Can sym orbs finally be made more aimed?

Well I think it would make a bit more of a difference, I’ll explain why.
If we lower deployment time to 1s to 0.5s and cast time from 0.5s to 0.1s.
That’s an overall reduction of 0.9s. It means if not responded to the turret will get some damage off. if it was destroyed as soon as the old turret would have deployed, that’s 30 damage about. But this isn’t what makes the change super good. It’s mainly the cast time reduction. Because this reduction frees up Symmetra to be dealing damage herself. 40% of a full charged orb or 24 beam dmg (at lowest charge). This just lets turrets be more integral to dueling and provide symmetra time to do what she needs.

Not with a reduced fire-rate I think I meant.


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Thank you, I was starting to think I remembered it wrong.

my dude… have u ever played poor sym in u life? I mean no kidding, unless u spent u life charging that laser up or poketed by a team mate that thinks “poor sym trying to duel, let me help”, she is the most sh*t at dueling in this f game, EVERIONE ELSE IN THE DPS ROLE CAN KILL FASTER then our girl symmy dear god, and u talking about killing Paharas and Echos what is this?


Can someone put in that laughing Jamison gif from Spiderman for me here? because we got a real joker all up in this bish.

Maybe he only plays against the types of Pharah’s and Echo’s that float low to the ground and stand still so you can hit them with their orb because they’re too busy trying to figure out how the rocket launcher on their arm works, I’m sure those exist in lots of games, right?

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