Here is a fact for you

Dude, you need to stop with the deliberate inflammatory rhetoric. Everything you post is intentionally confrontational.

save your pixels, time and sanity he/she is a " winner " and will type tough till you pass out or just walk away, he/she HAS to get the last word and the " victory "

then put me on the block list already

be an adult

I was just trying to work with mechanics that were already in the game, and I don’t mind them when done well. You can still have the “Immune bubbles” be interactive. Maybe instead of immunity, the random normies project a healing buff, so you either take care of them or the fight becomes longer/harder. There can be numerous ways you run mechanics to make players split up to deal with other things besides the boss.

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Nope - I will just flag each and every time you deliberately post inflmmatory language. eventually, you will get banned.

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more then likely, and after the next ban ill be back to do it again until it is permanent. maybe if in the process i kick a few of you whiner’s braincells loose and make you realize youre wasting your time arguing with me and crying about a video game on said video game forum you hate, and turn around and do something productive with your life, i can add that W to the column as well

threatening forum action is against the rules by the way

well see you next time

I do not hate the game, I am disappointed in the state of the game, and lack of communication from the developers.
Glad you realize that eventually you will be perma banned.
That wasn’t a threat, I am using the tools provided by the forum, and informing you that I am doing so because you are violating the forum guidelines.
You freely admit you are violating the guidelines, and are indifferent to the consequences.

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Well… i don’t like … haven’t used much (in wt2) ‘shields’ on sorc. But you do have to run like a mad person and strafe alot if you don’t lol. With my gear at least. Bop bop boppity bop.

given your post history of apparent trolling youll be joining me in forum jail it seems like

whats most annoying about it is trying to play victim afterwards while concern trolling

threatening forum action is in fact, against the rules, go read them

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Again, this was not a threat. I literally told you I am using the forum tools provided to prevent your deliberate inciteful language.

nope, you threatened forum action. plain as day, troll

Here’s another fact: these cheeky mods still keep removing legit posts.

Project much dawg? You have 1656 posts of pure rambling, trolling, and gas lighting. Please go back to riding your pony.

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You are making good use of this anon as well with how you treat ppl.

If we are wasting our time posting what does this say about the person engaging those ppl like yourself on same forums? A good use of your time???

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im even more of a jagoff in real life when dealing with whining baby adults. forunately, in the real world, most of them are in their basements and not in civilized society.

you just referenced the same person twice in that post, so ill answer, they are wasting their time.

thanks for asking

That is telling you I am doing it, not threatening.


yeah its threatening forum action (the part about being banned). same with treatening to flag posts. lol read the rules kid

better luck next time troll

Spot on analysis. I’m not surprised that game and gear mechanics are confusing & opaque as that was a common complaint I had regarding D3.

In a game that is loaded with RNG if no agency is given to the player it just feels bad. Not getting good drops as the level scaling weighs you down, well gear in general feels punishing. Scanning through multiple loads of inventory in a game session for the right level gear that doesn’t have trash stats (I’m looking at you resist, barrier & overpower stats) makes me want to just sell/scrap anything and everything. So many potions that I’ll never use. Just give me the mats and let me craft what I want.

Back to the level scaling, having a slider for -5 to +5 would be fantastic so people can play what’s comfortable for their gear.

Give players agency!


this is his world, its all he has { until he boasts about how rich and how his life is fuller than all ours } just mute and move on, living in his head rent free as he drools on his KB just waiting for some1 to " battle " him… dont feed em and they will be forgotten and die

I want to ignore these players / posters but their profile is hidden, so not sure if there’s another way?