Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Now that Blizzard is owned by Microsoft, will you continue to make a Mac version of World of Warcraft?

For this post, I would like to ask a question from myself and some questions from the different megathread communities on these forums.

My own personal question:

Will we be able to get more character slots in the future for each account, whether they get added like before or if we can purchase more?

From the Stonemaul Ogre megathread:

Since they kinda owe the Horde quite a few favors and they would be very helpful in what is coming up, will we see the three Horde Ogre clans (MU Stonemaul Clan, AU Stonemaul Clan, and Dunemaul Clan) assist us in the near future?

From the Saurok megathread:

Since we’ve seen Saurok evolve, work with other races, and travel the seas to different continents and islands, and that there is a pretty big titan theme in the next few expansions, will potentially we see a friendly tribe of Saurok to ally with in the near future?

From the San’layn megathread:

Given the mention of tribes of Elves, going back to Northrend, and that they were offered to join the Horde in BfA, will we see more of the San’layn in the future and work with them in the near future?

From the Saberon megathread:

Since it has been quite some time since Botani and Saberon came with us in the Mag’har unlock scenario, will we eventually deal with the growing Botani threat in the Barrens and work with the Saberon to get rid of it?

From the Furbolg megathread:

Any chance we’ll see more of the Furbolg on the Dragon Isles in the remainder of Dragonflight patches, given that the Winterpelt was looking for more allies and that Night Elves have been long time allies to Furbolg in general?

From the Kelfin and Jinyu/Ankoan megathreads:

Since the Unshackled have been hanging around on the shores of Durotar since the end of BfA and that Azshara is still out there and likely up to no good, will we see more of them and the Ankoan in the future when she becomes a threat again?

From the Arakkoa megathread:

Since there will be a theme on void and shadows in the upcoming expansions, will we see any Arakkoa, either from Outlands or from AU Draenor having escaped from the Lightbound, involved?

From the Taunka megathread:

Since we’re going to return to Northrend in the future, will we see the Taunka again and have them assist us with whatever will be going on on that continent, given that they joined the Horde in WotLK and also kinda owe us for helping them?

Thank you your time in both reading and considering the questions I have presented!

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With Cataclysm Classic coming, is it planned to add the very popular Alpha model of the worgen race as a customization option?
It would be a missed opportunity if it’s not the case.

With Midnight taking place at Quel’Thalas and so near Silvermoon, does it means that the old capitals will get a rework? If yes are Gilneas and a potential accessible Kezan concerned?

On Retail, the worgens are severly lacking in customizations options, will we have things like the highly requested optionnal tail, solid black fur or jewelries? And if yes will they be released in 2024?

The housing is now in nearly MMO, do you plan to add one?

Will the A.I. be used to redo all the old armors like those from Vanilla to Wotlk?


Where has Brann Bronzebeard been? Kind of odd he completely missed out with Shadowlands, guy would have a field day in Zereth Mortis!

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 Good Day to you all! and thank you for all your efforts to supply content to this created world that is enjoyed by us all!
 I had an idea that I wanted to explore with the past introduction of "artifacts" i.e. (Heart of Azeroth, and class weapons).  Since I follow a logical thought process (i.e. the sword stuck into the planet world)  The source of material bleeding out and used to enhance the necklace; why then could this "artifact" not be used, as an ongoing expansion after expansion that grows with ilvl and time vested in gathering material for players to keep it enhanced?  The weapons could also by associated class of "artifact" be passed and upgraded though every expansion with added material and upgrade process.  This would be an added option for the players to either use world drops, player crafted items, or invest more time into upgrading their "artifact" class items.  
 Now if you expand upon this process locating, completing quests, raids, hidden story of legends to locate other "artifact's" lost to the ages of time; that could allow for "tanking warlocks", "mage rogues", dual wielding hunter & DK frost skills, etc.  The obtained lost "artifact" could allow classes to further inter mix and create flexibility, growth for the players with deep lore discovered upon the quest to locate the time lost "artifacts" and use the materials discovered to invest in each to upgrade through each and every expansion.

Thank you for your time and continued support!

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Give us the option to have the alpha worgen male and female models in cata classic. And please, give some love to worgen in retail as well. (tails)


The warband thing looks fun and all, but it has made me wonder are there any chances or plans to add a way to see groups of your characters together for screenshot purposes or anything? I would love to see them all together for once and yes I know we will see multiple characters in the warband menu/screen/thing but like, the UI will get in the way for screenshots and that would ruin it a bit don’t you think? :sweat_smile:


What he said. Can we get wrath era servers so we don’t lose all the hard work we put into the best expansion ever?


re: Season of Discovery
Context: the expansions have always raised level cap, which rendered all content prior obsolete. this has shrunk the game every time the level cap goes up, and has been the fundamental issue players have had with them from the beginning.
Question: In season of mastery, we have been begging for a “classic+” with more raid content and finished zones to give people who’ve completed Naxx more things to do. If level 25 will present new raids, and more raids will be released through the weeks as level caps go up, how does blizzard plan on ensuring these raids don’t become obsolete and useless after the level caps go up in a mere handful of weeks? It sounds like there’s going to be more obsolete content by the time we hit 60 in SoD than there is in retail today. How will this content stay relevant for players who join a year from now?

Are there any plans on gold being made account-wide or as a Warband feature?


All reps convert into their horde counterpart at the same rep level. Think the only one that won’t transfer is wintersaber trainers.

Wintersabers have their counterpart for horde players, so they will.

You said season 3 is the last raid for dragonflight. You also said the next expansion won’t launch until fall of 2024 (roughly a year from now).
Does this mean a year long season 3?
Even if there is a fated season, that is a long time between raids.
Is there something else planned to fill the gap between expansions?


I have two questions:

  • Exactly what factors are used when determining if a playable race would be a core like Orcs, allied like the Nightborne, or a customization skin option like the Man’ari?
  • Since the Horde is getting a dwarf variant playable race with the Earthen, can a more traditional Horde race like the Stonemaul Ogres becoming playable during the World Soul Saga?

Will there be Hardcore realms for WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

War Within will cost me $50-90. This includes Dragonflight in all three versions. Why is there no discount or alternate version if I already own Dragonflight? It states clearly, you will NOT get a second Dragonflight expansion if you already own it. What’s the point of including Dragonflight in the bundles? I feel like I’m being punished for supporting the company previously.


I would also love to know what’s going on with the Saberon and Botani as a whole, hoping to see some kind of war with the Botani where we can possibly get the Saberon as an allied race. On the saberon thread, the community has discussed numerous ideas as to how to bring them to the table, and again, would love to get these savage cats as a race for the horde.


Q1: Will shamans wolf form customizations be added to the barbershop?

Q2: Will Druid tree form return and useable? and will that form also be added to the barbershop?

Q3: Will super old raid/dungeons mounts return? if so will it be through the trader or the place they use to drop at?


Will the Season of Discovery Mechanics come to WoW, or will it be in the form of Hero Talents?

Will we see more races being able to play other classes. Example Human shaman/Druid or Undead pally etc.?