It’s coming ROME

Then change it. The Pope has decreed such.


Tbh for what they’ve showned from the new maps they all have a lot of exploitable high grounds. They are most likely going to be Havana, HLC and Junkertown 2.0
Also Tank’s hell…

A good concept but no specifics.
(Also not a category on there, but it’s not a standalone post).
And usually you want to get to your point pretty fast, and use resume writing approach to getting your point across in a limited amount of words. Ideally in a form that’s easy for the eyes to digest, and not just be “on that’s a giant block of text, guess I’ll ignore it”.

For instance, what sort of stats would make the orb be good.

Or are we talking something exotic, like making the orb into a HL1 tracking rocket with aimed homing.

I mean if you did that, you’d just and up with another tank hybrid hero.

Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering her Ult is tankish, and her teleporter does give a teamwide positioning advantage

Wait she’snt already dps? :eyes:

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tbf here, I have included it in multiple topics I’ve created (whether in full or partially), they simply weren’t the entire focus of the topics nor did they actually get traction esp given how they’re essays. see links below

that’d actually require me to learn how to use workshop well and actually play test it which takes far too long esp given what’s in the suggestion (esp the cd mechanic change for tp) :\

generally what I had in mind for orbs in terms of numbers is something like:

  • keep 120 max damage per orb
  • reduce max projectile size by like 30~40% to allow for projectile speed of around 50m/s or more (obvs with some compensation from projectile size or splash radius if going significantly faster).
  • consider maybe a charge time reduction to maybe 0.75s~0.8s from 1s, maintain 0.25s wind down (i.e. max firerate with 0 charge is still 4 orbs per second)

this would make orbs more aimable in midrange and actually having something that makes sense for it having charge time (i.e. if it’s low firerate which inherently encourages the player to be more precise, actually make it physically capable of being precise and actually worth being precise; kinda the logic around snipers here but obvs not making her one hence why there’s a reduction of charge time and not making orbs move too fast).

for tp, :man_shrugging: OW2 seems to be aiming to mobility creep everyone except supports so even if sym for self mobilty can instantly interact with tp upon placement and maintains 10s cd on top of the suggested new cd mechanic, idk if that’s sufficient mobility enough to keep up (esp when this also depends on effective range of orbs).

This one from May

You can just ballpark it, that’s what I do.

Also compare it to other existing projectiles

Stop being so freaking sensitive lmao chill its a sport.

Why are you in every thread telling people “to not be sensitive”.

Maybe you are the “snowflake” when “sensitive” people offend you.

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I’m not being sensitive I was just expecting a bunch of angy people to turn up but they didn’t


too many arguments happen over the silliest of things

If a single person mentions the gladiator poster, their won’t be a single person left on this planet to remember the aftermath

im not gonna argue with you and your 594837 alts.

How empty a live can be LOL

I get you. There’s only 12 years of waiting left.


But at least he didn’t miss his penalty.

oh so old news. thought I like missed something.

that’s kindaa what I did for the numbers I gave, but the problem is I’m changing a lot of things at once in terms of orbs numbers. e.g. I can’t just look at speed because projectile size is significant in determining how consistent that projectile fire is.

granted, I did come up with a way to sort of calculate that and compare with other projectiles (see reddit post below) but where I want orbs to be is still somewhat a bit novel i.e. the only low-ish firerate bursty weapon fires in this game are snipers essentially. I’m sort of aiming for something more akin to ashe but even less sniper-y whereby

  • her firerate isn’t rapid, not all that spammy, but not as bad a snipers
  • still a bit bursty with damage rather than sustained (i.e. 120 damage on projectile)
  • more about aim rather than just flinging them in a general area, but also being midrange-y —> higher projectile speed but obvs not going near hanzo, orisa or ana or icicle projectile speeds
    • which kinda puts the range to be like >=50m (depending on projectile size) and <=75m (echo primary)

would like to see how that would be :eyes:. dont know when OW2 is coming though…

Except where she is strong she is OP and where she is weak she is UP. Isn’t she the 2nd most picked in OWL now which kind of says no on the buff ideas. I suspect the devs are also well aware she is considered by many, including me, to be one of the most annoying heroes to play against and they tend to keep really annoying heroes out of the meta of the general population. I’d hate to see her played more.

Literally her only abilities are there to block damage. And she is forced to tank otherwise she maintains low charge. Yes she is a tank and if you think she’s a DPS you really lack understanding about the game.

wait WHAT??? is this true?!