DPS Tier list based on consistenecy

really, you die to a genji outside of blade?

Exactly, being a Symetra main, giving her 25 more hp was really nothing. Sure now you don’t automatically dy to hog but you still really are going to be able to kill him unless the hog doesn’t see you.

Really bro… but seriously, he’s better than that and I am not the only one to say it either.

Hmmm what? Sombra should be F tier, shes extremely inconsistent: shes has only one source of mediocre DPS with a ridiculous spread and her utility can only be effective as long as your team capitalizes on it. Shes literally the oppossite, shes only useful in certain conditions.

All the characters in f tier can be used well on specific maps/comps. Mei was always a good choice on hanamura or kings row, bastion can work on pirate ship junkertown

not on Junkertown, no bunker is so easily countered by the highgrounds on first and second point. So yes then move Mei and Sym up and keep bastion down their or change what F tier means

bastion bunker hanamura A

ok sure if ya think, but then move then up a tier because there not garbage at everything they do.

or change F tiers description

I mean consistent d tier is genji who has some good maps but still is not optimal, bastion mei and sym are all unique so they are the only things you can choose for (bunker/tele/wall) so it would make sense to have them there

ok so then you change F to (F- Very Inconsistent but strong in very specific situations)

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uhhh I interpreted it as every element of their kit has a lot of inconsistency in various aspects rather than “where she’s viable”

e.g. sym orbs, despite being the least niche element of her kit, is hyper inconsistent with how slow they are.

and then tp is just poor mobility due to infinite tp cd mechanic and having a 2s deployment time makes it not as realible for escapes. primary’s the worst offender in being inconsistent in opportunities to use it. and turrets inconsistent due to all the counterability they have.

and the standard all of those abilities are held to are also inconsistent with those of other heroes.

but again… she isnt bad at EVERYTHING she touches

  • bad at range (see orbs explanation)
  • bad at midrange (see orbs explanation + fact how other weapons are better + lack of availability of her engagement + disengagement tool)
  • bad at close range (literally requires a team pocket to have a chance of this)
  • bad at utility because she’s got little control over the value from her utility (e.g. if you purely used tp for utility, it means nothing if allies don’t interact and even detrimental to sym because it’s 10s + uptime amount of time sym is playing without her core engagement, disengagement and burst combo-tool)
  • poor burst
  • poor sustain
  • legit had her core tool to make her function (tp) gimped so she’s practically playing like she has no tool for uptime most of the match time


Then how come she is the most picked DPS on control, that still makes her GOOD on control. therefor she isnt bad at EVERYTHING

legit to taxi to point for early cap —> more objective progress. then swap off when point is lost (because switching any time in the middle likely leads to 5v6 and is throwing the point). when even in the height of her deathball double shield team pocket “meta” she was on her way to being replaced by mei, reaper, df, etc. even before nerfs, it says a lot on whether if they’re picking sym for dps capability or just to tp onto point for early cap.

So then your agreeing shes good at something, Control.

also im the Sym player for my 3.8k team, we run her on 2/3 maps of Lijiang and we dont switch after tp

TIL being chosen for a VERY specific tiny aspect of one’s kit, despite all the flaws, drawbacks, and costs of everything else in their kit means they’re “good” at an entire game mode.

do you also think sym is a “good” counter to genji purely because of her primary going through deflect despite all the other factors genji has stacked against her?

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(20 characters)

ok we’re done here. basically your logic is like you could literally be given a whole pile :poop: to eat and still find it good just because the someone sprinkled 1 spec of sugar on top.

Yes, because they arent bad at everything… LMAO