Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

Yeah, I played during those eras when Raids could queue up together as one group. If Blizz wants to bring them back fine, and have them face each other.

I can’t recall when the change was from raids being able to queue to raids being unable to queue though. (which is the point being made)

Blizz / Microsoft is a business, most of what they do is tailored towards what makes them most money. The era of good customer support and listening to the different pvp community overall has long gone.

Can you queue as a raid using the current system into an Epic BG ? Just answer that one for me bud :wink:

Correct me if im wrong, but aren’t you in the same community as Inemia ? I recall seeing another forum poster say something about how that community dropped queues for a couple of hours because they couldn’t get into the same game…

Just get an up to date blue post from them, surely someone as highly ranked and amazing as yourself would be able to get that. /s

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