Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Good grief. There’s a whole lot of strawmanning in your post. Bear with me as I break it down for everybody here so you learn from this experience. SMH.

Except that you didn’t. That quote you linked said the following:

It’s definitely not an exploit to enter the queue at the same time using Voice Chat or another communication method.

There is no reference at all in this statement to sync queuing multiple 5 man premades/a raid into 5 man pug content. A 3 man group can fulfill the criteria you quoted just as much as a 40 man raid team can. It is therefore ambiguous as to what exactly vrak was actually saying here. The person who asked the question also worded it poorly as it could also be misinterpreted as queuing as a single 5 man group.

I’ve already done that in my previous response to this in the bg forum. This statement by vrak:
Continuing the discussion from Is this cheating?:

In no way supports your argument. Lets systematically break down your argument, shall we?

Irrelevant. The fact that tickets are not the avenue for issues that are believed to be exploits or cheating or non-intended gameplay is irrelevant to the issue at hand. It’s vrak merely pointing out the fact that the OP used the incorrect method to file the issue. The avenue for addressing these sorts of issues are reports. Again, Vrak is simply pointing out that the OP in that thread used the incorrect method to raise the issue with blizz. It’s no different to when the countless threads on the CS forum whine about “being banned for no reason”, when literally everybody tells them that they need to file an appeal and posting in the CS forum does nothing to help them.

Incorrect. Nobody here has said anything about issues with queuing with other people (read definition: more than 1 person). This is the crux of your entire strawman argument. You have taken the fact that vrak said you can queue with other people and stretched it to potentially mean you can queue a single cohesive 20-40 man raid into max 5 man premade content.

The only person who has no leg to stand on here is you. You have used classic cherry picking and strawman argument tactics in a vain attempt to try to twist vraks words to fit your own opinion on the matter to try to mean something vrak never said. The only person gaslighting themselves here is you. Stop pretending you think you have any form of legitimacy on this. You don’t. Deal with it.

Now that that’s out of the way. Let’s actually break down vraks entire post so that I don’t have to repsond to these kind of gaslighting strawman bad-faith arguments again:

As mentioned, all vrak is saying here is that the OP used the incorrect tool to report what the offending behavior. Vrak in no way has said that because the in-game ticketing system is the incorrect tool used, that that therefore means said offending behavior is acceptable since tickets about it won’t be addressed or looked at.

And this is true for 2 people queuing together as well. Which is by no means a 40 man raid. It is therefore left to open interpretation what vrak is actually saying here. But when we consider the fact that the queue system does NOT allow teams of greater than 5 players to queue into such BG’s, we must therefore conclude that doing so, is by definition circumventing the intended gameplay paradigm and rules implemented by blizz. There is no way you can escape that fact. Should you disagree with this fact, you are more than welcome to attempt to queue a 1 group raid team into an EBG. If you are successful, please report back here. I’ll wait. Although it might be a long wait.

This is probably the only line that could be vaguely misconstrued to mean what you want it to mean. However it is open to interpretation due to said vagueness. I believe it is simply referring to the fact that there may be an issue if such people are using “some other means” (unclear as to what vrak is referring to) to queue up. Perhaps the use of sync addons? Otherwise he is saying it’s perfectly fine to queue with other people into a BG at the same time. No where in this statement does it explicitly state that this is referring to organised raids into max 5 man premade pug content.

At the end of the day, you cannot get away from the fact that the current queue system does not allow single group raids to queue into such content. Most reasonable people will conclude that if the game itself does not allow you to perform a certain action, then that action is not something the developers of said game want performed. Otherwise where does it end? How about I try to get 10 people into an m+ dungeon? Perhaps 40 people into a mythic raid? Oh. What’s that? The portal won’t let me in? Huh. That’s weird. :thinking: