The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Were my ogre monk around he’d be traveling to see and partake of the Horde bounty this season!

It would be amazing!


Happy U.S. Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!

As you can see, the Draenor Ogre model doesn’t really sit in chairs, but can you blame him? Who can sit still where is all that delicious food in front of them!

Hoping that the Horde Ogre Clans will be able to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty and other WoW holidays someday! They’re part of the Horde and should get to enjoy all the delicious food too!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Posting in support for ogres. Still sad they are not playable on the horde for me to slay ;D


We’ll have our revenge for Shattrath being built over the ruins of Goria :rage:


As we head towards the end of the expansion to an area not really inhabited by those in the afterlife, it seems as if we won’t really run into any of the MU Stonemaul Ogre spirits we dealt with during a quest in Dustwallow Marsh.

Come to think of it, there isn’t really much Ogre presence in general in any of the Shadowlands areas we go to. The only one I’ve personally seen is that one Ogre in Revendreth who aggros anyone that comes close, unless some Ogre spirits are part of the Undying Army in Maldraxxus. Since we’re not getting any more covenant Renown levels in 9.2 and it seems to be the end of the expansion, I suspect we’ll just beat up the Jailer, have a “Shadowlands is free!!!” party moment, and then go back to the living world.

I suppose it may be as well. As I said before, I don’t really know what I would tell those MU Stonemaul Ogre spirits if they were to ask if their clan got their home back. Seems as if the jury is still out, likely taking an extended vacation on that one at this point. A bit disappointing if not really…well, I would say expected, but is that the right word if I wasn’t expecting much of anything in the first place?

On the bright side, with Shadowlands ending soon, that should mean we’ll see what comes next at some point. A new expansion is a new opportunity to see if any of the Horde Ogre clans appear to help out in any way, shape, or form. Honestly, every time I see an expansion announcement trailer, I keep some hope of seeing “New Playable Horde Race: Ogres” or something similar popping up on the screen at some point.

Whatever happens (or doesn’t happen in this particular case), I’ll be sure to report it here and keep an eye out for any Horde Ogre activity that happens to go on. Expectations will of course be tempered, but hope will always remain for better or worse.

Playable Horde Ogre support continues to march on. As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Its kinda frustrating that players want more connection to Azeroth and they’re taking us to a place that even the denizens of the Shadowlands don’t go…

The exact opposite it strikes me…

Old Gods I hope so…

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One of the many reasons I don’t care for Shadowlands is the disconnect it has from a lot of established lore and storylines in favor of a cosmic exploration that will likely be very self contained and barely mentioned again. I’m personally much more interested in seeing more of the living world (of Warcraft!) getting fleshed out and updated and also exploring parts of Azeroth we haven’t been to yet.

If I understand correctly, the Jailer is suppose to get some sort of power there to be able to change reality of some kind. Maybe I could get a hold of that power and add some races people have been wanting to see on that character creation screen for a long time! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have wanted Ogres since Vanilla. I’ve loved Ogres since W2, watching them die and decompose was so cool.

I’d switch to horde and play nothing but Ogre if they would just give us an ogre. I mean cmon there are THREE races for the furries out there. Why can’t we get Ogres?


Hoping you folks get some ogres someday still :slight_smile:

^ Lunk will always be my favorite ogre!


Ah… Imagine if all the AR folk could get ahold of that power…


The AR/Customization thread leaders become new covenant leaders/titans/celestials/what have you :rofl: That sounds like an epic story, not gonna lie. Regular contributors rise up among the most powerful entities in the universe.


I know I’d personally make some dreams come true for a lot of people by filling that space on the character creation screen! :smiley:

I always imagined Lunk hanging out in the Horde Ogre racial hub, wherever it would be, trying to teach some of the Ogres there how to avoid fighting, much to the confusion of the Ogres listening. Lunk would likely be “Hmm…dis be harder den Lunk thought…” but wouldn’t give up! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I’d make so many of the races playable. And the few that were relegated to Customization would get their own racial and heritage options.

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Wanted to wish everyone a happy December!

Whatever your plans are, I hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil this year!

Speaking of, I think the 16th is when Winter Veil begins in-game. Last year, I checked on the Horde Ogre clans, well the MU Stonemaul and Dunemaul Clans, and showed off their decorations in Retail with some screenshots here:

I’ll likely be taking some festive screenshots once Winter Veil lands in-game. And speaking of again, I took screenshots before, complete with a Santa Ogre (kinda) here:

I’ll see if I can take some more creative screenshots this year with Ogres. After all, they are part of the Horde and have done a lot for them. They deserve to join in on the festivities too!

As with every year, I’ll keep hope to see Ogres and some other races underneath my Winter Veil tree!

:japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :christmas_tree: :crocodile: :tiger2: :snake:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ve checked on my order of Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor on Amazon US, and so far, it’s still said to be coming out on December 7th.

From my understanding, there is a paper shortage, which is allegedly said to be a reason it has been delayed twice. Last time, we didn’t know it got pushed back until the day it was suppose to come out, so we’ll see what happens on the 7th. Hopefully, it’ll come out so I can look at it.

As a reminder, Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor is a book of information about alll of Kalimdor. It has Zekhan (Zappy Boy) and Rexxar walking the lands and reporting on their findings. This is especially of interest to the Horde Ogres, since they’ll have to go over Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris. With Rexxar along, I would think something would be mentioned at least about the MU Stonemaul Clan, hopefully seeing what they’re up to. Maybe we’ll see something with the AU Stonemaul Clan somewhere or possibly what Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul Clan are up to also, with any luck.

Expectations are tempered, so we’ll see what all is and isn’t in it, which I’ll report when I get the book in my hands. If the book gets delayed a third time, I’ll be sure to make a mention of that here. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see what is mentioned of the Horde Ogre clans soon, both in that book and in-game, which is long overdue.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I hope there’s some mention there…

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I would think there would be some mention at least with the MU Stonemaul Clan, since both Rexxar is there and he and Zekhan will be exploring Dustwallow Marsh.

Bare minimum, I would expect the MU Stonemaul Clan being visited, likely with Rexxar reminiscing about his time working with them as their leader for awhile. It’s a pretty important time for the Horde, with them having to attack Theramore and the faction getting stronger with the MU Stonemaul Clan joining. With luck, we might see what the MU Stonemaul Clan are up to and if they ever got their home back.

I feel like the chances of seeing Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul Clan might be low, though I would hope we’d see something of the Dunemaul Clan and them still being part of the Horde. Maybe we’d see what Megs Dreadshredder is having them do somewhere on Kalimdor.

As for the AU Stonemaul Clan, if there is any mention, I assume it would be with them having joined the MU Stonemaul Clan. I’d be surprised if it did get mentioned, as I feel like the AU Stonemaul Clan may be a forgotten part of the AU Mag’har recruitment scenario, sadly.

I’ll keep hope to see stuff on the Horde Ogre clans, but a part of me does want to keep expectations tempered. At the very least, seeing stuff on the MU Stonemaul Clan would be what I am hoping for the most. We’ll see if the book actually comes out on the 7th or not, however.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


No to playable ogres.

Yes to playable Mok’Nathal

Yes to more ogre settlements in the Horde.

No to 2-headed Mok’Nathal.

Yes to 2-headed NPC ogres only.

I don’t see why we couldn’t have both playable Ogres and Mok’Nathal. Both have been requested for a long time and would make a lot of people happy. I see no reason why one becoming playable would mean that the other wouldn’t. I say the more options on that character creation screen, the better!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Honestly if they made Mok’nathal playable and not Ogres I’d call it quits. It’s like the Alliance getting Velfs instead of Helfs.

I’m cool with playable Mok’nathal but when people have been begging for Ogres for over a decade it feels like a cheap cop-out, especially when we almost got Ogres in Cata.