šŸŸ The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread

Iā€™m going shaman I think. Feels best for me.

Frost Mage and even Druid seems interesting tooā€¦ could also see going for straight up warrior or hunterā€¦

Oh noā€¦ now I have ideasā€¦

Iā€™m curious to see if weā€™ll get a mention of the Pearlfin Jinyu and the Forest Hozen.

How amazing it would be to find out that theyā€™re both still working happily with the Alliance and Horde and maybe even that theyā€™ve started collecting more of their kind to their banners for both factions?


Well, there is that Hozen in the Korā€™kron, so I assume those Hozen are still part of the Horde to have a foothold on Pandaria.

I see no reason why the Jinyu wouldnā€™t be working with the Alliance still, even if there hasnā€™t been much to indicate as such. It gives the Alliance a foothold on Pandaria and Iā€™m sure there could be benefits for the Jinyu to keep working with them.

And while Iā€™m typing in here, I assume the Ankoan may have gone back into the sea once Nazā€™jatar filled back up with water. Likely when Azshara decides to cause trouble again, I could see them approaching the Alliance again since the last time that happened, it didnā€™t go so well for them before the Alliance showed up.

I suspect the Hozen and Jinyu are still working with their respective factions. Hopefully, weā€™ll get more info on that as opposed to just a ā€œYep! Theyā€™re totally part of the Horde/Alliance alright!ā€ from Chen and Li Li.

ā€“35 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€“

:dolphin: :shark:

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It was recently discovered that there was something labeled as ā€œGilgoblin cosmeticsā€ that I assume came from a datamine of some sort:

Now, Iā€™ve given my lengthy grumblings on Gilgoblins as a Customization race in the Kelfin megathread, but assuming this is Kelfin related, it kinda affects Ankoan in a way.

When it comes to Ankoan, I can see two things coming:

-First is that Jinyu become a playable race, with Ankoan being a Customization race for them.

-Second is the idea I mentioned before, where there is a term made for the fish men race that both Jinyu and Ankoan are a part of, with both being part of the playable faction of fish men, whatever the term would be, from the beginning and customization options available for both.

I donā€™t see this affecting the chances for playable Jinyu. It just seems like with Kelfin possibly being a Customization Race, that Ankoan will take a backseat unless Jinyu become playable.

My hope is that regardless of what is done, that Ankoan still get to have their own identity if they were to become a Customization Race for Jinyu. Iā€™d like for them to still be referred to as Ankoan and have a presence in-game still, as opposed to having them being treated as and referred to as Jinyu.

Should Jinyu become playable, it is possible that it could open Hozen to be the Horde counterpart race, with Kelfin being a Customization Race for Goblins and Ankoan as a Customization race for Jinyu. Still, I donā€™t want Kelfin and Ankoan to be treated as second class citizens with the lackluster treatment Customization Races have gotten in general.

I do think discussion on this is important for those interested in playable Ankoan. Playable Jinyu is still a pretty good possibility in my opinion, and Iā€™d like for Ankoan to be a part of it as well.

So for those wanting playable Ankoan, please share your thoughts so they donā€™t get forgotten or if they become a Jinyu Customization Race, arenā€™t given the lackluster treatment Customization Races have gotten in general.

ā€“30 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€“

:dolphin: :shark:


So I recently got Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria, and I wanted to make a report on the Jinyu mentions in itā€¦which there arenā€™t very many.

The Pearlfin Jinyu are still on Pandaria, though still bearing scars from being attacked by the Horde. What theyā€™ve been up to isnā€™t talked about, however. They just show off their ability to talk to the lake and then tell the history of how during the Mogu wars, they helped and were betrayed by the Hozen and then enslaved by the Mogu, and then allied with the Pandaren to overthrow the Mogu.

Speaking of the Hozenā€¦that is about the only mention, other than the lake where they tend to get eaten by crocolisks while fishing. So we donā€™t even know what the tribe allied with the Horde is up to. Itā€™s a bit odd, though the book series in general doesnā€™t seem to go into specific detail of several denizens of the continents they go over, which is a bit disappointing.

The only other mention of Jinyu was pointing out Inkgill Mere, but nothing is done with the Jinyu there and nothing is talked about them either, other than being close to waterfalls. That is about all I can recall seeing about Jinyu mentions and unfortunately.

Also, since Iā€™m at three posts in a row, if I could ask someone to make a post in here so I can continue to make posts in the future, Iā€™d appreciate it. I can only post three times in a row in a thread I didnā€™t create. Otherwise, it yells at me to wait until someone else posts before I can make more posts. Thank you in advance!

If I see any other Jinyu and Ankoan news, Iā€™ll be sure to help report it here!

ā€”14 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

:dolphin: :shark:


With Blizzcon going and seeing the Earthen being added I do hope that races like the Jinyu who have already joined us and the Ankoan who have all but are considered for the future.


The Q&A thread has opened and I asked a questions on behalf of a few race request megathreads. Iā€™ll post a link to the post and the question, which is of importance to both Kelfin and Ankoan, I asked for this megathread below:

ā€œSince the Unshackled have been hanging around on the shores of Durotar since the end of BfA and that Azshara is still out there and likely up to no good, will we see more of them and the Ankoan in the future when she becomes a threat again?ā€

Worth a try, even if it will likely not get answered.

Since the Allied Race system is being utilized again, it could be something of importance for Jinyu and Ankoan. They could also be Core Races, with the other as a Customization Race, but it is still worth nothing.

Iā€™ve a lot to think and type about with the recent expansions announcements, a weird thing to type out, but I still need a bit to gather my thoughts and type up. Will post as soon as I can! :smiley:

:dolphin: :shark:


As mentioned before, the Allied Race system is being utilized again, and with Azshara still out there and up to no good and with a good Horde equivalent to Ankoan with the Kelfin, I feel like itā€™s good to start up some discussions again.

However, thinking on it, Iā€™m wondering if it could be possible to see Ankoan and Jinyu as separate races instead of one being a Customization Race for the other. There are some differences between the two, culturally and in aesthetics, and if we can have multiple flavors of Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and so on, it might be too farfetched to see Ankoan and Jinyu be separate races.

Otherwise, if weā€™re going to deal with Azshara, I feel like Ankoan would be most likely to be the parent race or, if separate from Jinyu, would be more likely to appear first if I were to guess. Iā€™m assuming Azshara is going to be a big bad we have to beat up at some point, and bringing in the Ankoan and Kelfin would work very well for that storyline.

I still think Jinyu could be likely in a way, though I donā€™t really know when there would be a reintroduction to them unless there is a questline to connect them to the Ankoan, given that the Ankoan population was a bit low from my understanding. Could work to get Jinyu as a Customization race that way or get them as their own race.

As far as Blizzard favoring Neutral races, I donā€™t really see every playable race in the future being neutral. Sure, it does save development costs, fits with some races (Sethrak, Tuskarr, Ethereals, etc), and having Horde Dwarves kinda throws faction identity into a whirlpool, but I donā€™t really see Ankoan as a neutral race. Kelfin maybe, but Ankoan were standoffish before, and itā€™s hard for me to imagine them being open to the Horde. It makes sense with the Alliance, since they helped the Ankoan and Azshara is still a threat, but not really with the Horde.

Itā€™s hard to know where the Ankoan went after BfA, since they arenā€™t hanging around Stormwind like the Unshackled are with Orgrimmar from what Iā€™ve seen in my searching, but I donā€™t see why they couldnā€™t be reintroduced when Azshara eventually appears again. Not like Nazjatar is particular safe for that matter.

At any rate, I think itā€™s worth having discussions again, and Iā€™ll be making some more posts as I think of stuff to type about. Hopefully, weā€™ll see more of the Ankoan and Unshackled in the future.

:dolphin: :shark:


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hoping the Jinyu and Ankoan get to enjoy Pilgrimā€™s Bounty someday!

And if someone could make a post since Iā€™ve done 3 posts in a row, Iā€™d really appreciate it! I canā€™t post more than three times in a row in a thread I didnā€™t create. Thank you!

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

:dolphin: :shark:


Iā€™m posting! All I have is hopes but I hope for many more races playable in the future for me to lose myself altaholicing with! Whee! And for better people to main! LOL!


Jinyu Monk is a dream combo for me. Hopefully one day.


I really really want the Jinyu/Ankoan to join the Alliance. I think along side the Furbolg and Broken they would be the best races to add right now to embellish and expand the Alliance.


Helmets and shoes would be a nightmare on Jinyu. Maybe gloves too.

But that isnā€™t an issue when we have stuff like Dark Iron Heritage leggings stabbing the only race that can wear that set.

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Yeah the clipping in the game is downright shameful. Cloaks clipping into calves on Blood elves (and now Void elves) has been bothering me since BC.

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Cloak clipping is why I donā€™t wear them anymore. Itā€™s just downright horrid and will never be fixed.

I use Backpacks often too to hide weapons/shields that have major clipping issues.

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Winter Veil has been up for awhile and as is a bit of tradition, I go around taking festive screenshots for some of the race request megathreads I frequent. In particular, one of my favorite activities is the magical sleigh ride, in which I picked out an Ankoan to be this yearā€™s Santa Fish. Off to spread holiday cheer in the Alliance and hopefully grant the wishes of Ankoan and Jinyu to come true!

Screenshots with fitting music below:

Hoping that the Ankoan and Jinyu get to enjoy Winter Veil with the Alliance someday! :christmas_tree::fish:

:dolphin: :shark:


Imagining a Jinyu experiencing the first Winterā€™s Veil.

Just finding that these people go through this ritual of showing each other gifts in fanciful boxes and such. It must be so weird and yet probably similar to some of the Jinyuā€™s own rituals.

I donā€™t know. Just the first time a Jinyu gets to experience it would be a wonderful thing to rp. Theyā€™re not a primitive race by any means but theyā€™re not normally depicted as one living beyond a simpler lifestyle. The over-capitalistic Goblinized Winterā€™s Veil must be so different.

The Jinyu otherwise would add so much to the Alliance. Them and the Furbolg are my two main desires for the Alliance. Both could do so much for the faction.


Happy Winter Veil Day! :christmas_tree::fish:

Whatever your plans are for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

:dolphin: :shark:


The Jinyu and Ankoan have already effectively it actually joined the Alliance and should be an Allied Race.

Honestly theyā€™d be a very welcome and different race for the Alliance to have while still easily fitting in with the Alliance people.


Happy New Year! :fireworks:

Given that Azshara is still out there, up to no good, I wanted to reaffirm my support for playable Ankoan and Jinyu.

To be honest, I feel like Ankoan have a bit more of interest to me since they would be perfect to pair with Horde Kelfin and the storyline potential when we do eventually deal with Azshara again sometime.

Something to consider is that since weā€™re getting a third Dwarf race and have multiples of other races, I donā€™t see why we couldnā€™t get Jinyu as well. Especially if both the Jinyu and Ankoan become full races as opposed to one being a Customization Race. So hopefully neither of them get forgotten or the short end of the stick should one of them become playable.

So here is to a new year of support! Cheers! :fish:

:shark: :dolphin:


I canā€™t wait to see the Jinyu or Ankoan (or both) added to the game.

Theyā€™d really flesh out the Alliance races I think hoenstly. Theyā€™re among my top three Alliance races that I want to see added to the game. (Though there are more than three races for the Alliance I want to see.)

I hope they join one day soon.