam wouldn’t really help.

I really wish they would do a full revamp of melee combat and Moira beam =\ make the melee hit harder but slower and require some technique (think soul Calibre). Moira beam should do more damage when closer to centre of mass/head and less the further you’re cross hair is from the centre.

What a hilarious attempt at a “Moira rework” that was a while back :roll_eyes:

The problem with projectile heroes is that they are so hard to balance.
Many of their playstyles are based off spam, so bumping their damage too high may effect balance. Because the reality is that it is nearly impossible to predict movement for heroes over 15m away, OW heroes have too much mobility and move too fast.

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