A new Plunderstorm reward is now available - Updated Feb. 5

Since the Plunderstorm returned to Azeroth, Cap’n Keg Leg has been holding back a fine reward.

As of about 10:00 a.m. PST today (January 31), this is now mostly fixed. Players who have accumulated 5,000 Plunder, or players who hereafter earn 5,000 Plunder should check their in-game mail for a message from Keg Leg containing loot.

  • Updated February 5
    Since implementing this reward on Friday, it has become clear that some players aren’t receiving it after earning an additional 5,000 Plunder. We’ve had our best code-pirates working on fixing the fix. We don’t yet have an ETA, but progress is being made thanks to player reports that we can look at.

will this be given to every character on the account or just a specific character?

i have earned over 250,000 plunder since this season of plunderstorm has released and have not seen any mail from Keg Leg on any characters.


I likewise haven’t seen any mail with this item today, having bought both new mounts, and pets I know I hit the relatively low 5k requirement.


Likewise, I’ve obviously acquired over 5k since I have multiple rewards of the store, including the 5k mounts, but I have not seen this item in the mail.

I’ve only logged 2 characters today, neither has it.

Chipping in with – this isnt working or the threshold is higher than 5k maybe?

I’ve bought the new Tmog set, Crocklisk and some other things - so def hit the 5k but same as above - logged in characters - nothing. Closed game entirely - and relogged in - still nothing.

I logged into my warrior and it was there, in the mail.

What’s not clear is if this is just a 1 time reward or a repetitive reward.

Can you elaborate? I have collected far more than that and did not get it. Is it also one per account? How do we know which is gettng it?

Yeah, same here. I went a played a few games to earn another 5K, logged all the way out of game & back in & haven’t received the mail.

Guess I’ll see if it shows up after the daily reset tomorrow.


Can you like… clarify this…? this post literallty doesnt explain anything. is it on characters, does the mode switching mess with it like how are community managers always so vague

It says I earned over 6k, but didn’t get the in-game mail.

I hate Blunderstorm and don’t want to bother with it again, can we please get an update?


it doesnt make sense. whats the point its not like they need to hide how it works.

I’m in the same boat. I had earned ( and spent) a couple K. After earning 3k more I checked to see if I got anything. Nope. So I went back and earned another 2.5K, so well over the 5K total. Still no mail. Oh yeah, all 5.5K earned after reading the Blue post around 11:30 PST


Ive possessed 5k at some point. I didn’t see anything

Similarly have not yet received said in-game mail despite having earned the requisite Plunder this season.

Either there is a bug preventing us from being flagged as qualifying for this reward, or there is an additional (yet unspecified) requirement we’ve not yet completed.

And also why can’t they say what it is? lol

Do I need to log on all my toons to see who got it…? Because there’s nothing on the ones I play the most.


Well I guess the bug isnt fixed. I bought both mounts from the new Plunderstorm and haven’t received anything in my mailbox.

Absolutely pointless, as was changing the TW weekly back to a random box.

I literally open these hoping for one item, a trinket, and not just a trinket, literally any trinket because my main is running a veteran trinket while sitting at 625.81 iLVL.

Just give us a dinar system for this crap already because for most of us at this point it’s ~150g to sell what the boxes give you.

I’m capped on Plunder and haven’t received this item in mail.

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They don’t show up in the mail. Check your mount tab.

edit: Never mind. I misunderstood.