0 Players alive except me, but no victory credit?

I was last alive in Plunderstorm, but everyone else died from storm. I didn’t get credit for the win lol. Not complaining really, just a funny bug(?). Wondering if anyone else had seen it :slight_smile:

I have a screenshot of final alive but can’t post the link obviously.

Upload image to a site like Imgur and then copy the link. To post it here, add ` on both side of the link without space.

That would make an image link will make it appear like this: https://i.imgur.com/7kE9xvE.jpeg without being clickable as Blizzard forum doesn’t permit outside link unless you’re on a highly trusted account.


Trying to link screenshot:


Edit: Thank you for the tip about the `s! Also, the announcer said something like “Well, we’ll try again next time” basically referencing “nobody” surviving.