see the below:
an extra 20 damage doesn’t compensate for how ridiculously inconsistent it is for the excessive conditions (low firerate, sniper tier charge time, legit not very aimable in many ranges due to how slow it is) it has esp when comparing to other heroes’ weapon fires, even projectile ones.
e.g. both pharah and junkrat’s projectiles deal about the same damage, but have about twice the fire rate (better spam), pretty much same splash radius and maybe even higher splash damage, not to mention pharah’s projectiles are also faster i.e. can be aimed more + longer effective range.
i.e. sym orbs are bad both as an aimed projectile weapon fire and bad as a spam projectile weapon fire. and no, small orbs don’t change that fact either considering it further means smaller size, lower damage and not to mention legit mercy pistol is better than uncharged orbs.