IDDQD on McCree: I find him boring to play, he's trying to shoot people in slow mo

I’ll use sym as an example because I have it saved:

albiet an extreme case, but it definitely shows how larger projectiles don’t really make up for slow projectile speed. if we’re talking bap nades or maybe echo shots in mid range then you may have a point (emphasis on mid range). having that extra layer of inherent error which many heroes have no little control over is a significant factor here. a factor which mccree simply doesn’t have.

yeah it builds up but you’d still get spread in despite doing that. I wasn’t ignoring that burst firing when I typed that.

and that can be said for when evaluating any hero. the condition of “mccree needing to land 2~3 shots to deal >=200damage for a kill on squishy” still holds. target moves? so can mccree and his weapon isn’t as impacted by movement unlike say projectile weapons are. target has a support? well so does mccree because this isn’t an asymmetric game and not to mention mccree deals hefty burst which is more resilient to heals.

then you’re tying to fix the problem with the wrong solution. fire rate isn’t the answer here. his weapon having higher firerate isn’t going to get him better angles more often. higher firerate isn’t going to give him more sustain. higher firerate isn’t going to make his ult not trash.

I have sym as 1 of my mains and you think I wouldn’t know about how “Most other DPS have a much easier time doing their jobs due to their kits”?

My position isn’t “mccree’s perfectly fine”. but I highly disagree with the notion of “he’s trash now that his fire rate got reverted” when his weapon is actually still pretty good. again, if you want to know what an actual trash weapon is like, play sym in ffa and don’t meme with camping in a nest. all the problems you’ve mentioned has nothing to do with fire rate but rather with the rest of his kit.

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