Character name reservation for WoW Classic opens on 2019-08-12T22:00:00Z. Players with an active subscription or game time on their World of Warcraft account will be able to create up to three characters per WoW account and have the name(s) reserved before WoW Classic releases worldwide on 2019-08-26T22:00:00Z
We will release details regarding realm names and realm types later this week so you can coordinate with your friends on where to begin your adventure. If there are high numbers of players congregating on individual realms during the name reservation/character creation process, we will post warnings about the potential for long queues on those realms, giving you time to choose alternate realms. Also please note: Character creation will be limited to only one faction per realm on PvP realms.
After release, the number of WoW Classic character that can be created per WoW game account will change to the following limits:
- A maximum of 10 characters per WoW Classic realm.
- A maximum of 50 characters across all WoW Classic realms in your region.
- Only one faction per realm on PvP realms.
There is no overlap regarding character limits with World of Warcraft, so if you have 50 characters in Battle for Azeroth you can create 50 more characters in WoW Classic.
WoW Classic’s worldwide release is almost here so it’s time to get started organizing and planning your path to level 60!
For all those who can’t be bothered to read but will complain 
reserving my shaman named Thex
If we create a character and reserve a name, will our account hold the name for a period of time after deleting the character?
I would like to reserve a name fast and then recreate the character with the correct characteristics, but I’m scared of the name getting taken in that time.
At long last, the blessed day for which I have been waiting. Only two dates left after this one.
Oh now its time? Where you been the last few months. 
So it is looking like after the stress test!
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Time to practice your character creation speedruns.
Thanks for the update !
Thanks for the hard work @Classic team
“We will release details regarding realm names and realm types later this week so you can coordinate with your friends on where to begin your adventure”
Will this include the location of the Data centre? IE will the server state if its hosted in LA or Chicago? As a previous post alluded its important (to some) to make sure they are selecting a server with a favourable Ping.
Please provide this little bit of information as it will greatly assist players in selecting the right realm for themselves or their Guild.
Hopefully it will be as straightforward this time as “EST/CST is in Chicago, PST is in Los Angeles”.
RP-PVP news coming, finally!!!
Yes please my guild needs an RP-PVP server at launch!
I am curious if names being linked to accounts will work the same way it does in Current WoW. For example, if you make a character and delete it your account has rights to that name for a certain amount of time. A month maybe?
The reason I ask is I’m wondering if it’s best to just make a character without customizing it to snag the name. Then delete it and remake it without the pressure of losing the name during the process.
Will the realm timezones be announced later this week as well?