Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I’ve previously adressed this statement by vrak. I still maintain that he was not giving the go ahead for 40 man premades to queue into 5 man content. See my previous response from the BG forum below:

I don’t know how much experience you have with the blues, but it is relatively common for them to cherry pick certain aspects of a post to comment on without addressing the thread itself. They do it all the time in the CS forum. Which, judging by the wording on vraks post, would also seem to indicate.

Again, I just don’t see his post as explicitly acknowledging mass pre-made sync queues. Which is what the OP of that thread was actually talking about.

Basically it boils down to that post being wide open to interpretation. So I don’t think it can be relied upon to prove blizzs stance on the issue either way.

What people really need is a proper post on it just like they did for multiboxers when they finally addressed that issue. Prior to that, you could also find similar blue responses re multiboxers as they tap danced around the issue for many years. For many years prior, pro multiboxers arguers would often cite the fact that blizz hadn’t explicitly commented on the issue or done anything about it as proof positive that blizzs stance on it was that it was a grey area they were unwilling to do anything about. That is, until they did. Then all those people had to shut up. I still remember the rage threads posted by said individuals as their new reality came crashing down upon them. They were very angry.

My guess is the reason why they haven’t properly addressed the issue is the same reason it took them so many years to address the multiboxers. They’re waiting for the issue to get to such a critical mass, that they have no choice but to deal with it. I suspect premades are rapidly approaching said mass. But who knows. I don’t have access to the raw numbers.