Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Some classes have to use 14-20 abilities for their DPS rotation and time them with specific buffs and enhancements. Thus most of the time is spent looking at the buff counters, etc. Are there any plans to reduce the dependence on tracking math in order to enjoy the game/combat?


Botting companies are already stating that their software will work on day 1 of Season of Discovery. Are you guys going to bother doing anything about the rampant gold buying, selling and botting going on?

I’m convinced over half of the ingame population is bots. Just /who botanica, black temple, hell even Hellfire Ramparts they are still farming for raw gold.

Your little reports of banned accounts is absolutely pathetic, nobody believes you are doing anything to protect the integrity of the game.

Will we have to wait for the War Within expansion for Dracthyr to be other classes? And what classes will they be eligible for?

Please don’t make us wait until August or November of 2024!



Are there any more beast model updates planned? Mounts and hunter pets from prior to Cata of not MoP (and, heck, even baseline nelf/tauren/worgen/troll beast forms) are showing their age; and updating vanilla-era wyverns and gryphons for dynamic flight seems as good an excuse as any.


Hi WoW Team

Question in regards to Warcraft the Tabletop RPG
Is there any chance there will be an updated books coming out for 5e or other system?

in the wow wiki Q&A interview, they stated no plans to bring it to retail

In the WoW Wiki Q&A they stated they felt season 4 of shadowlands was successful.

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i want to know why you changed to old Wow to the new one. i played and pay for wow retail but i and all my friends have tried playing the retail and none of us and i do mean none can make sense of that current format , Ie the action bars and all to be able to play it . can you please go back or send us a video on how we can understand the way you have it set up now ? many are leaving due to that problem come january.

Can we expect the Warlords Deathwheel from the promo to come on the trading post. I always found it unfair that if you didn’t play during the event you didn’t get the mount but the alliance could buy theirs in stormwind. thank you!


Are there any plans to introduce arena to Season of Discovery?

I love alts! so many good changes! will druids have dynamic flight?


and if i can add to the question will the new Expansion Dynamic flight still have vigor or are you planning to get rid of this annoying FEATURE! please say yes lol


Will there be more specializations for classes added in The War Within, specifically more support specializations? Augmentation is a neat idea, but it doesn’t work as the only support-style specialization; it would be like if priests were the only class with a healing spec, or warriors were the only one with a tanking spec.


With the addition of the hero talent trees aimed at fulfilling class fantasy while providing increases in power, is the any thought going into adjusting/reworking some classes to better fit this method of development? A good example would be classes that have restrictive rotations inside of cooldowns. These classes might suffer some level of chunkiness with the addition of new buttons or procs. Specs like fire mage, both dps dk specs, and marksman hunter come to mind.

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can we get the option to xmog 1h weapons on our backs!

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Did the team consider Progressive Itemization for classic+ / are you guys open to the idea in the future?

I love the idea of Season of Discovery, but I think a lot of us want something more rooted in Vanilla’s progression.

This is going to be fun, but give us the level gates, with the original itemization progression? I

Will the class/race combos be completely open on/before War Within release?

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Will the classic only mounts and pets make thier way into retail in a way eventually?


Worgen Paladins when
Also Worgen Shamans
Just more class and race combos really


With transmog restrictions getting removed , does this mean that we can now transmog wands over staves /staffs etc ?

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