The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I 100% agree with this and I really want to know the thought process that went into deciding that the Man’ari advertised as WoW’s first playable demon was made a Draenei skin, where as the Earthen got the full allied race treatment.


I give up Horde ogres are never coming

I’ll hold hope that one day we’ll have em it’ll happen


At least, we could get new race with the “skin race system” like we got with the Man’ari Eredar for this expansion:

  • Frostborn Dwarves for the Alliance
  • Dragonmaw Orcs for the Horde
  • Forest Trolls (or an allied race for them) for the Horde
  • Fel/Chaos Orcs for the Horde



The Q&A thread has opened and I asked questions on behalf of a few race request megathreads. I’ll post a link to the post and the question I asked for this megathread below:

“Since they kinda owe the Horde quite a few favors and they would be very helpful in what is coming up, will we see the three Horde Ogre clans (MU Stonemaul Clan, AU Stonemaul Clan, and Dunemaul Clan) assist us in the near future?”

Worth a try, even if it will likely not get answered.

I’m still thinking some about the recent announcements to make a post on in here. The allied race system being utilized again is one of the big things I’m trying to think some more on, since it seems like we’ll be able to get more Allied Races in the future.

I’ll post when I’m able to in the near future! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


I noticed that too. To be honest the reveal of a more humanoid Nerubian model and the mention that not every Nerubian is happy with their Queen’s bargain with Xal’atath makes me wonder if we’ll have another group of rebels to work with, who in turn will join us as the Nightborne did.


is this for alliance or horde

If you mean the Trading Post, it’s for both. If you mean for Ogres, then for the Horde!

So Blizzcon is over and while there wasn’t really much in the way of anything Horde Ogre related, there were a number of things coming from the various announcements that are of Horde OGre interest, as well as of interest to several other race request megathreads.

I’ll be making a similar post in both my megathreads, edited to make comments of interest to that megathread’s theme of course, and I’ll gradually post thoughts in other race request megathreads as well. This is likely going to be a bit of a post, so let’s get some music to jam to as I type a whole bunch of stuff.

Right, with the introduction out of the way, let’s talk expansions…and no, that wasn’t a typo.

So the biggest announcement was not just one, but three expansions as part of the “World Soul Saga.” Not much details on them aside from the next expansion coming out:

It’s a mostly underground expansion with Stone Dwarves…more on that in a bit.

This expansion is suppose to be void themed with a focus on elves and uniting elf tribes of some sort.

And finally, this one involves a return to the old world (of Warcraft!) while also returning to Northrend. I assume we beat up some big bad, maybe an evil titan or two.

All three expansions are expected to be released by 2030, and there was a mention that 20 years of WoW has been planned and…good grief, am I really going to be running my megathreads for 20 years? I guess when you really want something…maybe we’ll get lucky within there. x- x

Since details are fairly sparse on the latter two expansions, I can’t really say whether we could see the Horde Ogres involved or not since Elves are the focus in the second expansion.

As for the third expansion, a lot depends on the return to the old world (of Warcraft!) and what we do there. We could see the Horde Ogre clans involved there, though a lot depends on how much is in the old world (of Warcraft!) and what goes on in Northrend. Makes me wonder if that expansion is a new area elsewhere or if there are revamped areas of Northrend that we switch between timelines with Bronze Dragons. Regardless, maybe we’ll just see the Horde Ogre clans get some fur coats and mittens to smash stuff up in Northrend, but we’ll see whenever we get closer to that expansion.

Getting back to the next expansion, it doesn’t seem like the Horde Ogre clans will be involved much. Maybe they could if we’re lucky, but I’m not entirely sure about that. Then again, they missed a huge war and almost all of a dragon related expansion, so we’ll see.

With the expansion announcements looked at, I should go ahead and mention the next playable race again: The Earthern…woo…

I’ve grumble grumbled about my thoughts on them a few posts up, so check that if you’re particularly interested. The only new development I’ll say is that they can be all classes except Druids, Demon Hunters, and Evokers at present.

My feelings on the Earthen aside, there are some interesting aspects of them I wanted to go over:

-Death Knights-

Earthen are the first playable race since Shadowlands that can be Death Knights, and since we’ll be meeting them for the first time next expansion, it means that it is still very possible for Death Knights to raise more of their kind. Makes me wonder if they’ll change the Shadowlands starting area to bring it up to speed with what happened with Bolvar and add Earthen and other playable races to the area.

What this means is that we should be able to expect almost any new playable race (assuming we don’t get a “Dracthyr can only be Evokers” type of race again) in the future to be Death Knights! So I see no reason why Ogres wouldn’t be able to be Death Knights. Especially since they could have easily been them in the WotLK starting area for them.

I’ll be sure to report on what all is done with Earthen Death Knights whenever they are available to create. Will be very interesting to see what is done…

-Allied Race System-

Yep. The Allied Race system from BfA wasn’t a BfA exclusive feature at all, which I’m honestly happy for as it does open the door for some races to become playable that isn’t the nightmare that is having them becoming Customization Races, which I assume will continue to be a thing for worse or worse, if you know my opinions on the treatment of Customization Races.

For Ogres, them being an Allied Race could kinda work. Granted, the MU Stonemaul Clan is already part of the Horde, unless they don’t have full membership for some reason, which would be silly given they’re one of the founding members of the current Horde.

It would mostly be the AU Stonemaul Clan and the Dunemaul Clan, the former never really got much development since arriving on Azeroth and the latter was loosely “invited.” So If Ogres were an Allied Race, I would imagine giving all three full membership…or at least a combined MU and AU Stonemaul Clan, but I’d like the Dunemaul Clan to be part of it too if possible.

Otherwise, I could still see Ogres as a core race still, which might mean more development time and more chances of seeing two-head customization options and such. I’ll take either if it means I get my playable Horde Ogres finally.

I’ll have to make an edit to that section of the main megathread post when I can to reflect on this. And no, I haven’t forgotten the class section revamp. Hoping to work on that more soon.

-Neutral Races-

Speculation is that neutral races will be favored going forward, since it would mean less development costs. And with the Horde getting a variant of Dwarves (what a weird thing to type out), it’s possible that faction won’t be much of a consideration.

Now, I’m not against neutral races. In fact, several NPC races I think would work best as neutral races for various reasons, Ethereals, Sethrak, and Tuskarr being a few notable ones. However, I would hope that neutral races wouldn’t be the focus going forward.

In my own personal opinion, I feel like having a whole bunch of neutral races kinda destroys the whole faction identity thing and dilutes that feeling of Warcraft as a whole. I still view faction identity as a pretty important thing to the game, and having a whole lot of races as neutral races just makes the waters muddy to me. Moreso if you start having new races created that can be things like Alliance Tauren and Horde Gnomes, which I hope races like the Earthen would be used sparingly going forward. And even with unique races, having like 20+ neutral races just dilutes the faction identity even more.

So to be clear: neutral races are perfectly fine as long as it isn’t overused with every race and makes sense.

As for Ogres, I still view them as a Horde only race, but with Dwarves on the Horde and given a lot of work that Ogres would take to make them a playable race, I could sorta see Neutral Ogres being a thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fond of the idea of Alliance Ogres and I still view them as a Horde-only race, but honestly, if it means getting playable Horde Ogres finally, I’d take it. Even if it would be weird.

I’ll likely edit that section in the main post of the megathread as well in the near future to post my thoughts on it.

And with that, that is about all I can think of from the recent announcements that I wanted to type about. If I think of any more things, I’ll make another post on it.

Of course, I know we’re likely all frustrated of yet another expansion and no playable Horde Ogres still. I know I am, but as I said, I’m not giving up. Someone has to keep up the Horde Ogre support and reminding everyone that the Horde has three clans within their ranks, and I’m going to keep marching in support as best as I can.

Until then, I’ll keep dreaming of seeing playable Ogres as champions of the Horde someday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have to admit that I didn’t think about the possibility that neutral allied races could be path going forward for new playable races. I guess the Stonemaul could develop a rivalry with another Ogre clan or something… The Stonemaul did expand into Feralas after all and I can’t image the Gordunni are happy with more rivals…

I’m in perfect agreement with this sentiment.


The Blizzcon Q & A video comes out this Friday. I wonder what questions have been selected.


The thing about the Gordunni is that regardless of Horde, Alliance, or otherwise, they want to smash your face in. The only way to really write that for Alliance is to have an Alliance member as the Gordok King, which could lead to something of stalemate between the Horde and Alliance and allow them to work together in clearing out Dire Maul and excavating and researching it.

I’m fine with the Horde and Alliance sharing Dire Maul, since it makes sense given they’re doing that with other areas according to different media, but I don’t know the chances of that being written for the Gordunni. Hard to say, really.

Also, I meant to mention that Cataclysm Classic was officially announced. This has some importance, as that expanded a bit on the MU Stonemaul Clan a bit with them being in Feralas. So they might be in the spotlight at least a bit, so it’s worth bring that back up again.

Much as I tried to think of things to ask, I’d be very surprised if any of my questions get answered. Ah well, as I said, it could bring in some exposure to the race request megathreads at least.

Hopefully some good questions in general will get answered, but we’ll see.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


it’d be nice to have a better answer than to hear its not appealing to players when you announce a race not everyone is gunna vibe with, ugly doesn’t mean unplayable it just means less likely to be done because we gotta cater to the part of the community that only likes cute and human looking things, granted its nice getting something that isn’t another knife ear but i’d prefer the dwarves stick with their own can you imagine a horde earthen rogue with the dwarfstalker title


True. I just tried to think of an rival Ogre clan for the Stonemaul and they were the only ones I could think of.

I have to be honest, I would find that hilarious.


Two headed ogre magi would be crazy cool!


There’s a couple of talking points going through the thread that I want to comment on, but am too lazy to reply and quote to each person. So I hope you guys forgive me for being late and see this nonetheless.

Regarding rival Ogre clans, these are from Outland only… I hope they can make it work somehow. There’s a lot of cool stuff left over there, including but not limited to, main-universe Mag’har, Ogri’la, a better looking version of Lantresor the Blade, and 2 Ogre clans that hate each other.
Lantresor quote, below from wowpedia. :arrow_down:

Also from wowpedia,

So we’ve got Boulderfist at war with Warmaul.

The second thing I’d like to bring up… I’m just waiting for some random forum user with a W-avatar and low to no post history to roll up on the forums and claim that the Earthen were a passion project of some Developer and we should all be grateful. That’s what happened with the Mechangomes announcement (knowing how much flak it got) and it happened with the Drac’thyr as well.

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Horde got Dwarves before Ogres :skull:


Been an Ogre fan since WC2, we dont need 2 genders models, Ogres body choices should just be 1 or 2 heads. Use base rigging of the Kultirans with some rewords for 2 heads. And lets go boys! (I’m Hungry! YOU ALWAYS HUNGRY, Thats why we so fat!)


This Ogre child heard about this Emerald Dream everyone is talking about and is trying to find the right dream that has Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen. It’s just a dream right now, but you can help make it a reality!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Blizzard mentioned having 20 years of planning for WoW. Let us hope the Horde Ogres are part of those plans!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


something funny came to mind since the ogre and moonkin are supposed to share a skeletal rig the boomkin can do the flap animation what would it look like on an ogre?