Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Yeah the it’s ok to queue sync seems contradictory to me.

Ok you have quoted what cheating is. How does that apply to queue syncing when they have said specifically

The two are incompatible, but they are both official statements from Blizzard. I am at a loss as how you don’t see the COC (fyi this is from the code of conduct not the terms of service, the TOS has a different but similar description of cheating) and the blue posts are not compatible.

Queue syncing fits the label of cheating, but has been ok’d by blizzard. Thats the whole issue right now. It is labeled as both bad by definition of bing unfair, and thus cheating…and has been explicitly ok’s on 2 occasion by Blizzard employees seperated by about 12 years. You keep saying it is not ok, and that Blizzard has said so and ignoring that they ALSO said it was allowed at the level of queue syncing.

To me that means ok to get a few in, but not ok to queue drop…but they haven’t directly said that and it needs cleared up. I think that stinks and both should be labeled cheats based on general fairness of the mode. I hope they over ride their earlier statements and say that…and then actually do something about the cheaters.