Pirate's Booty Item Bugged

The new Pirate’s Booty item, purchased with Keg-Leg’s Silver Spoils is bugged and cannot be opened. I received the silver token in the mail on my main, purchased the Pirate’s Booty and attempted to put it in my Warband bank. It would not go in, so I mailed it to an alt instead. The alt received the item and has it in their bags, but it will not open.


Same issue! Hopefully it’s fixed soon.

same here!

Same issue for me as well.

Same. I bought the chest on my main, mailed it to my fresh 80 and it can’t be opened, moved, mailed, or deleted. It’s permanently occupying the backpack slot it came out of the mail in.

Same issue same situation. Something I should mention the character that got the mail originally was alliance, the character I sent it to was Horde. I dont wanna test if this is the issue by sending this to an alliance alt. But something to mention.

I’m also seeing this issue, same situation, but both characters were Horde and on the same server. WoWhead shows others experiencing this as well.

I am also having this issue, I have submitted a bug report as well and hoping we will get some sort of blue post confirmation of a possible fix soon.

Still Broken - 4 days later

Bet they won’t fix it as fast as they fixed the bug where you could see your reward for doing 5 TW dungeons before even accepting quest!


I am also having the same problem.

Same problem, purchased Pirate’s Booty and sent it to my alt but the bag wont open.

Same here. Bought on main and sent to alt but it won’t open. Same faction. Relogging, sending to another char, etc does not fix it.

Still bugged, I am feeling like this will not get fixed

Same issue. Tried mailing the item to an alt and couldn’t open it. Tried putting it in warbank, grabbed with another toon, couldn’t open it. Relaunching the game and restarting my pc didn’t work either. Opened a ticket, was told to post on the forums.

Same issue. Mailed it to my alt and now I can’t do anything with it. It’s just in his inventory

Bump. Still broken.

You guys GOT your Pirate’s Plunder?

Make sure you’re checking your various alts. They won’t necessarily have the mail indicator on the character select screen. Mine was on a character I had logged into recently just to collect a fan from the skinning elite in RD.

Item is bugged for me as well. Sent a bug report in game as well. Hopefully they will fix this by Tuesday’s reset.

Bugged for me as well. Sent Pirate’s Booty to alt and I cant open it up.

I sent it back to the alt that I bought the Pirate’s Booty on and it allowed me to open it up for that character.