Here is a fact for you

I understand your point but not sure if the quote above is a fact unless you got some proof that these folks are responsible for the improvements. It could be the X folks or YT folks.

the CM said they take feedback from several different sources, these forums being 1 but nothing said here is fully responsible for anything besides flame wars and internet thugs trying to " win " imaginary battles.

1 just today even said " he smoked me " as if it really meant that much to him/her, i let him have it and walked away, sounds like he really needed it tbh.

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I think there’s a lot of constructive feedback mixed with toxicity.

And yes there are a lot of “winning” things going on. And at the same time a lot of 'baiting" going on as well. people setting up straw men or saying purposeful triggering things to set up a debate.

I think Ben Shapiro would have fun in this milieu.

We didn’t ask them to nerf the rest of the game while they were at it, that collosal mess up was all them.

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yes, “you” did, as players were whining open world was too hard, so level scaling was nuked. so they buffed NMDs rewards, and reduced open world rewards, and normal dungeons as well as they scale.

well done and brava!

Table of Contents of my complaining posts!
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occulist = Occulist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖

I support this sentiment. We need to affirm people with constructive criticism. Not been enough of that. Also need to point out when people aren’t being constructive or helpful.

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Donut, who made those changes?


Who are you saying well done and brava to? Blizzard?

Complaining is fine. Why are you discouraging it?

I doubt you are trying to say if we complain, Blizzard will punish us so leave it alone? or do you feel blizzard is so incompetent that we shouldn’t ask for anything because it has a better change of getting worse? LOL.

the developer did, after listening to the community. sounds like youre advocating they dont listen to the community then to avoid making the game worse, so what is the purpose of complaining in the first place?

shot yourself in the foot with that post.

Donut, I don’t care if I shot myself.

I am trying to understand your point?

What are playing supposed to do if they ahve a problem with the game?

lay out their thoughts in a reasonable manner instead of kicking and crying like toddlers. the screaming hordes of children often dont understand what they actually want or are asking for, and have little to no foresight, so they should be ignored. their kicking and screaming and blizzards kneejerk reaction to nerfing half the game backfired. hopefully blizzard learned their lesson

youll find gaming forums are short on reasonable people. a rarer occurrence than francium, and much like francium, they dont last very long after taking a look around at all the crying manchildren, who end up absorbing their vibrant energetic ideas like lead and weighing everyone else down along with them with their high density and low melting point (because they are also snowflakes, but interestingly, lead also has a “low” melting point)

Yeah, but how much control can you really exist over this. I mean complaining about how people complain - I get it. I have worked customer service and managed it at one time, so I have a different view on customers and their problems and how they should be addressed.

I am an avid consumer advocate especially on the health care side. If you think this is bad…well… health care — law suits — millions of dollars and the tensions are higher.

Oh an donut, lol, it’s me “complaining” about your complaining about complaining, so lol, it is extremely deep and layered. hAHHAHA

I agree though we could as consumers be much more thougthful and respectful in our approach. I do cross the line myself probably due to the psychology behind anonymity and the internet, but it’s not okay for me to do it either. I have my moments of weakness.

Dude, you need to stop with the deliberate inflammatory rhetoric. Everything you post is intentionally confrontational.

save your pixels, time and sanity he/she is a " winner " and will type tough till you pass out or just walk away, he/she HAS to get the last word and the " victory "

then put me on the block list already

be an adult

I was just trying to work with mechanics that were already in the game, and I don’t mind them when done well. You can still have the “Immune bubbles” be interactive. Maybe instead of immunity, the random normies project a healing buff, so you either take care of them or the fight becomes longer/harder. There can be numerous ways you run mechanics to make players split up to deal with other things besides the boss.

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Nope - I will just flag each and every time you deliberately post inflmmatory language. eventually, you will get banned.

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more then likely, and after the next ban ill be back to do it again until it is permanent. maybe if in the process i kick a few of you whiner’s braincells loose and make you realize youre wasting your time arguing with me and crying about a video game on said video game forum you hate, and turn around and do something productive with your life, i can add that W to the column as well

threatening forum action is against the rules by the way

well see you next time

I do not hate the game, I am disappointed in the state of the game, and lack of communication from the developers.
Glad you realize that eventually you will be perma banned.
That wasn’t a threat, I am using the tools provided by the forum, and informing you that I am doing so because you are violating the forum guidelines.
You freely admit you are violating the guidelines, and are indifferent to the consequences.

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Well… i don’t like … haven’t used much (in wt2) ‘shields’ on sorc. But you do have to run like a mad person and strafe alot if you don’t lol. With my gear at least. Bop bop boppity bop.