Plunderstorm Tourny winner bug exploit?

Apparently the dude that won exploited a bug that let him sit safely on top of a tower outside the reach of all player attacks as well as lightning ground strikes and just afked there until everyone else died to lightning.

Easiest $25k of his life and not a good look for Blizzard lol


Well yeah its echo, they always exploit to win and blizzard does nothing.


Yea… that was a very depressing end to the tournament. I wish Blizz reviewed this as an exploit and took actions accordingly. Finding a good high ground spot is one thing that seems fine to me, but when you realize that you are not getting hit by storm or any of the soft enrage circles that spawn on the ground and choose to sit in that exploited spot forever until the other person left eventually dies, then you are knowingly abusing the bug and thus an exploit. It’s as if in a race to world first race, a guild managed to bug a boss to not do any of it’s mechanics (e.g. the silken court bug but imagine RWF on last boss) and continue to kill the boss for a world first anyway.

Blizz has always had the play fair moto and I wish they would apply that here, but I feel like they rarely follow through with it in their esports events, which is depressing. This is nothing new. I still remember a previous TGP event where Echo abused a known hunter infinite misdirect bug to snap plagueborers across the map to push higher keys than everyone else. That was THE definition of an exploit. Abusing a known bug (e.g. hunter MD bug, even if you consider the snapping across the map “clever use of game mechanics”) to gain an unfair advantage, but blizzard allowed that too. I personally don’t get it. I respect Blizz and they make great games, have lots of great developers, but those in charge of decisions about banning/punishing exploiters don’t seem to follow through with and enforce Blizz’s own rules. It’s depressing to see esports tournaments like this so often won through bugs.


That was very disappointing to watch. Letting the exploiters win the tournament. And if you ever do that, you get banned. Special treatment for streamers!


The entire chat during that moment when the player was on the tower taking no damage were calling out “Cheat” and “Exploit”. The shoutcasters were laughing about it like it was nothing. Honestly, I think that team should have had their win revoked and they should have been suspended from the tournament. Albeit it being the end of the tournement.


It was disgusting to watch, and to listen to the casters cheer him on for a blatant and obvious exploit!
Mes couldn’t even see him to find out where he was, couldn’t have attacked him had he known, as he would have had to stop avoiding the lightning to launch ranged attacks at him.

Mes actually did an amazing job of avoiding the lightning until it became impossible to avoid. All while Gingi sat up there with a big grin on his face, knowing that he was completely immune to any dmg from the lightning, and that Mes couldn’t do anything but run around until the lightning killed him. Showing that Mes is the superior player, not the one sitting on the roof immune, while doing nothing but smiling.

I am appalled at the fact that the announcers thought it was funny, and that Bizzard obviously condoned this.


It just goes to show that Blizzard allows cheating if you make them look good. If you are a nobody, or a lowly paying customer, they will ban you in a heartbeat for using a tactic that was not meant to be exploited. The double standard is strong with this company.


Yeah, I’d disqualify them if I was Blizz if only for the optics. Does not look good for the company to have word spread around that your game’s bugs caused someone who exploited it to win.

Doesn’t give very good pr vibes about your company and the quality of its product.


Also, I just came across this clip from several months ago. So Naowh, also in same Echo guild as Gingi. Already encountered this exact bug in a previous Plunderstorm. So for Gingi to lie on stream and act like he didn’t know this was thing and only did it “because he saw Trill” there is completely disgusting. So he knowingly abused this bug to not take damage from the storm.

https:// clips. twitch. tv/SillyBoringBunnyCoolStoryBob-5eiosihaepB130OI

I am just more disgusted with Blizzard that between this, the previous TGP i mentioned, and on many other occasions. They have a track record of putting in rules about fair play and not tolerating exploits, then allow the same pro players in prize money tournaments to blatantly exploit live for the world to see and even condone and praise them for their win. I want to be respectful of Blizz because lots of great people work there, but this pattern for their esports tournaments is just indefensible. It feels so immorally wrong and disgusting.


So it’s a bug from a year ago that never got fixed?



I just lurk on the forums but I don’t understand why Blizz has a rulebook if they never enforce it, Echo and the plagueborer incident during MDI, their Gm admitted to gold buying a few years back and exploiting WA’s during the race.
I was cheering for pika and xaryu but seeing Mes and Cdew BOTH alive at the end while Gingi chilling in the tower poking them immune to dmg is horsecrap. Really disappointing ending.


Would be embarrassing for Blizz…if anyone really cared for the tournament that is.

Trashy exploiting players that never go unpunished or get a slap on the wrist, whats new.

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The tournament format was bad. Pika and Xaryu had the most points. And they went for the most kills. But, even if the scoring just gets people to the final round. I think that discovering a bug, then knowingly exploiting shouldnt be acceptable.

I think Pika and Xaryu deserve the Win on points. But, even going by the rules and not giving them the win, the pretty blatant exploit and cheese on the last plunder warrants a disqualification. Simple as that.

Allowing that to stand, really sets a bad precedent for any future tournaments. Instead of practicing on stream for plunder, future tournaments, will be off-stream efforts to look for bugs to exploit in a tournament. And that is a bad path to go down.


the fact that he couldn’t be damaged from the storm is an exploit but can’t blame him. At the end of the day it’s blizzards fault.

you’re surprised? The fact that season 2 is in the same location screams laziness. Changing a few abilities and calling it a new season. Pathetic really. Nothing surprising when it comes to content and blizzard.

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There was no “unintentional realization of him just standing there by dumb luck” it’s a known bugged spot since last plunderstorm and he intentionally used the known exploit to win.

Just like any exploit like this in retail for these types of situations, Blizzard only recently started handing out punishments for RWF/streamers after years of “exploit early and often” theme of years past.

This looks really bad on Blizzard if they do nothing.

It’s one thing to be above a player out of range, it’s another thing entirely to bug game mechanics that are 100% there to kill you for situations like this to cheese a tournament game. THIS ISNT SOME UNRANKED PLUNDERSTORM GAME. If it was no one would really care.


yes we can.
It’s called bad sportsmanship and anyone with respect wouldn’t have done it knowingly.
Even if it wasn’t known about, the moment you find something fishy like that, you either leave that area immediately, or take the L and take yourself out of the tournament for an unfair cheat win.
It’s called sportsmanship and integrity.
Yes, the fault lies with Blizz for not having fixed something like this, but it is also the fault of the player for taking pride in cheating and not calling it out.


This is the problem. This incident won’t set a good precedent. Does this mean Blizz considered this is all fine and encourage all players should do their best to find and use these ‘exploits’ from now on?


I guarantee others would have done it if they had known about it. it’s 25 grand in his pocket. No one cares at the end of the day, people will forget this in a week and the bug will still be present next year because you know it being blizzard and all that.