Alec pointed out that Mercy has a decent winrate at mid though highish ELOs.
But I think the devs are falling for a “correlation but not causation” statistics trap.
What the devs are seeing isn’t necessarily a “Mercy trend” in the data, so much as they are seeing a Mercy pocket on an overpowered Sojourn.
Same thing happened when they first reworked Hanzo. Mercy pickrate looked amazing, but it had more to do with Hanzo and LaunchBrig.
🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps
If we were in a Hanzo, Widow or AsheOneshot meta, you’d probably see a similar “Mercy Trend”.
The devs lie and since they hate her, they don’t want to fix it, they prefer that the bottleneck gets worse, everything gets worse and they continue mistreating the role support.
Devs are clowns.
Sojomercy is the Pharamercy of higher Elos. So when a character who is essentially a pocket for DPS that are strong in their respective ranks, it skews the data and makes her look more impressive than she actually is. Of course, it’s Mercy, being a pocket and surviving forever (Well, good Mercys survive forever) is all she’s really good for.
tldr - Nerf Sojourn more.
But for real, I did see Mercy having a big upward trend, but it was “correlation but not causation”.
🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps
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It’s def in large part due to Sojourn/Hog meta, but also Mercy will be MORE mandatory for Sojourn now that Sojourn can only one shot with damage amp
Also he claimed Mercy is the second most picked hero in GM… I’m willing to bet he’s including console pickrates in that.
I think they need to buff her a lot but give her damage boost some sort of resource meter. Its ridiculous that she only becomes viable when a good pocket candidate is viable and she’s otherwise in the bin. She needs to be given more utility outside of damage boost.
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To be fair, when you design a hero to be a pocket… It kind of makes sense you would balance them around being a pocket.
I am not a fan of the design, but it is logically sound.
I dont think its that personal chief
What does the e winrate of people who continue to play Mercy have to do with all the people who stopped playing support?
None of the supports are in a bad place.
The support role is in a bad place. And supports nearly make up a half of every match.
Mercy needs higher overall healing potential, you can do that by giving a higher Heals per sec on Targets after Guardian Angeling to them but Nerf her heal when she keeps the beam attached to one target. This way you Nerf the Pocket play-style whilst Buffing Mercy players that are good at her and enjoy switching targets and trying to keep players Up!
I’d like them to try giving her a lingering heal like Moira has. Encourage and reward better heal juggling and GA mechanics.
I dont think Mercy is in a that bad spot. There are other supports far worse so I think a small buff to her self defense potential was already a nice to have
No, Mercy is the worst support, there are no worse than her, she is the worst.
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I don’t know if this means that the devs think she’s okay, just that she’s not in a healthy enough spot to be buffed into viability.
I mean. She’s obviously garbage on her own but if there’s even one broken DPS in the game she’s gonna be there pocketing them. Meanwhile this allegedly “entry level” hero is actually trash at lower ranks, lol.
She is simply not working as intended, and I’m not sure that there’s any low-effort numbers buff they give wouldn’t just manifest itself as a balance nightmare for DPS.
She needs some actual work done on her.
What are your arguments for such bold claims?
I think it is extremely difficult to argue against Moira being the by far worst support of all
Sadly I see this too with the slap on the wrist Nerf given to Sojourn. Mercy is going to be picked because of Sojourn-pros, top500, GM, and Masters all know this but to the devs so long as her picks and wins are good then they can pat themselves on the back.
Tbh, I don’t really know what to think.
Damage boost is a problem with snipers
Damage boost is a problem with pharah
Almost makes me wonder if she shouldn’t have damage boost at all, and they should give her StaffHeal+StaffBlaster. Then give her some entirely new utility on the reload or weapon swap buttons.
That, or just make it so that headshots and splash damage can’t be damage boosted.
And gameplay like this is why I think Mercy needs a heal attached to using GA.
Well, if Mercy didn’t have damage boost, what else would you like her to have? Maybe damage resistance?
They dont hate her, but they certainly know she is struggling and are lying to pretend she isnt.
The issue is that to fix her, they need to:
And they never will. Same deal that with Sym and Brig. They will let those heroes flop for years before admitting it.
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