Plunderstorm / Retail Bug - Plunderstorm Randomizes Retail Character Screen [Tracking Plunderstorm Bugs]

Playing Plunderstorm for a bit and then go back to retail.
The entire character list is randomized. Characters which I had organized by realm, faction, and levels are in entirely randomized order following playing Plunderstorm.
Organizing it again isn’t too bad, but I am curious if anyone else is experiencing this highly annoying bug.

After looking, this bug report thread seems to state the same issues: Quick bug: Logging over to Plunderstorm and back changed my login screen character order

This general discussion topic would be a nice fix if implemented - at least simplifying matters. Organization Request for Character List

Edit #1:
This thread states a similar issue as well. Character arrangement scrambled after Plunderstorm

Edit #2:
Another thread stating a similar issue. If plunderstorm rearranged your character list

Edit #3:
Another thread stating a similar issue - I am inclined to agree with this user that I don’t believe I’ll be doing Plunderstorm until this is fixed. WARNING: Entering Plunderstorm may REARRANGE your entire CHARACTER LIST

Edit #4:
Another concerning bug regarding Plunderstorm. Keep an eye out for it and document when it occurs. Warning: Plunderstorm Bug Wipes Recently Purchased Items – Be Cautious!

Edit #5:
Thread from July 2024 to current stating similar issues. Warband Character List Not Retaining Changes

Edit #6:
Some users in above threads have reported using the queue system inside of WoW to enter Plunderstorm removes the jumbling possibility. This user reports otherwise as well as some oddities with add-ons. I’m entirely vanilla so this aspect hasn’t been an issue for me - but it will be for many others. Queueing Plunderstorm via PVP frame enables ALL addons on return

Edit #7:
This user reports a possible solution as well.

Edit #8:
Another curious bug relating to plunderstorm. Plunderstorm Issue

Edit #9:
I used the queue system in game - even continued to queue after dying in Plunderstorm. The character list did not reorganize - this may be a possible solution for others as well, though some have reported this doesn’t work for them so do so at your own risk.

Edit #10:
Another bug regarding Plunderstorm. It appears if you purchase both Trading Post currencies at the same time there is chances that you’ll only be granted one of them. Trader’s tenders - Plunderstorm

Edit #11: It wound up resetting my character list based off of last played.

Edit #12:
Another reported Plunderstorm bug regarding the character select screen. Plunderstorm bugging main game

Edit #13:
Another report of the character screen shuffling. Plunderstorm Constantly resets my Character List
Another bug relating to Plunderstorm - cosmetics/purchases issue. Plunderstorm: Deadly Dagger bugged

Edit #14:
Another possible Plunderstorm bug - queue oddities. How long am I supposed to wait in Plunderstorm

Edit #15:
Bug relating to Plunderstorm mounts whilst in Steady Flight - Bird wings not flapping


Bumping this for notoriety, this man doing good work.

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