🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

and this also solves that issue,

if we add a new ability that makes her kit more complex, we can give her a burst heal ability or another utility or both we wouldnt be able to give otherwise

Too bad people are so convinced it was her HPS that had her stay in the meta for so long that they’re convinced that she’s a perfectly fine main healer at 50hps and anything higher would rocket her back to “must pick”.


Burst healing is just not Mercy. The wild spikes in her healing go against her design. That’s why I’ve always been against giving Mercy a burst heal ability. She is single target and consistent. If you get rid of rez sure you can squeeze in a burst heal but that imo will dumb her down further.

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This actually bothers me so much and anyone who thinks this drives me insane. Like, who else did they expect to be picked in Double Sniper and Grav Dragon? Moira with her lack of vertical mobility? Ana who is susceptible to dive and snipers herself and can’t heal through winston bubble/DM?

I mean Ana could have been picked to anti-nade a Grav or “boost” your team’s Trans when you got grav’d but Mercy right clicking a Hanzo was so much more reliable than trying to hit a huge nade over a Rein barrier.


doesnt have to be purely a burst, could be another utility or a HoT, i dunno,

personally what i came up with was an ability that made mercy throw her staff or something like that and make a cleanse/tiny burst heal

Had to deal with that a few to times already. One so convinced that a boost back to 60hps would make her Moth Mercy again in their eyes.

When in actuality it was her Damage Boost that kept her in the meta.


And her ability to rez snipers who died in sniper duals in the backline.

Literally, playing double sniper without Mercy put you at such a disadvantage because their Widow had 30% damage boost AND 2 lives because the Mercy could rez her safely in the backline if she lost the sniper duel. Trying to outwidow the enemy widow when you didn’t have a Mercy was so difficult.

Her healing wasn’t a factor in that at all.


Yeah but been accused of wanting “low skill high reward “ for just bumping up her heals back to 60hps.



I mean… You sound very confrontational, so I hesitate to bother with you. Still;

You see, you can waffle on and on about your feelings of how Mercy is under powered, but the facts don’t support it. She is doing well across the board, and that’s supported by the statistics. When I say that you would need to nerf Mercy in some other area if you buffed her healing, it’s not me trying to “force compensation”, it’s just how the wonderful world of balance works. She is doing well, and if you nerf/buff her in an area then you will need to nerf/buff her somewhere else.

See, this is just you listing what the other healers are capable of, and then magically coming to the conclusion that Mercy is lacking in comparison. The proof of the pudding is her performance statistics in the game, and she’s doing rather well there. Basically, you’re just brandishing your opinion about like it’s fact, but it’s not.

That’s not true.

Unless it’s your experience, right? :sweat_smile:


The facts don’t support it. The facts show her suffering for almost 2 years in masters+ as well as being the least picked healer in OWL the last 3 months even though multiple different hero bans. Pro/top500 support and non-support players such as NeptuNo, ArK, Dridro, Custa, Ml7, Frogger, Joom, Bowie, and many more have all expressed how Mercy either doesn’t heal enough, isn’t a good pick, they don’t want her on their team (it’s the tank players who say this the most), is a damage boost bot, needs more healing or a rework, etc.

And a lot of the community has expressed the same opinion. That’s stats, pros, and community. Ding ding ding, three parts of a balance system.

Just because you get gold healing as a diamond Mercy player doesn’t mean she’s good. That’s your singular experience and pretty much everything disagrees with that experience, include average healing statistics that the OP posted.

It is true. I’ve been watching consistently since her HPS nerf. As someone who is, you know, in GM it’s kind of important for me to watch how picked/usable she is in the top ranks.

In masters+, she was: lowest picked after the HPS nerf in Ana brawl. She was lowest picked during GOATS. She was lowest picked in double shield. And she’s been lowest picked until they forced her to be “meta” with Pharah and Ashe that one week with hero pools and last week with Echo (When the banned Mcree, Widow, Rein, and Brig) yet even in the Echo Flash Ops tournament last week where NO ONE was banned Mercy was the least picked support by the top teams.

Even when dive has returned in OWL the past 2 months, it’s Brig Zen dive with no Mercy at all. She’s only run with Pharah and they will literally swap off of Mercy as soon as they lose one fight to Lucio or Brig EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE VALK because just swapping is better value than staying on the hero.

My experience is backed up by stats and pro opinion :slight_smile:


idk how many more times am I gonna have to post this before people get it through their heads

This is Mercy in GM. lowest healing among main healers, lowest damage among all supports, lowest elims among all supports


And she only “outheals” Brig by 400 healing yet those stats don’t show that Brig consistently gives out like 6-8k armor a game which is essentially healing.


lol… Mercy has the lowest damage among all supports?? Heavens, say it isn’t so!

In the real world, her win rate this week is 53.33%. That’s the statistic that counts and it’s a healthy value.

No, it doesn’t. None of the statistics this month really matter considering that every week 4 of the heroes in the game are banned. Last month was even worse when they were banned Ana, Moira, Rein all together or all the hitscan in the game etc.

The last 2 years have shown consistently that Mercy is the worst support in masters+. That’s what matters.


winrate is not nearly as important as people make it out to be, because it involves other characters, not just her. you can’t carry a game as mercy, so winrate is an ineffective metric.


Yeah, Sym had the highest winrate in the game for most of it’s lifespan lmao.


I suppose what truly matters is what the designers think. Those people who look at the statistics and are striving for balance instead of actively trying to convince themselves that Mercy is in a terrible spot and in desperate need of buffs. Fortunately, those designers aren’t you, and no matter how much time you spend wallowing in an echo chamber of people complaining about their perceived vision of what’s going on is going to change that.

Mercy won’t be buffed in this way without being needing to be nerfed elsewhere because it would break the balance, regardless of what you’ve convinced yourself to believe.

Well, nothing is important if it doesn’t reinforce your preconceptions on something, right? :sweat_smile: These forums are truly ridiculous.

Winrate is never going to be super accurate since OW is a team sport. Therefore, winrate is going to be influenced by throwers, smurfs, and other variables that can’t be taken into proper account. It’s a terribly unscientific measurement of skill or value.


And they all said she’s supposed to be used as a primary healer and have the most healing per game, neither of which is reality right now.

Jeff on the old forums:

"We think the direction she’s moving in is better for everyone – Mercy mains and non-Mercy players. Having a primary healer who was hiding under a bridge telling people to “die on the point” was not our idea of optimal. We think Valkyrie is a very engaging and dynamic ultimate and Mercy’s role as a primary healer is very clear now. But resurrect is too powerful and needs to be toned down. We’re not going to throw the baby out with the bath water on this one. We’re iterating until she’s in a good place. We appreciate your patience with us while we do that."

Jeff in an Interview:
We want the top two things you notice about Mercy to be, “Oh my God, she’s an amazing throughput healer,” and “Wow, look at that mobility, she’s just flowing back and forth through the map.” And we don’t want her to be the resurrect bot that’s just erasing kills.

So the designers’ vision is not how Mercy is performing right now. :slight_smile:

No it wouldn’t, and the fact that you think that shows a lack of knowledge of this game’s balance and history. 60 HPS Mercy wasn’t OP, she was meta because of double sniper and grav dragon, which I’ve been saying for several months and which GreyFalcon has just realized in the OP. You don’t need to nerf an underperforming hero when you buff them. That doesn’t make them better, it just powershifts them to underperform in a different way.

Pro OWL players have said to give her 60 HPS. If this would make her OP and dominant why would they suggest it? Non-Mercy players don’t want her to be a mustpick yet they’ve suggested it. Top 500 Lucio player Frogger even said it on stream and if Mercy became a must pick he couldn’t play Lucio since they compete. Yet he’s intelligent about balance and knows it wouldn’t make her OP.


Yet we’ve just had someone using Mercys damage output and elims to try and present a case for her being underpowered. You didn’t quote him though, did you? :yum: I’d say that win rate is a better statistic to go from than those. At least win rate takes into account all variables that a hero brings to the game, rather than focusing on just healing, ect-ect