Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Sure I can:

And we can also deconstruct what Vrak said:

  1. The ticket system only impacts things related to the game. It doesn’t deal with things like Discord or other common systems outside of the game.
    This clearly means that this is talking referring to what’s possible in-game.
  2. “Queuing at the same time as someone else isn’t considered cheating. If they are using other means to do so, that might be, but basically going… ‘One, two, click!’ has never been.”
    The statement here showcases that playing alongside another premade group (outside of one’s own) is allowed.

So unless you can demonstrate a way to circumvent this IN GAME, your case is dead. Like it has always been. Folks keep bringing up “but raid teams can’t join a BG”, correct. So if a raid team was able to join as a raid team then yes, that would be an exploit.

But no, queuing at the same time and accepting a queue at the same time is not cheating. It ain’t an exploit to talk and communicate with other people.
No matter however many times ya’ll keep pretending it is.

None of you have a leg to stand on, no matter however much ya’ll keep pretending that you do.