🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

As pretty much the only person on the forum suggesting 50hps
(Along with a lot of charts on healing per game).

I think I might have been wrong.

The steady increase in Mercy usage between March 2017 and July 2017 probably had less to do with Mercy.
Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

And more to do with Launch Brig, and Rework Hanzo.

Launch Brig made it so you needed instakills to kill anything.

Rework Hanzo, DoubleSniper, and GravDragon, even a bit of Doom usage.

Zen was used to block GravDragon, and Mercy would Rez the Zen.

But Mercy was also used to damage boost the GravDragon.

Well, in hindsight. Brig isn’t crazy OP anymore. Hanzo isn’t crazy OP anymore. Mercy can’t damage boost deployed attacks.

Then add in that devs have done a lot of healer buffs since July 2017, including making Nanoboost heal a ton.

So yeah, 60hps would probably be fine again.

Especially now that most stats show her getting outhealed per game compared to every other main healer, and Brig (if you include armor).


I’m happy you actually created this thread :sparkling_heart:

People just have to let the MOTH TRAUMA pass and move on…


I want to say I am surprised and I admire, that you could even say it. Most people wouldn’t even be able to on the forums. <3

Anyway they can just test it out on experimental and if it turns out to be too much they can take it out again. The most frustrating part will always be that talk about how fine she is without even giving some changes a chance


I’m all for it but it’s kinda unfair that it totally 100% negates Winston’s damage. You just fly around a bit and winston can literally not kill anyone


Somehow Winston was able to kill people with 60hps and mass rez and teamwide 60hps and 4 instant rezzes and currently when she Valks as well. He will live, this helps him the most since Mercy is a dive healer. Pocketing Winston and damage boosting him, Mercy is built for that.


I think that having her at 55hps would be fine we can meet in the middle at least :slight_smile:


What If we include rez as healing?


And if not, we just give him 70dps TeslaCannon.


Then I’d say she has no utility and give her an utility buff


Why not provide him an alt fire. Charge Shot…it’s a pun ^^

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I main Mercy and it’s very rare for anyone to out heal me.

On OverBuff, Mercy is very popular through all ranks and has a greater than 50% win rate at all ranks except for bronze/silver.

There are more variables to consider than just healing output. All things considered, she is doing well and if you give her more healing then you must take something away elsewhere in order to maintain balance.


Even if we did, that’s about an extra 1200-3600 healing at best.

In some ranks I think that would put her first in heals/game. Every rank she’d be at least second…

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It never would if you count Brig armor as healing. Or if you consider Higher ranks use Lucio for speed to avoid damage in the first place. Or if you consider how much value Ana gets from antinade and how much healing she amps for her second healer. etc etc etc

Also…Mercy SHOULD heal more than everyone else. That’s her main purpose and value. She outputs ZERO damage compared to every other healer. Why should Moira do 8k damage on average when Mercy does 300 and also do 4k more healing than Mercy?


i personally really really really REALLY want her to be harder to use and not be given any more free value,

sure GA has a high skill ceeling, but thats about it, the rest of her kit is overly automatic and easy to use

i just want an F or R ability with extra stuff sprinkled on top



I really wish more people would understand that Mercy was so valuable and high picked season 9-10 because of Brig’s introduction, the Hanzo rework, and the double sniper and grav dragons metas that resulted from it. She literally fell out of pro/contenders meta before her HPS nerf patch even hit and before the other supports were even buffed when these two metas died off.

Thank you soooo much for writing this and putting this together.


Now what if you add damage and heals together?

Cause Mercy is sacrificing a lot of damage compared to other healers.


Checks the color of the moon

Well I’ll be… The GreyFalcon advocating for full 60 hps, I never thought I’d see the day… Glad to have you in the fight!


But she doesn’t get free value. Mercy comps are the easiest to punish because Mercy doesn’t have an immortality field or burst healing or an E ability that doubles her healing output. Once Mercy messes up her healing priorities there is no going back. She doesn’t take care of someone on time and yolo rez is her all she can hope for.


One person’s experience doesn’t define game balance. I also main Mercy and consistently am outhealed by every healer except Zen in GM. Even Brig outheals me literally every game, and that’s not even considering how much armor she provides on top of that.

She’s been the least picked support in the game consistently in masters+ for the last 2 years and only became picked this month because hero pools forced her to be played when they forced Ashe/Pharah into the meta and then Echo last week with no Cree/Widow banned.

Correct. And Mercy is lacking in them. Every healer outputs a LOT of damage in a game. Moira outputs 8k damage on average in GM, as well as 5k more healing than Mercy. Ana, Bap, Zen, Lucio, and Brig all output a ton of damage.

Lucio also has speed which is insanely strong for avoiding damage in the first place and making engagements faster and require less healing. His ult is also miles and above stronger than Valkyrie.

Ana has anti nade which makes her the top dog dominant support that can singlehandedly win/determine teamfights with one ability, as well as huge burst healing and a super strong ult.

Moira has more healing than Mercy, A LOT more damage output than Mercy, and arguably stays alive easier too.

Even Zen, Bap, and Brig outperform her in GM and OWL and they are considered to be weaker healers by a lot of the community. They at least have places in the meta (Bap Zen Bunker and Brig Zen Dive)

Brig literally replaced Mercy in Mercy’s only remaining good niche of dive. Now all Mercy is used for is to pocket Pharah all game. That’s not healthy.

Mercy is used as an off healer now to pocket DPS yet doesn’t have a defensive ult which makes her a risky pick. If you run Mercy Ana you have no defensive ult. If you run Mercy Zen or Mercy Lucio you have no healing. That’s her problem.

She needs more healing to be a main healer, or a better ult to be an off healer.

No you don’t. You don’t need to nerf an underpowered and underperforming healer when you give them a buff. That just results in them still being underpowered. Stop trying to force compensation buffs or nerfs into everything. This is how Orisa ended up more OP than before when the barrier patch hit, because they tried buffing her health and fortify after nerfing her shield. She just needed nerfs because she was too strong. Mercy just needs buffs because she’s too weak.