Mercy and Zen are not 2-2-2 balanced

give zen free flight and 50% discord :100:

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I mean this is lowkey true lmao

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Moth meta wont return if Rez or Valk arent touched :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry but can we please get an established Moth timeline? I only remember moth meta 1.0

thank god you aint a dev lol. i love Mercy so much, she is my most played hero and for you to think that i belong in silver/gold because i play Mercy is highly insulting and offensive. you don’t even realize how much “skill” she actually takes. Mercy is probably one of the most stressful heroes to play because you’re not just focused on yourself like DPS heroes, you have to constantly babysit 5 other heroes as well as have the lowest deaths in order to secure victory, pay attention to any flankers, make call outs, use Super Jump rez properly to successfully pull off a Rez, etc. Please compare Khaleesi BB’s Mercy gameplay to XQC’s or Daniel Fenner’s and tell me that the hero takes no skill to play whatsoever :slight_smile: I’ll wait right here.

  • Moth Meta 1.0
  • Slambulence Moira meta (pre-GOATs)
  • Moth Meta 2.0 (containing doublesniper and gravdragon)
  • GOATs meta

🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps


The fact you consider Mercy damage boosting an ultimate moth meta makes me laugh. It wasn’t even that bad, nor was played often.


I certainly hope that you also think that Rein shouldnt be top meta either due to how easy it is to play him. Rein literally takes maybe 4 IQ to play efficiently:)

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The facts are that I tracked this data from the very first day that Mercy pickrate got higher than Moira, towards the point that she got her 50hps nerf, with me being the only one talking about 50hps and her high healing per round.

Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC) - #5 by GreyFalcon-11737

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There was only one moth meta. Not every meta Mercy is in is moth


Whatever you want to call it.

Mercy Meta 3.0, would still cause GM/Pros to get very vocal and upset about it.


Some of them are very vocal in wanting another Mercy+Zen meta actually.


Gravdragon was Hanzo meta not a Mercy meta. She was the best support to pair with him when she could damage boost dragons and then slowly started getting replaced by Ana when that bug was fixed.


Not every Mercy meta is moth, its just she gets a better pickrate, its usually not even a meta. The only real Mercy meta was Moth, and MAYBE you can consider gravdragon.

I guess, but there are “some” people that want something to be meta for every hero.

Don’t think that passes for devs thinking a Mercy meta would be a more enjoyable experience for the majority of GM/Pro/OWL-Audience.

A Mercy meta in the current balance state would mean Echo dive, and I think that’s absolutely something a lot of them would want, at least for a little while

I have a billion hours on Pharah, and I don’t think they would like airborne metas.

Occasionally for some spice, sure.

But not as the dominant meta.

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Giving mercy alot of extra hps is just gonna break the support balance and also she is designed with DPS comps in mind that’s why she doesn’t shine in 2-2-2 so giving her 65 HPS or something will just break her and let’s be honest no one wants mercy to be a must pick people just want her to be viable and 65Hps will make her must pick. Think about this why pick ana with 70hps which you can miss alot over mercy with auto lock permanent ,65 HPS and most of the time ana uses her nade on herself to her alive instead mercy needs some other utility to help. Increase her skill ceiling by giving her a difficult and rewarding ability or maybe a two if you remove Rez which is basically a self stun press E ability and as for zen, he needs his speed increase a little bit or an ability where he moves faster for a few seconds that will help him alot

The reason mercy struggles is because:

  • she is a single target healer… has no AOE outside ult (which is still weaker than Moiras primary fire AOE lmao).
  • she cannot multitask or use multiple abilities or tasks at a time like every other support
  • she (even with 55hps) cannot reliably keep tanks alive
  • her one big utility (rez) is tied to a self-stun and the longest cooldown in the game and is on avg used a max of 6 times per game which is less than most ults.
  • her whole kit relies heavily on your teammates to get value
  • she does not deal her own damage

Rez on ‘e’ is holding her back. They either need to incorporate rez back into her ult OR they need to remove it completely and give her either a burst heal, aoe heal or cleanse on ‘e’ instead. One with a 12 second cooldown like every other ability in the game.


I don’t think ECHO would be as dominant as other top picked dps because of her vulnerability to hitscans. Most likely she’d be the most played but Tracer, Ashe, Sombra (league only) Widowmaker, and McCree would also see good usage too. Doomfist and Genji would also probably be decent.

If that doesn’t seem like their kind of wishlist to ya, IDK.

I actually would like to see a cleanse ability which can cleanse poison fire anti and stuff

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