This is not what I’m saying is cheating, although this quote is again seriously lacking in context or details.
What is cheating is amassing in Discord, assembling multiple parties, and then coordinating to join the same exact match with the other parties in order to bypass an in-game limitation. I don’t say how many other ways I can say this. It is defined as cheating in the CoC.
And let’s say for the sake of argument that Vrakthris did say that doing this was not cheating: Vrak would be WRONG. He does not make the rules.

It’s entire beef is dishonest.
That’s hypocritical coming from you, using the argument from authority fallacy. And if you don’t know what that means, it is assuming credibility in one’s argument on the basis of citing an individual or group with certain credentials or positions. Vrak is a staff member, but does not make the rules at Blizzard and is not a reference point for what is permitted or not.