Is this cheating?

Obviously I can’t figure out how to put in a ticket because your guys’ system is amazingly stupid but I am trying to figure out if joining a queue at the same time for the old AV is against the rules.

In an old AV I just did, according to someone, their old guild had a group of people queueing together to stack the queue and were working together to make a premade.

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Our ticket system tends to only allow tickets that our Support staff can assist with. This would not be one of them. If you believe someone is cheating, use the right click report system by clicking on their character portrait and selecting Report For: Cheating.

To be clear though, queuing at the same time as someone else isn’t considered cheating.

If they are using other means to do so, that might be, but basically going… “One, two, click!” has never been.


Okay, that’s kind of what I thought but the guy who was accusing them of this (and in their old guild who said he was listening in) didn’t say anything about an addon. Obviously I can’t report them now anyway. Oh well, thank you. I was 4 - 0 before that one :frowning:

People like to boast about what they think the rules are; either banking on the fact that they’re talking to someone who also hasn’t read them, but is gullible; or just repeating what they’ve been told or what they believe the rules to be.


Oh no people playing an MMO like to play with their friends lol

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Way back in the day you had to go to the actual BG tk queue for it. And if I recall properly it was solo queue.

So we would all over voice comms count it down and queue together and hope we got the same one.

I might be completely misremembering this though. It was a long time ago

I wonder if the event does not take party queues and this is why they are doing this. Pure speculation though. Haven’t done it yet.


That’s exactly how it was done.


Even when you qued at the exactly the same time there was still a chance more people in your group could end up in different AV’s. Either way doing so is not cheating.

Sure if 20 something people do it at the same time there is a good chance many could be in the same AV but did not always turn out that way.


So you necroed a year old thread to cast shade?


blame me… i linked the blue post in another thread because they were screaming that premades are cheating.

weird, you didn’t seem to mention this in the other thread.
i’m pretty sure that’s not permitted.
…but i also doubt that’s what’s happening.


ah, okay. :+1: