There you go, Sym mains

Just imagine if the buff doesn’t go live…


Low-key want it to not hit Live just so I can watch the Forums burn


I think this will silence the complaints on Sym, unless it doesn’t go live… Cuz then that would be bad…

Or if she gets heavily nerfed in a few weeks out of nowhere…

But if either don’t happen, I’ll gladly take this Sym buff and shut up lol

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Doom next pls :’( playing him is painful atm

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see below:

:thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

please choose a stance and stick with it.

if only she had her tp more available to cast like old 3.0 finite tp so she can more reasonably utilise the regen like the rest of the heroes with hp regen passive heroes, who either have barriers, range or mobility to let them more conveniently step out of fire —> into cover for regen, and then conveniently go back into engaging…

well there’s the survivability/sustain/lack of escape side of issues that I explained earlier in how sym can’t do much about them. and now here’s the dps/weapon side of it:

her weapon is legit :put_litter_in_its_place: to compared to many of the ranged hitscans, esp when pocketed and +25hp doesn’t make up for that. primary not being good for this should be self explanatory, so lets talk orbs:

if they’re legit worse than the other 2 splash projectile weapon fires, what makes you think sym is going to better compete against ranged hitscans with them assuming players of equal skill and even if sym has the +25hp? let alone a pocketed hitscan…

so again: like we’re talking about sym here. not some hitscan that can shoot back quickly that gives enemies no room to dodge shots to have more of a chance to “kill them 1st”. not some hero with instant mobility or instant sustain on cd that can actually duck into cover or recover to make living with low hp after one of the 200hp hero burst combos lands on them very meaningful. sym doesn’t have any of that before nor after this +25hp change.


They won’t because this change while helpful, isn’t quite enough. Her beam needs to be equal in range to Zarya and Echo to begin to be useful enough. A bit of extra health is just not going to do a whole lot for her due to the TTK and range issues still present.

That’ll only happen if Symmetra stays trash tier

I’m kind of confused. The hero remains F tier for four years and you blame the ppl asking for changes?

Rn tho I’m pretty sure sym mains, myself including, are in heaven, even if it’s only 25 extra shields


It’s a fair point, and why I say she may still need survivability buffs. But the difference is that now she survives, which is massive in teamplay at high elo because she can be peeled for.

You can’t peel for someone if they instantly die.

I did. Your lack of reading comprehension isn’t my problem.
“Your understanding is that Sym needs MAJOR survivability changes.
She doesn’t.”

Symmetra is supposed to be weak in 1v1s as her strength is almost entirely in the 6v6 teamfight setting.

Correct, but Symmetra was already strong on her niche maps and points.
This makes her stronger because it’s hard for her to be shut down.

Symmetra doesn’t do burst.
OWL likes burst.
Because you can’t peel for someone who instantly died
Therefore Symmetra will never see a lot of play in professional settings. However, on her reliable maps, she is reliably picked and won with for her entire kit.

Do you want Symmetra balanced to be good in high elo, or to be balanced in lowo elo? You can’t have both. Either you want her to need peel and help from her team, which only occurs in higher elos- warranting a squishier but deadlier playstyle. Or you want her to be able to do more on her own, and therefore be toned down in other aspects so she’s not overbearing.

I’m talking about creating a balanced version of Symmetra.
98% of Overwatch, is nowhere near balanced.

I’m glad we her 4 second until decay didn’t go through tho that shiz was busted

They also just buffed soldier to basically be a long range Sym primary on live… They sure love hitscan. And the nerf to laser heroes and just Sym and general never made sense to me. The 25 health buff is like a little band-aid to greater issues. It’s better then nothing but the buffs to other heroes also makes her feel net nuetral. Mostly they need to address stuff like her big hitbox, long cast times, ramp-up weapons doing enough damage in a game where you face off againt people that are getting healed with a short laser weapon (compared to Zarya)

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I mean it should be 50hp but whatever, can see how it goes.

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What is it with people thinking that you should just be satisfied with whatever shreds are sent your way, and to point out that they’re not appropriate or not that great or that you need something else, actually, is nothing but mindless complaining?

Do you really think that every Sym main that has complaints about her has no real reason for them? That they’re just doing it because it’s ‘in their blood’ ?

Because that’s nonsense, frankly, but I’m not surprised that people are so black and white about something as conceptual as problem assessment.

edit: You remind me of the chumps that are happy with the company throwing a few pennies at you when your Union would have gotten you the dollars you deserve. It’s not bad to point out when there are flaws or problems in things, and to act like it is is just… Madness, or stupidity. Take your pick.


They also gave McCree and Brig the same 25 hp buff, so it doesn’t exactly feel like tailored attention to Symmetra’s unique problems, of which there are many.

But now we’ll have people telling everyone Sym shouldn’t complain because she ‘got paid attention to’ with this generic buff that other characters also got. Mkay.

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Yes all those heroes are effectively tankier now when getting healed. And Sym has less damage then McCree to burst through it.

I’m just annoyed because yeah Sym struggles to survive, but tacking another 25 hp on her ain’t gonna cut it, chief. She needs an actual ability that she can use, as the player themselves, to help her. Like… I don’t know… A shield that pops out and saves you or something wild like that!

LOL but it’s not like she already had that or anything. And it’s not like characters who are DPS that are Torb, Reaper, Mei etc. also have ways to heal and defend themselves while simultaneously being able to do easier and more damage. No no no, I’m playing… Smoverwatch, a totally different game, I guess.

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Sym has her teleporter for that. The cast time is like 2 seconds though so she has to know she’s in danger much earlier then most heroes.

Her teleporter can easily be destroyed and, like you said, needs to be set up ahead of time to be actually useful. Does Overload need pre-coginition to work? Does Mei’s ice freeze need predictive ability to be useful? No.

So why should Sym’s TP be ‘acceptable as is’ when you basically need to be able to see the future to make it ‘work’? That’s not how balance should be.

That’s what makes her harder to play, and the fact that most people think she takes no skill is stupid. For some reason people think instant reactionary abilities> long cast times gotta pay attention to stuff abilities. She isn’t really rewarded for doing stuff as well as other heroes either. Her orbs take a second to do max damage/max size, but her smaller orbs for example aren’t any faster then her big orbs so unless you can guess the right size orbs for damage you are always better off charge the full second. (There could be interesting gameplay where you shoot smaller faster orbs that do decent damage to zone out heroes).

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Exactly, so much of her kit is Predictive - and I do honestly like that. It’s very satisfying to charge an orb and send it on it’s way having predicted the trajectory of your enemy and have it connect because they weren’t paying enough attention. But with her orbs being nerfed down to 120, her turrets not even stacking slow anymore, and being pretty weak to begin with - her gun being as terrible as it is, and her survivability being so weak, she’s just… pathetic.

I just miss that 2.0 could actually do things and survive as a HEALER when this supposed DPS incarnation of Symmetra feels half as lethal. It’s just mind boggling.

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