The Gilgoblin/Kelfin Megathread

sad kelfin sounds


right? we have one reptile race; the dracthyr. Gilgoblin can be our first playable fish race, kinda.


If the Horde gets fish goblins, give us Saberons/ Tigons.

They’ve just been hanging out in Durotar since BFA or so, I think they even have some comments about the Horde? They’re my only hope of Kelfin coming into the game as an allied race, or at the very least a skin for Goblin, I’d prefer the allied race personally unless they can change the racials for when you’re using the skin.

The Man’ari skin for Draenei has shown that the devs can change the racial slightly with the Touch of the Naaru racial becoming green instead of blue, maybe they could do something there for the shark goblins? :crossed_fingers:

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wolves and tigers vs foxes and cows.

I’m in.

Yeah. You definately need to be able to breath underwater as a gilgoblin. Having them able to drown would just be dumb.


I’d pair them with the Jinyu I think.

Probably end up with Ankoan through those too.


Yes they should have underwater breathing or at least a very long one.


Biz, you have Horde bejeweled stone proto dorfs.

Give us Fish proto Goblins!

So it’s the new megathread for Gilboblins?

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Classes for Gilgoblin


Racial Mount for Gilgoblin


Tabard for Gilgoblin


Shaman Totem for Gilgoblin


Pet Hunter for Gilgoblin


Racial Traits for Gilgoblin



Flirt quotes for Gilgoblin


Silly quotes for Gilgoblin


Some notes:

Neri Sharpfin, Vim Brineheart, Poen Gillbrack, Mak and Friend are still waiting next to the docks at Dranosh’ar Blockade in Durotar. The Unshackled are in Durotar for some times now. Atolia Seapearl freed Lor’themar Theron, First Arcanist Thalyssra and the Horde hero in the Nazjatar Campaign. If the leaders of the Unshackled are here, maybe they want to discuss with the Horde council or with Lor’themar Theron. Maybe they even want to become a part of the Horde.



It’s the Unshackled banner. Maybe Neri Sharpfin could use this banner for playable gilgoblins. So she could keep the identity of Unshackled (old slaves with several races in their rank: Gilgoblins, Sea giants, Makrura and Murlocs) and we could have a banner for them when they will (officially) be in the Horde.


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hoping the Unshackled get to celebrate Pilgrim’s Bounty someday. Especially since they’re nearby the dining area. They should get an invite for a meal, and to join the Horde while they’re at it.

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!



I really hope that when they add the Kelfin they don’t do something foolish like add them as only customizations.

They deserve the Allied Race Treatment. They would be an amazing addition to the Horde.

Also I really want to make some Kelfin.


I agree with this sentiment whole heartedly.


In the last Kelfin megathread, I had taken some screenshots using Glyph of Disguise to show what it could look like to start off as a playable Kelfin if they were to become an Allied Race. I thought I would share them again here since it really helps to imagine how they could look like if they were playable.

The Kelfin Newbie:

A Kelfin arrived in Durotar. Climbing from the ocean, he knows to get to Orgrimmar is to find the docks and go straight ahead with the mountains on his right.

The Kelfin heads to Orgrimmar, ready to start his grand adventure on land!

The Kelfin arrives at Orgrimmar’s imposing gates. Fortune lies within!

The Kelfin looks around the area, trying to figure out how to get to the embassy.

The Kelfin asks a few nearby members of the Horde where to go. They help point him in the right direction!

The Kelfin arrives at the embassy and meets with Ji Firepaw. He gives the Kelfin some advice on where to start his adventure.

The Kelfin leaves the embassy, feeling pretty good about his future!

The Kelfin finds the command board in front of Grommash Hold. He looks through the different fliers on there to pick out where to quest!

Finally, the Kelfin shows off how proud he is to be part of the Horde. A slave no more. For the Horde!

Hopefully this becomes a reality someday. Especially since recently, there was a bit of a scare that the Kelfin could just be a Customization Race, which was supposedly debunked but still is a worry in general. They would be much better as a full race, either Allied or Core.

I’ll be taking more screenshots in the future to share as inspiration strikes!



Don’t know when we could get them. Maybe in the 13.0 but I hope we could get them sooner and as allied race. The Unshackled are still waiting to become members of the Horde.


The best time to get playable Kelfin would be when we have to inevitably deal with Azshara again. The new Warcraft wiki had this under the Dragonflight section of her wiki page:

“According to the Farscale Manifesto found in the Burrow of the Faithful, Queen Azshara called her followers from beyond the Umbral Veil, as she had since transcended the Circle of Stars. She basked in her eternal grandeur, and will return to reign over sea and sky and earth.”

With Azshara up to no good and planning since BfA, I can’t imagine the Kelfin would be thrilled to see her and her minions back and strong than before, and I doubt they would just stand idle instead of helping the Horde. Moreso since the Unshackled in general would be at risk of getting captured and forced to do heavy labor with crappy health benefits as well.

Not to mention that having an underwater race would be really useful to have when taking on Azshara. It’d also be a good time to have the Ankoan also return and become a playable Alliance race to go with it, as they would be facing the same problems that the Unshackled would be facing.

Though the question here is whether Azshara would be the big bad of a future expansion or would be one of the big bads somewhere. I don’t know if we’d see her in Midnight at all, as her links to the void were minimal at best during BfA (please correct me if I am wrong). Maybe it could be later. Maybe she’ll pop up out of no where and be all RAWR I AM THIS PATCH’S BOSS FEAR ME RRRAAWWWRRRR! Who knows? I do think we’ll eventually have to deal with her again at some point.

And with the help from the Unshackled, it’d be a good time, albeit it very late, to officially invite them into the Horde. I’m sure they’re having a grand time just sitting on that beach watching as everyone gets to go off and ride dragons and stuff…sigh…

And yes, Kelfin should be a full race as either Allied or Core. They should not be a customization race that can drown in a rain drop on concrete. Especially when we’re getting races like Earthen still. And if anything, the Earthen being playable shows that the chances of Kelfin being their own race is higher than before.

So hopefully the Unshackled aren’t forgotten and will come into the storyline sooner than later.



Winter Veil has arrived in-game! Huzzah!

And as is tradition in several megathreads I frequent, I try to take several screenshots of magical sleigh riding, which is one of my favorite Winter Veil activities! I’d chosen a Gilgoblin to be Santa Kelfin this year, off to spread holiday cheer throughout the Horde and hopefully grant the wishes of the Unshackled to come true!

Screenshots with fitting music below:

I’ll be taking some more festive screenshots when I can. Hopefully, the Unshackled will be able to join the Horde and celebrate Winter Veil someday! :japanese_goblin::christmas_tree:

-Still dreaming of the Unshackled joining the Horde with Kelfin as a full playable race! :japanese_goblin::trident:


I’d really love to have my Kelfin by now. They’re so close… just right outside the gate. Got my name set for one too. Xopil. Thinking shaman?


Which toy did you use to look like them? :open_mouth: