The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I know I havnt been posting my support much, I’ve taken a turn for the worse in my health (I know I know nobody asked, but docs/specialist/blood tests/scans/few hospital visits and constantly feeling weak has stopped me for being on PC, only jump on to Prog Mythic).

Ok ok but OGRES definitely should be playable, it’s long overdue, mok’nathal should come second…Ogres first even if it one headed I’ll be 100000% fine taking that. Just let me have my Ogre Shaman please… :sob:


I am very sorry to hear that. :frowning:

I hope things can and will get better for you.

Heres hoping.


Don’t worry about lack of support. Your health is much more important, and I hope you’ll be able to get better soon.

Besides, you’ve done a lot from posting here on occasions. I’m very appreciative of your support, and seeing Ogre fans in general wanting them playable is something that helps keep me going.

I can’t guarantee that anything we do here will lead to playable Horde Ogres, which is a stance I take in general with the races I support on here. However, I still feel like it’s important to keep up the support in some fashion as best as we can to show that people would love playable Horde Ogres and how awesome they would be as a playable Horde race.

Feel free to come back here every now and then, but please take it easy. We’ll still be here whenever you feel like checking on us. Don’t feel like you have to post here. As I said, just seeing other Ogre fans helps a lot in continuing what I and others are doing here. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So far, it seems that Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor did actually come out. At least from what I can tell.

My copy from Amazon US so far has been in a “preparing for shipment” status since yesterday evening. It’s getting to be late afternoon into early evening here with the same status, and despite their claim, I don’t think it’s going to be delivered to me this evening unless they incorporate some experimental Goblin speed tech or something.

On Amazon US’s product page for the book, it currently says it’s temporarily out of stock, but they are taking orders on it. I’m assuming this means that they’re expecting more shipments on it in the near future to send out.

If anything else changes, I’ll be sure to report it here. It might take a bit to actually arrive here if it does ship, which is understandable given the season, but whenever it arrives here, I’ll be sure to do some reading for a report on here ASAP. Still hoping we get at least some mention of the MU Stonemaul Clan and what they’ve been up to.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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So far, my book has been stuck in the void that is delayed shipment limbo with no ETA on delivery. Go figure.

Looking online, the only general Ogre talk I’ve seen about the book so is that the Gordunni clan is still in Feralas and is still a threat. I’m guessing they came back after the Traveler book series. I don’t know why Dire Maul wasn’t taken for the Horde in their absence, but I assume the Gordunni just walked in Dire Maul and took it back without any resistance…or presence of anyone. That’s about all I’ve seen discussed online.

To be honest, I’m debating holding off getting the book for now. General reception to the book has been…less than warm, shall we say. Mostly related to a lot of questionable writing, which I’ve seen some samples of shared online. As a result, my interest in the book has taken a bit of a nose dive, leaving me feeling like if anything is said about the Horde Ogre clans, it might not exactly be in their favor. This is assuming any mention of the Horde Ogre clans is in the book at all.

I still plan to get the book at some point, since I try not to leave any stones unturned when it comes to anything potentially related to the Horde Ogre clans. Amazon US often has a Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal occasionally that I’m sure it’ll eventually be a part of, which is likely when I’d consider getting it.

I’ll give it some thought for now. I suspect delays on more copies of the book will be coming, so I’d likely have to wait awhile anyway. Whenever I do get it, I’ll be sure to share my findings (or lack thereof).

In the meantime, if anyone happens to have the book, if you could let us know if anything is said about any of the Horde Ogre Clans (MU Stonemaul Clan, AU Stonemaul Clan, and the Dunemaul Clan) in the Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris sections (or anywhere else in the book), I’d really be appreciative if you could share in here! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Assuming Blizzard remembers their Traveler series… or if its still canon.

Yeah not sure what Blizzard was thinking with it…

How anyone whose supposed to be a lore guy could write that. Its just so against what the characters are.

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Gonna make this post in both my megathreads with the usual slight edits to make it fit the theme of the megathread this gets posted in.

The WoW Community Council forums are now up. You can see them here:

Based on my understanding, only those part of the council can post there. There is suppose to be a minimum of 100 people, with them getting cycled out every year and opening applications again around that time.

As for my own thoughts on it, I need to see what is done with it before I can really give my opinion on it. I need to see long term commitment and actual evidence that what people are posting is being listened to. Not just there of course, but also other parts of these forums as well. There has been great feedback in general across different places on the internet on different aspects of the game, and hopefully it all will get consideration as well.

If I see any posts of interests there that relates to here, I’ll be sure to share them. As for me, I opted not to apply as I want to see how the whole thing is utilized before I consider such a thing. I’m hoping good things come from it as opposed to it being a PR move, but we’ll see what happens as time goes on.

And if anyone on the council is reading this, if you could put in a good word for the race request megathreads in general, it would be greatly appreciated! You can see a list of them here within the San’layn megathread:

Hoping for the best for the WoW Council, but will keep expectations tempered as usual. As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hey !! If anyone got selected for the community council

Kindly make a post or something regarding Ogres as playable race there.

Worth a try :wink:


Haven’t seen too much on the council about that so far.

Hoping someone will push our cause eventually…

Suppose there’s always next year too…

Here’s hoping.


Aside from Horde Ogres, I’m hoping that several other races requested would get mentioned on there as well. Preferably with a link to all the race request and customization option megathreads.

It isn’t that I expect a bunch of new races to come all at once, but that I want to make sure everyone from the race request and customization megathreads gets a voice and representation of some sort.

So far, I haven’t seen anything so far of interest to new playable races in the Council forums, but it just started. We’ll see what all gets posted as time goes on. There are a lot of issues of the game to discuss, so the only thing I can do is be patient and hope for the best.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The backlash for that book seems to be growing and its had its published date pushed back again.

Probably just a matter of production being held up with the Pandemic but… I can’t help but wonder if they might be making a new addition sans the horrible portrayal of the Horde?

I hope Ogres are in it and are treated better than what I’ve seen so far.


I saw an article on Wowhead about it, along with another article about all the kerfuffle over it. It appears newer copies have been pushed back to January 25th of next year:

Looking at the complaints of the book, I would honestly expect a rewrite of it as a whole as opposed to additions to it, assuming anything is done to the book at all.

I’m still curious if anything about the Horde Ogre clans is in the book. My copy was still in limbo from Amazon US, so it’ll likely be awhile before I get to look at that book, whatever edition of it is available in the future. Still thinking I may wait for a sale or a “Buy 3 for the Price of 2” deal before I get it, though.

Of course, if anyone happens to have the book, I’d still be appreciative if you could let us know if anything is said about the Horde Ogre clans at all. Particularly in the Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris sections. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Came across a neat video where someone managed to create a Two-headed Ogre from WoW in Spore, a PC game where you create a species that goes through several stages of evolution. You can see the video here:

As you can see, that Ogre is having the time of his life. He also does some movements similar to a sumo wrestler, which looks very fitting!..I should get around to making that general sumo wrestling and Ogre sumo wrestling post in the near future when I can. It continues to sound fun and fitting the more I think about it.

Anyway, just a fun post I wanted to share. Winter Veil starts on the 16th in-game, so I’ll be taking some festive screenshots around then. Likely with a return of a Santa Ogre!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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hahaha! I remember when this was new! (Or some creatures like it). I used to play Spore all the damned time.

Even saw a Night Elf once.

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Wowhead mentioned that WoW Classic servers had Winter Veil up already, so I went and checked on our Classic MU Stonemaul friends on there.

…unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be any decorations up there at all. I’m guessing that back in the day, the majority of the inns and such in the world (of Warcraft!) didn’t get a Winter Veil makeover until possibly Cataclysm.

I’d like to imagine that the MU Stonemaul Clan got taught about it at some point after they joined the Horde. Perhaps at one point, some members of the Horde taught them about it and did some celebrations with them, and then the Stonemaul Clan started celebrating it shortly thereafter. It’s a pretty fitting thought for the season and makes for a fun story if it were true. Also helps show off one of several reasons the MU Stonemaul Clan is loyal to the Horde!

Just to note for Classic, the MU Stonemaul Clan didn’t move to Feralas yet, the Dunemaul Clan didn’t join the Horde until Cataclysm, and the AU Stonemaul Clan didn’t join until BfA, so there wasn’t really much else for me to check on Classic for the MU Stonemaul Clan other than Brackenwall Village.

And speaking of Winter Veil, that should be going live on the 16th (tomorrow at the time of this post), so I’ll be looking forward to taking some festive screenshots and spreading Winter Veil cheer over the next several days! :christmas_tree:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Winter Veil has finally arrived in-game!

As I mentioned before, I’ll be taking festive screenshots gradually when I can during the event. Whatever your plans are, I hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:


Ogres should have been released ages ago. Hope Blizzard lets us have em.


Now this is a new race that I can get behind!


This is something I think all Ogre fans will agree on. Especially given that the MU Stonemaul Clan were pretty much there right at the beginning of Thrall’s Horde settling in Durotar.

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I was thinking for my Ogre character I had in mind, I would have his reason for becoming an adventurer/champion is that he wants to do stuff for the Horde to help out the debt the MU Stonemaul Clan has for everything the Horde has done for them. Not to mention that it usually involves “bashin’ tings” and getting shinies in the form of gold, so he is pretty happy to fight for the Horde. Hopefully, we’ll see Ogres become champions of the Horde someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yes. Yes to all of this.

Chop, chop. :clap: :clap:

Get it done Blizzard. Please and thank you!