The mercy nerf feels AWFUL

So, just even more cautious gameplay and boosting snipers far away from combat, got it.

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It’s not that bad , did t even feel like she was nerfed lol

I agree completely. It’s certainly not my desire for Mercy. Survivability is her game for me.

It just looks to me that the Devs seem to be set on slowing her down somehow, to allow people to catch her out. Look how resistant they are to roll back their GA changes, where it’s shorter now than season 3, but only in a way that Mercy rarely uses the ability. I’m not sure the last time I ever “just” hit GA and left it at that.

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Kinda why a lot of Mercy players are so displeased with Skiesti cause she was the most vocal about the omnidirectional movement to be kept in.

Heck Aspen called it in season 1 that GA will be nerfed cause it was so strong-even though Mercy was a bottom tier pick in season 1.

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did they listen to you?


[OW2] Mercy, simplified SuperJump+Slingshot

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🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

sorry if this comes off mean falcon but the devs quite literally NEVER look at these forums, 99% chance is that they never even saw your posts

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Arguing also gets a lot more attention than theory crafting around these parts. Good or bad, informative or not, a thread gets a lot more posts when it creates controversy which doesn’t help in making a bridge of good communication.

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i mean hey 90% of these 174 replies are just arguments lol

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One of the things I already anticipated when I tried making a thread was that a wall of text with inexperienced understand of Mercy’s state and being amicable was obviously not going to be popular.

Even when putting points in purposely for the sake of argument, it is not the same as being luckily blessed by a troll who will bump your thread with 20 posts. In your case or others, this isn’t entirely the same as you, for example, have a positive reputation in the communities. Some others as well, compared to little ol’ nameless me. I am thankful for some respectful individuals sharing their inputs with me at least.

I just wish the method to actually getting something across wasn’t this long, arduous, and fruitless.

Didn’t read anything but is this another awkward fix + unasked for changes that hinder her playing experience?

Idk, you guys should have realized how they feel about her after she got a non April fools +5 ammo buff.

I would have just stopped at launch ow2 mercy with super jump being made easier and that’s it :woman_shrugging:

just reduce the amount of time GA is disabled and she’s more than fine, like literally cut it in half and that’s it, you can’t spam it and you have 1s downtime

also get rid of crouch to superjump -.- I’m one of the few who got used to directional input superjump, yes it makes you lose sight of the battle but that’s the cost of it, if there was no instant jump button she wouldn’t need nerfs

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Moira(and she can heal herself with orb)

her damage boost do almost nothing most of the time

GA make aim her heal near imposible(and the amount would need to be buffed)

exactly, everything in this comment, to be honest

if another support did 5k damage and mercy boosted 1k, then

lest 3 secs, heal orb

I literally switch to her when I’m having a hard time surviving as a mercy. but yes, she is much less problematic (irony)

mercy is my favorite because of the GA, it doesn’t heal itself, it doesn’t run away by itself, and its healing is probably the worst in the game, but at least Blizz gave us 5 more ammo,

seriously, if they keep the bullet speed change from April 1st, I would shoot a lot more, you can take the sympathetic heal, remove the DB and put a grenade effect from the ana or a desh that doesn’t need allies but the distance is smaller, or do this with a zarya-style ray that sucks life from enemies, causing damage and healing you in a small percentage, I just don’t want them to touch my GA (and the ray cure, because it’s impossible to aim no ga(okay
 it would be cool if it was like phara’s rockets, only they heal in the area, but that’s kind of Bap)

It would be comical if it were not tragic

she can’t change direction as easily as you imply, and she’s extremely easy to hit if the person can aim.

zenyatta’s passive healing is greater than hers(and his ult let him be imortal), the others manage to heal themselves (kirico has suzu and literally can teleport through the wall to try to escape).

everyone else has an ability to heal (or more)

remembering that in OW1 it was 1.5s and an of tank to help you

but now they put this Ga with placebo time, which takes longer than the previous season, and took away the extra healing she gave


just take it off and give me my GA back

at high rank people can aim, so mercy shouldn’t be a problem, probably that’s why she’s not at the top of the top supports. mercy takes pages and pages to appear,

“you are hungry, but we are not going to give you food, try to ask for something different”

tank you

bap don’t need to be in the middle of the enemy team to heal

I don’t use super jump in widow’s sight, because it’s ridiculously easy to get hit and killed there, even if her aim isn’t the best, 1.5 is much more than it seems

one shot macree combo and critical healing has broken, GA not

I use it on bronze

I’m not a game dev


not having the off tank, reduces the protection provided to supports, she can’t go back to what she was in OW1, because 5 players changed the game core too much for that

she won the position of worst pick after the change in Briguita

sad but true

this one knows what he’s talking about


same to this to. To be honest, this whole comment was perfect

I always knew that being main mercy was the final signature on the mortuary of my sanity and high esteem, but oh my

What i would like, first, the DB and the cure stay as they are. in the ult the cure increases to 65. (as it was in s3 it was unfair, but a smaller value and only during the ult I think it would be ok, if necessary, increase the time to ult)

removes the sympathetic cure, reduces the speed of the valkyrie a little for the dps to stop crying(this alone gona make her more killable)

a skill to improve healing for something around 3 to 6 seconds (like Ana’s grenade or bap’s area of healing, or moira’s healing aorb, etc)

increasing the pistol’s ammo travel speed would make mercy more offensive (although in my elo I still manage to kill unsuspecting snipers and more)

there’s a lot of mercy that doesn’t take a weapon, but that’s in low elo, like bronze and silver

don’t touch my GA


Is there only 1 way to get to the food?

you ignore all the options I gave, and you used the same gif, after passing multiple answers saying the same thing, I would say that this puppy suits you a lot

Looks like a revert, then some buffs

Or “remove damage boost and give her a grenade or dash or something. Or a Zarya laser”

Maybe a Hot Take but I think this change feels better than Season 3 Mercy did movement wise and I think it could be fine if they made the CD start earlier when you cancel it early.

It feels nice/balanced having GA on 1.5 sec CD and slingshots on a 2-ish sec CD, but feels really bad having short slingshots/SJs have an almost 3 second CD

Just simplify it to:

Normal GA CD is 1.5 sec
Slingshot GA CD is 2 sec

the end


And I still wonder why.

Don’t mind lack of offensive capabilities, but it just feels like constant cut of power budget available to Mercy.


Must be a skill issue tbh. I don’t see Mercy’s dying then and not seeing it now

I feel like the mercy healing changes affected me way more than the ga ones i feel like lost my power. The ga change didnt affect me to much i notice since i noticed my self using normal ga wihout slingshot or super jumps so overall it was a buff to MY gameplay idk if to mercy in general