Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

I still have the old classic wand that turns you into one. I can play as one now… Though I lose it if I get hit… :frowning:


Been trying to find some bear related Halloween recipes to share in here. Hard to come across any in general, but I did find some here:

If I find any more before Halloween, I’ll try and share them. :jack_o_lantern::polar_bear:

–11 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:

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Found a nice lore video for Furbolg.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:

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Getting some Stillpine Furbolg walking in Stormwind could be a good start to get them as playable race. I don’t see why we can’t have some Jinyu, Broken and Furbolg walking in Stormwing. They are a part of the Alliance too.


Happy Halloween! :jack_o_lantern: :polar_bear:

Whatever your plans are for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe Halloween! :skull: :man_vampire:

–3 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


The Q&A thread has opened and I asked a questions on behalf of a few race request megathreads. I’ll post a link to the post and the question I asked for this megathread below:

“Any chance we’ll see more of the Furbolg on the Dragon Isles in the remainder of Dragonflight patches, given that the Winterpelt was looking for more allies and that Night Elves have been long time allies to Furbolg in general?”

Worth a try, even if it will likely not get answered.

It sounds like we’ll have some time between the next Dragonflight patch, coming very soon, and the next expansion, so I felt it was worth a mention.

I have a lot to talk about in the different megathreads on the recent announcements that I need to think on and word. The Allied Race system being utilized being one of them, which is pretty important for several race request megathreads. Hopefully, I’ll be able to type up some stuff for discussions soon.

I’ll post more when I can! :smiley:

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


This bear cub looks really sleepy. Maybe they’re trying to find the Emerald Dream to see if playable Furbolg are there. While it’s just a dream currently, you can help make it a reality!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Blizzard mentioned having 20 years of planning for WoW. Let us hope playable Furbolg are part of those plans somewhere! :polar_bear:

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:

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The sad thing is if a Producer first thought of this idea we would have them, but instead it has been a player-driven campaign for nearly 20 years so of course we cant have it.

Instead we will get the 3rd type of Dwarf and the 5th type of Elf.

I loved the Rod of Transformation and never handing in the quest.

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So the new patch is out and I went to go play it and look for anything Furbolg related and…well…

Kinda running into some complications. So I guess I’ll just talk some about Furbolg here in the meantime.

First off, we are getting at least one more patch in Dragonflight:

I heard that there was a possible 10.2.7, but I can’t find anything definitive or where it came from. But at the very least, there are more chances for the Dragon Isles Furbolg tribes to get more appearances!

Second, the Allied Race system is being utilized again, which is pretty big news for several race request megathreads. I could see that utilized for Furbolg, where they can officially get an invitation to the Alliance. It could be either the tribes on Kalimdor or the tribes on the Dragon Isles after we help them with more stuff possibly. The Winterpelt Tribe did mention seeking allies, though that could just be with the other Dragon Isles factions, but you never know!

Third and last, seeing as we’re getting neutral Dwarves as an Allied Race in the future (which means Horde Dwarves…which is weird, I know), Furbolg could become a neutral race now. Moreso if it is the Dragon Isles Furbolg tribes. I know Furbolg make more sense as an Alliance race, but the possibility of seeing them neutral has risen some I would say.

Also, regarding Earthen, if we can have multiple flavors of Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Orcs, etc playable, I see no reason why Furbolg can’t be playable even if we have Pandaren. Completely different cultures, themes, and such we’ve talked about before. I feel like the “we already have Pandaren!” argument gets thrown out the window because of what we already have playable and with the Earthen coming.

Anyway, at some point when the game is more stable and bugs get worked out, I’ll be going through the new area and keeping an eye out for anything Furbolg related to report back here. Still hopeful for playable Furbolg, even if nothing comes from the remaining Dragonflight patches! :polar_bear:

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Wowhead posted an article about where the new world tree will be planted, which is on the Dragon Isles:

It’s interesting to see that this will be the new home for Night Elves, and while there would be a presence of them on Kalimdor still, it feels like their lands may be…well, maybe not totally abandoned, but left behind for the most part.

With regards to Furbolg, I feel like the tribes on the Dragon Isles may have more importance than the ones on Kalimdor now. Sure, other than the Winterpelt, the Furbolg tribes on the Dragon Isles need to regroup and repopulate, but it feels like they would be more likely to be involved in Night Elf storylines, since world trees have had importance to many tribes before.

There is also the Winterpelt Tribe mentioning that they’ll be seeking allies. Originally, we thought that just meant the denizens of the Dragon Isles, but with the Night Elves and the new world tree being located there, it could also mean allying with the Night Elves. This of course makes sense, given that Furbolgs have long been allies to the Night Elves.

Of course, with the Dragon Isles Furbolg, they have had friendly relations with the Horde and Alliance, unless the Kalimdor tribes which mostly have been used by the Horde as quest jobbers and arrow cushions. Makes me wonder if the most realistic direction for playable Furbolg would be neutral Dragon Isles tribe members.

To be honest, I’m not sure how I’d feel about neutral Furbolg. I’m not against neutral races at all and I feel that some races are perfect for being neutral (Ethereals, Sethrak, and Tuskarr come to mind). However, even without a faction war, I still view faction identity as something important to Warcraft as a whole, but I do think having a whole lot of neutral races dilutes faction identity pretty badly.

Then again, we’re getting Horde Dwarves next expansion, so I don’t know how much of that argument gets thrown out the window. That said, I’m beginning to see neutral Furbolgs as a possibility, with the Dragon Isles tribes being the main part of the playable Furbolg factions. Especially since they could play a role in future storylines involving the Night Elves and so on.

As I mentioned before, if Furbolg were to ever become neutral, I’d make mine Horde. With any neutral race, I will always go Horde with at least the first character of that race I make, even if I felt differently before for choosing one faction for that race. Mostly because Horde is my preferred faction of course, so when given the choice, I’ll always choose Horde first.

Anyway, just some ramblings I wanted to type out in here. Seems like even when we leave Dragonflight, there is a chance we could see the Dragon Isles Furbolg tribes appear again in the future. Not sure about the Kalimdor tribes, but maybe still a possibility as well. I’ll just be happy to see Furbolgs playable in general to be honest. :polar_bear:

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Interesting. I don’t hate furbolgs as an Alliance allied race using the pandaren rigging, but I kind of think that they should keep their current silhouette, which would mean making them a proper race instead of an Allied Race. (To my knowledge, the difference between AR and R is whether or not the race has custom animations / skeletons.)

One of the problems the Alliance has when it comes to unlocking new races is that they’re kind of jerks to all new peoples and cultures they meet, and furbolgs are one of the rare examples of a group of people they’ve been pretty curt with. You’d probably need some sort of union of all the different furbolg tribes of Azeroth, such as the ones in Felwood / Winterspring / Northrend / Dragon Isles. I feel like the furbolg daily quests in Dragonflight definitely left the door open for something like this, though.

Something that is going to irk me for years to come.

I agree wit this and its perfectly reasonable that any of the Blackwood or Gnarlpine Furbolg that survived would potentially move with the Night Elves to join them among Amirdrassil’s roots. Perhaps they could bring the furbolg of the Dragon Isles into closer ties with the Night Elves?

Its the one possible benefit I can see of Amirdrassil being stuck so far from Kalimdor and the Homeland of the Night Elves.

I’ve commented in another thread on my thoughts on the Neutral races thing.

Honestly Blizzard needs to abandon that. Races should pick a side in almost all cases. But Players should be able to cross that faction divide as time goes on. Your race shouldn’t keep you stuck in one faction over another but the factions should remain, and should give direction for the races of the world. They should arrange themselves as allied with one or the other and not be Stradling the line.

Conflict and the Alliance and Horde is a part of the World of Warcraft and futilely trying to erase that entirely is very poor storytelling on Blizzards part.

I wouldn’t expect the Alliance and Horde to get into further wars mind, but they’re never going to be truly allies either. It doesn’t make sense.

I am against neutral races overall, though some I do see as making sense, and I do not want the furbolg to be neutral. They Should be Alliance through and through.

Keep in mind the workups were made before DF was even close to a thing. :stuck_out_tongue:
I do also think that Blizzard would probably make them from what we have now which is the Drogbar skeleton. Its a long ways off though from being a player model by any means.

I don’t think they need all furbolg to join together but they would need more than the Stillpine.

Currently the Alliance has very close ties with the Stillpine, Blackwood and Gnarlpine with the possibly of the Thistlefur being on that list. Those tribes together could convincingly make a good faction of furbolg for the Alliance.

My ideal scenario is that the furbolg start to join together among the Alliance ones and then call a conclave to speak with the rest of the tribes in Grizzlemaw City, where a representative from each tribe shows up and they discuss joining a faction. I’d like to see the Alliance Aligned ones and the Grizzlemaw City tribes choose to ally with the Alliance and the Timbermaw, Blackmaw and Winterfall furbolg choose neutrality and most of the others choose either unaligned or actively hostile to the other races.

lets us keep a faction for the alliance a neutral faction that the Horde can work with too (and preserves some older content) as well as hostile factions to fight.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


So after you beat up Fryakk, there are reactions from the local denizens of the Dragon Isles at the new world tree being planted in the area. One of which comes from some of the Furbolg, though not much is said:

Radza Thunderclaw says: We have come from Longclaw Islands. We heard whispers that something was soon to happen, but this…

Adday says: It lives and breathes, The Isles welcome it, What else will it bring?

So the Furbolg tribes in general on the Dragon Isles should be aware of it.

From my understanding, you can’t visit the zone where the world tree gets planted until you do the questline to beat up Fryakk. I don’t know if this will open up to everyone at some point regardless of whether you beat him up or not, and with Fryakk LFR being available on Dec. 12th I think, I won’t be able to check things out until then.

Still, it does open some potential Furbolg storylines. I’ll keep on eye out for anything else to report if I see anything. :polar_bear:

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Hope these folks become playable someday too <3


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hoping that the Furbolg get to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty someday! :polar_bear:

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Happy December everyone! :christmas_tree::polar_bear:

I came across a neat video that shows how to make your own Christmas polar bear, which has a list of supplies used and some links to them in the video’s description section on its YouTube page:

I feel like this could be edited a bit to make it more Furbolg-like.

Anyway, next to Halloween, this is another favorite time of the year for me. I’m planning to make the usual festive posts once Winter Veil starts in-game for here and a few other race request megathreads. I’ll likely make the usual couple of New Year’s posts as well when it gets to the end of the month.

Hoping everyone has a fun, happy, and safe holiday season! :snowman_with_snow:

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:

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These polar bears are getting ready for Winter Veil coming up! They’ll be wishing for playable Alliance Furbolgs underneath that tree they’re setting up. You too can wish for that and help to make several bears and Furbolg very happy!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

I know I’ll continue to wish to see a few new playable races under my Winter Veil tree! :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :polar_bear:

Also, since I’m at three posts in a row and can’t post more until someone else posts in here, if someone could make a post, I’d very much appreciate it! Thank you!

-Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:

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Given Amirdrassil being so close and the Furbolg seemingly taking an interest I do hope there’s a chance between them and the Stillpine, Gnarlpine and Blackwood Furbolg for the Alliance to get them as an Allied Race.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


It could be interessing to get some exchanges about the Furbolg from Dragon Isles and the Night Elves. A meeting between the tribes of Dragon Isles and the tribes of Kalimdor could be interessing too.



I’d love to see the furbolg of Kalimdor and the Broken Isles come to speak with the tribes of the Dragon Isles. To see them interact and overcome 10k years of solitude from one another would be great!

I’d also hope to see that new model or even better a playable model be added and used for it.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear: