Warband Character List Not Retaining Changes

I had gone through and sorted my character list the way I wanted it. I logged back in later, and none of the changes had been saved. The whole list, including the four “favorites” was back the way it was when I first logged in.


Same behavior here. Rearranged yesterday, back to Blizz’s original arrangement today.

Try logging in on each character as you place them in their positions in the list. I don’t recall having to do that before when sorting toons, but it worked this time.

Also had the same issue. I move the characters into the order I want. Then I logged into them. Then logged out last night. logged back in and the characters are all over the place again. This is the 3rd or 4th time now I have moved them all around. Each time logged them all. Only to come back the next day and the order is all over the place. My main character never is in the same place, and some non-played characters are in the “fav” position. I change it,…and it’s back again. So far it’s been 3-4 days of changing it each time. To the point now whether I wonder if I should bother doing it again.


I thought this may have been resolved, but I find if I swap from one computer to another (Desktop to laptop and vice versa), they are still reverting.
Also, not sure if this is part of it as well - but I have a couple of merged accounts (from a long time ago) and if I adjust the order on one, so it’s correct then it seems to then throw out the other account. Change that account and it then changes the 1st account. So wondering if that’s part of the reason as well? Or if it’s also combined with swapping computers too??

So this is still on going. Do other people have a similar issue when they a) either swap from one computer to another or b) have a merged account (2 or 3 accounts all under the same battle.net ID).
I haven’t seen it mentioned in “known issues”. I’ve tried all the normal fixes, remove wtf and caches folders. Remove all add ons. Put characters in order on one account, then log out to the second account. Or log one on each computer,…only to find all the characters are reset again.
I’m going round in circles and it’s driving me up the wall almost. Makes it hard to find characters when they’re all over the place. Especially seeing as it puts old never used characters on other servers into the “favourites”. and my mains are way down the bottom of the list.
Not sure what else to do. Hoping someone may be able to reply who does have multiple accounts on the same battle net to at least say it doesn’t happen to them,…or they have the same thing. So I know it’s just me,…or it’s a “known issue”.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Update 22.08.2024
Seems this is still going on?? I thought it had fixed itself as I’ve had a while of it “not” changing them. But again, tonight one of the merged accounts was in the correct order. I then logged into the other merged accounts and even though it has been in order for days,…it’s now back “out of order” again. Have tried to start a spreadsheet to see if there is a “reason” to it,…or to see if it does the same thing constantly (ie the order is the same). But so far I can’t see a pattern to it.
Does anyone have any ideas or how I get some help with this please. As it’s very frustrating having to re-order 20+ characters on multiple accounts all the time.

Issue does seem to still be going on. I have 3 accounts myself under the same bnet account but only really run 2. When I have 2 running at the same time and then close them, the order on the first account opened then changes the next time that account is loaded.

Just tested with my two accounts. Loaded main account, sorted the character list the way I wanted it, closed the game, then loaded the main account again. Once that loaded, I loaded my second account. Logged into a character on each. I then exited the game entirely. I did not go back to the character screen. Loaded main account again and once again character select is back to how it was rather than how I had it. Account 2 meanwhile is unaffected and sort is how I had it.

Test two, since I got annoyed sorting my list AGAIN which is like the 10th time since the patch hit, I just put my favorites back on my main account. Logged back into the exact same two characters as before. Logged out of account 1 back to the character select and then logged back out of account 2 back to character select. No changes to either list. Closed both games and restarted again. Favorites in account 1 remained as they were (remember, I didn’t resort the entire list for the umpteenth time). Reopened account 2 and sort was still as I left it.

Bit the bullet and resorted my characters AGAIN on account 1 (I have 34 characters on account 1 and 32 on account 2). Again, logged into the same 2 characters as before. Made sure account 1 was logged into the game before logging into character on account 2. Logged out of account 1 back to character select and then logged out of account 2 back to character select. Everything normal. Closed out of account 1 entirely. Repeated with account 2. Then reloaded both again. Account 1 character select same as how I sorted it. Account 2 also retains my sort.

Conclusion: the issue with the characters bouncing around in the character select seems to relate to just closing out of the game without returning to the character menu and closing it from there first, but it seems to target the first account opened if you have multiple accounts open at the same time.

Workaround: make sure to log back to out to character select and close the game from there. I hit the back button going back to the login screen and then close the game. That seems to keep the character sort. Closing the game outright while still logged into a character seems to be the cause of the issue.

Would be nice if we could have sort presets and sorts we can save ourselves. Something like sort alphabetically, by class, by faction, by level, most played, or custom sorts. Then allow us to pick multiple sorts at once like by faction and alphabetical or by level and faction.

Thank you for your reply Dyra - at least I know it’s just not me,…and good to get another person’s perspective on it as well. So thanks for that, appreciated.
Seeing a post reply is good, better then not hearing anything at all.
I generally do go back to the main character screen before exiting. But I shall try it again and perhaps just do things in a similar order to what you’ve mentioned and see if I can get the same result.
Wonder if other people with merged accounts have the same issue. It’s almost like merged accounts weren’t taken into account when the changes happened. lol.
Hopefully can find a) a work around or b) Blizzard will notice it and fix it.

Thank you again for the reply. Appreciated.

Adding to this, having same issue, and I do have multiple wow accounts. I’ve given up on keeping them sorted. It’s insanely annoying.

Thought I had this working again, as seemed to not revert the character order. But then I was trying to get an add-on to show all items across all characters for merged accounts. So Symlinked the account folders, and it’s now back to messing up the character list again.
So would appear a) it doesn’t like symlink folders in the WTF - Account . eg if I had wow1, wow2, wow3 and symlinked them wow1 folder, so all characters were stored in that folder (instead of each character for each account in it’s own folder). Once I symlinked the folders,…the problem is back. So guess I have to a) put up with sorting the character list all the time or b) realise that trying to find stuff across all characters with an add-on just isn’t an option. (Given have lots of Lua errors for Altoholic add-on a) is looking to be a better option, as constantly having to sort out the character list all the time just does my head in. But then, trying to find “which character had item x” is now a nightmare to try and find stuff. It’s a lose-lose situation. And all it worked perfectly fine before TWW!! That’s the annoying part. Hmmm.

Mine are symlinked (junctions in windows) and have been since like BC. I’ve given up on keeping my characters in order.

I have had this happen twice. It rearranges all my characters and clears favorites. Blizz plz fix.

This happened to me for the first time this week.

I put my top 4 back in favorites of my warband, organized a FEW of them, but they have magically rearranged themselves again… so this has happened twice to me.

list got moved around for no reason after I bought two wow tokens on my AH toon, was only on said toon for less than 10 minutes, favorites got cleared too. happened a few times the last week of prepatch too. is blizz aware the list is still buggy?

Still seems to be doing it in patch 11.0.5. Ordered characters,…log in to another account,…characters are out of order again. spend time re-ordering them,…only to have it “revert”. Don’t see why it all worked fine before,…and now,…broken.

Even after more “updates”/restarts still seems to be happening. And it’s not just because accounts are “merged” into one folder, as one computer has them completely seperate. But still seems to be on merged accounts.
Wonder if there will be a fix for this? Or they don’t/can’t test it as a) they don’t have merged accounts and/or b) they don’t use Simlinked folders???
But still quite annoying to have to try and keep re-ordering characters all the time.

I noticed something else with this,…which makes it even more “weirder”.
So I have a few merged accounts, under the one Battle.net account. And some will stay sorted, and the other won’t.
For example, I’ll call them wowA, wowB, wow2, wow3 and wow4…
wowA and wowB, will stay sorted, and so far haven’t go out of order. wow2 , wow3 and wow4 keep going out of order when I put them back to how they should. Then next time I log in,…out of order again. And it’s the same if I log in to them different computers. wowA and wowB are both in correct character order on BOTH computers. wow2, wow3 and wow4 are back to being out of order again.
Trying to find a “logic to it”,…does not make sense.

Just another thought on this,…
But I was just wondering ,…does anyone know if the “character list” comes from the server side, or if it’s something stored in settings locally? As obviously if it’s “server side”, then there’s probably little we can do about it. But if it’s a character list locally, then may be able to see where it’s going wrong. (hopefully). Still an annoying thing to have a lot of characters always “out of order”.

Every day,…resorting,…the same list. Only to have it “Reset” again the next day. Very repetitive. Very time consuming. Still the same. Sort. Reset. Sort. Reset.

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I thought that perhaps this was just me, I moved my Toons around because I only play a couple of them. And figured that the easiest way to keep track of them was to have them in order, of which Toons I ran through Dungeons and Delves for this week. But each time I log off and log back in, the Toons that I moved into my “Favorites” or the first 4 Toon positions are all the way back down my list again! It’s frustrating :frowning:

Yes, thought it might be fixed by now. So backed up my WTF folder. Then made Symlinks for the other accounts to my main account - using the steps on Wowhead. (ie wow2 Symlinks to wow1, wow3 symlinks to wow1). Logged my first account. All was in order. Logged my second account. All was order. Yay. Logged my third account,…nope,…all out of order. So I ordered them into the correct order. Logged back to first account. Back out of order again. Sigh.
Such a real pain. Good to say “player time is important to us”,…really isn’t important to them. Thing is,…it worked fine for many many many many years. And now,…broken all the time. Guess it’s not on their radar to fix. Like the guild bank item loss. Yet another issue to add to pile of issues.

Bump. Still going on and ive tried all the tips and tricks to keep it the same, but every single time i log in i have to rearrange them. its annoying