(Official) Ow2 Beta 2 Patch notes:


they did it for DF in OW1.

he was beta’d with delay for his uppercut slam combo…they whiend and they reverted it.

why is it always mercy who gets treatment different from the rest of heroes?

again nobody asked for changes to her GA.

superjump was something you learned.

also fact that it more often than not got you killed (reason why it isnt used that much in highend play)

slingshot was by far a betetr mechanic as you could bounce between teammates with ease. It kept you within range of your team (as a mercy w/o team is easy kill).


Because they wanted Mercy to feel like she wasn’t flanker food, but didn’t want to double stack buffs on the 5% of Mercy users who know how to use SJ well.

Literally they are just turning a glitchy bug into a feature.

And you can try to just verbally roadblock the devs on Mercy changes, but I really really really doubt they are going to listen, given the previous history of not doing that.

So. Pretty much all the tanks got nerfs - even Rein who apparently needs a lot of help.

No sleep dart nerf for Ana.

I guess nothing has changed. I guess I can expect tanks to be hit with sledge hammer nerfs over and over again until they’re as unplayable as they are today.

Oh well.

I guess the game will never be fun again.


doom being dumpstered more and more. first they took his rollouts, and made him a tank, now theyre making him awful at tanking things glad to see crying won in the end.

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Doomfist nerf? and a few Tank nerfs. :joy:

thats the problem.

Devs DONT listen.

want proof?

Mercy 1.0 issue of mass rez…they could of just took godm doe off it and she’d never of let her team die before using it.

what do devs do?
Mercy 2.0!
Every mercy player (and non mercy players) told them not to release her as she’d be broken op…they release her anyways.

a problem they legit take a yr to “fix” (i use that term loosely as now its just a new issue) and casued players of mercy to be hated on even til today.

Dev’s just straight refuse to listen. that is the issue.

Imagine if FF14 devs didnt listen to itsp layers…the game wouldnt of survived this long.
Yet they do listen and its on of the most liked dev teams around…because they listen to the ppl who play the game and give them $ so they have jobs.

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unless ur an ana main that is.

Devs refuse to actually nerf her where needed.

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Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the devs do listen, and you’re just doing it wrong?

🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps


LMAO yea sure, make rightclickmcshoot slowly again into an op piece of :poop:

Where are the Ana nerfs?

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Where are they Mei and Roadhog buffs?

looks at healer issues going on for several years Ummmm… about that…

so by ur logic:

its MY fault devs made moth meta?
its MY fault devs didnt listen when i said it was too strong?
its MY fault devs refuse to nerf ana where its needed?
its MY fault devs nerfed DF in this beta when he was already worst tank?
its MY fault devs can’t fix sym and nerf her instead?

when its a wide spread issue many many many people agree on…mayhaps the issue isnt me or us but actually the devs?

they attempt it and have changed it drastically.

and by attempt i mean actually try stuff and not change soemthign tiny and never touch ti again for half a yr+

More like I’m just frustrated that Mercy players posts usually aren’t that constructive.

While AndyB pointed out showing the “feelings” on stuff is important, it seems like a lot of Mercy player posts often just become “all-feelings”.

Usually in a frantic tone, with dense phonebook textwalls worth of writing.

have u never visited mercy megathread at any point?

The mercy players have TRIED to leave constructive stuff for literally years.

When you realize devs just dont give 2 craps about you why bother wasting time anymore?

Let alone when we have proof devs lie about mercy stuff (how they’d keep an eye on ehr and buff if weak…they left her for liek a yr of beign awful before givign her 5hp on primary…or how jeff said hes read the mercy megathread yet his profile shows too few read to of been true)

and on non mercy relaetd stuff…

peopel give constructive nerf/balance for Ana…not just other uspprots, but tanks and dps also.

they are ignored.

DF players wanan know why they got nerfed when DF already was a selfish tank & had no killing power.
How long you wanan bet til they address those issues?

Yes I have. And a design idea that’s buried 150 posts deep might as well not exist.

For real, you gotta write it more like a Resume, or a sales pitch.

Not expecting devs to do archeological digging to find it.

…so again you blame players for action of the devs?

majoirty of those were their own thread and they forced em into the mega thread.

its their fault the posts were buried…and doesnt change how devs said they read em all.

IDK why you defend devs when they have done nothing to earn it lately.

they keep ignoring feedback with possible ways to fix it and instead do worse changes they think will work. (and they dont as again wtf reason did DF need nerfed for when he was already god awful?)

Well yeah, that sucked that they did all that merging, but you know just as well that they got swamped with non-constructive posts, so it wasn’t that different than looking for a needle in a haystack, just with threads instead of posts.

But for real, do you really think it’s offensive to suggest

  1. Try to get devs to implement the things they want to do in a way the community is okay with
  2. Give clear, concise, and recent feedback
  3. Don’t focus on saying emotionally offensive things to the devs

again…mercy megathread did that. even the early posts were constructive changes.

they only got worse as went on because it became clear devs werent paying attention or even cared.

try to tell me Mercy 2.0 was less problematic than mercy 1.0. (when all they had to do was remvoe god mode)

tell me the year of nerfing 2.0 was not wasted effort.

Tell me sym mains deserve their treatment.

Tell me DF mains deserve their treatment.

but whats that?

Junk gets trap reverted after a single beta?

Ana goes years w/o nerf when she undeniably the strongest support to exist?

Moira gets so many changes that do anything to fix issues.

etc etc.

the amount of effort/care the devs have is based on what hero its about and they have biases clearly.

also never forget jeff was a toxic player in past and raged way more than we do on ow devs to a dev in older game.

so devs should know they are gonna get negative feedback when the players arent happy. Part of beign in th role of a developer.

This is by far the worst change I have ever seen in this game’s entire history.

Why would you make something occur automatically without input from a player?

And then force players to push a button to PREVENT the automatic thing from happening?

Who approved this? Seriously. Absolutely horrible.

All they needed to do was tweak the super jump with crotch from beta 1 so she couldn’t boost herself into orbit and let the player adjust the height they jumped.

So glad I didn’t pay 40 bucks for beta access.

Why would you make Doomfist worst than he is in OW1 Blizzard ? nerfs on Doomfist were really unnecessary, power block is the most lame defense ability out of all tanks meanwhile Zarya has 36,000 bubbles, Orisa is unkillable she can stun and is immune to cc and also has a matrix which boops, absorbs damages and even ults, I hope they will reverse the changes on Doomfist because he was perfectly balanced, strong certainly but not overpowered. Doomfist doesn’t bring something to his team unlike all the other tanks, when he use power block it’s like a “CC ME PLS” sign.