✅ What if Damage Boosts didn't

What you’re looking for is called “heath gate” mehcanic.

I would gladly turn shield and armor HP into health gates.

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And Ashe who needs the nerf the least…

Specifically ranged instant kills, that can’t be retroactively peeled for.

I’d argue that they still benefit from damage boosts quite a bit, because they can play very safe and still do tons of damage. When they’re bodyshotting targets or attacking tanks, damage boosts can still accomplish a lot.

But sniping is part of the fun of playing DPS heroes, anything that disturbs it will make DPS crowd complain, “It’s a skill shot, why does it have to be this way” and stuff…

Yup, it doesn’t affect their peak damage much, but it strongly affects their uptime and in some cases their exposure.

Like the difference between Acceleration and Speed

Diminishing returns is usually a Balancing cornerstone in every game I’ve played except this one.

Real mysterious that one of the other problems people are always complaining about in this game is how “nobody ever dies” because of all the healing. Hmmmmmmm.

But I digress: Even if it doesn’t affect Widow and other one-hitters “that much”, it should be in the game anyway, because if you have heroes balanced around the capability to deal a ton of damage, they don’t need to be doing much more damage than they already are.

Sure, they don’t get nothing from it, but if I’m getting a damage boost I feel like I’ll get a lot more out of it on Echo, Pharah, 76 or Ashe.

Hanzo and Widow are likely getting a ton of overdamage, and their lower rates of fire mean there’s chance for a miss on the follow up, or escape to cover or shielding.

Still wouldn’t change how oppressive Pharmercy would be. Only difference you would see is AsheMercy.

Any Critical Hit that would KO the target without DB will not give Mercy Damage Boost credit

So you wanna nerf Mercy?


So like how FtH doesn’t headshot!
(Yes I know that with headshot it was very broken)

I think of it more as “clearing the way for Mercy buffs”

Ah yes, the case of “glass half full” and “glass half empty”

She doesn’t need any changes though.

Devs already said they are gonna do a lot of support changes, and a lot of Mercy players are unhappy with her current design.

At a minimum, 60hps might be nice.

🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

I don’t think she needs that. I doubt they will change her HPS and might change something about res maybe.

Currently she’s being outhealed per match by every other main healer, and even outhealed by Brig if you count armor as healing.

And this is after giving up a lot of firepower.

She has res and damage boost though and is one of the most mobile heros.

She’s also got a really low pickrate compared to Ana.

You’d think she should at least have a higher pickrate than Ana in Gold and Silver.