55hps just makes sense

It’s literally the happy medium for mercy.

And happy mediums had been done in the past: look at Ana, they nerfed her damage from 80 to 60 and then met in the middle at 70

50hps has been and arguably still is too low of healing for a main healer 60hps has been marked as too high for a hero with healing like Mercy’s (single target, consistent)

So why not 55 hps?

Some may say, “but her healing numbers are fine” True,…but that’s due to Valkyrie, valkyrie heavily inflates her healing output. Every Valk has a potential of healing 3,000 total. And it s a pretty fast charging ultimate.

So, if her numbers become too high with 55hps, we could nerf her Valk to 55 as well. That way she’s more of a reliable main heal in and out of Valkyrie.

Edit for spelling mistakes and formatting

Edit 2: another thought for visual; if for the 15 secs of Valkyrie, a mercy out of ult could heal a maximum of 750.

Valk allows her 2,250 MORE healing potential in those 15 secs. So no wonder her heal numbers are higher


i’d like 55HPS personally… and honestly I’d rather cut the valk time by 50% and add 50% to the numbers…


Honestly blizzard making compensation buffs is so rare nowadays… they just nerf and nerf u_u


Nah, 40hps just makes sense :slight_smile:


Personally, I would rather Valk just have power mode away from chain beams into main beam.

If we cut duration down and increase power it becomes more of a mini Trans and reduces damage boost ability in ult

Oh? How so?

I’m sure DPS that like to be pocketed by mercy wouldn’t find it helpful, that’s basically a zen orb

60 makes sense too.


I’d rather see the other supports get a little boost than Ana get nerfed, so I say go for it. Also please see about buffing Baptiste as he is the worst off of all.

Simple, in terms of being sarcastic, it makes sense.


As pretty much the only person on the forum suggesting 50hps, I think I might have been wrong.

The steady increase in Mercy usage between May 2017 and July 2017 probably had less to do with Mercy.

And more to do with Launch Brig, and Rework Hanzo.

Launch Brig made it so you needed instakills to kill anything.

Rework Hanzo, DoubleSniper, and GravDragon, even a bit of Doom usage.

Zen was used to block GravDragon, and Mercy would Rez the Zen.

But Mercy was also used to damage boost the GravDragon.

Well, in hindsight. Brig isn’t crazy OP anymore. Hanzo isn’t crazy OP anymore. Mercy can’t damage boost deployed attacks.

Then add in that devs have done a lot of healer buffs since July 2017, including making Nanoboost heal a ton.

So yeah, 60hps would probably be fine again.


This way of thinking seems to be the main reason that people are unhappy with Mercy’s potential healing output. The reality is, main healers aren’t a thing and, if they were, Mercy wouldn’t be one of them. She’s more of a flex support if you have to put a label on her, which we really shouldn’t be in the supports’ case. If she’s analyzed objectively, 50 HPS is just right. Only when she’s analyzed relative to other “main” supports or to past iterations of herself does it seem too low.

Finally someone realizes that Mercy was never picked for her healing. It was always either ressurect or damage boost.

Throughout every meta Mercy has gone thru and enabled… in none of them her healing was a big factor.

It was synergy between zenyatta’s discord, damageboosting dragon and gravs like you’ve already mentioned.

Yet people are still trying to prove 60 Hps to be broken just to have an excuse to leave Mercy in her WEIRD spot.

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They should just give her 60 HPS cause she’s literally the main healer but gets our healed by more than half of the support roster


You gotta admit, it was a bit hard to see in hindsight what impact Brig would have previous to GOATs though.

🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

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This is brilliant idea. Well explained too! Please devs can we just have this happy medium? I also do like valkyrie being 55hps too it’ll be a nice consistent change for mercy

exactly! 55 inside and out of valk will just make her a better main healer in my opinion